You make it sound like there’s beef, chill nerd. I’ve known him for years, his ass makes it impossible to get ahold of. Plus he’s never on.relax nerd i already tol d him. if he doesnt anwt ot answer thats your problem
Im down 40lbs and theres no sign on stopping,He died from choking on his neck fat, it was on the news
Since thot cant reach his back, im gonna be the man who steps up and has it for him.
Stop calling him fat. Thotfc is more than aware of the fact he is overweight & he is trying to make progress towards a healthier lifestyle. Keep talking shit but I've seen this kid devour a woman's reproductive organ faster than he has ever eaten a cupcake...I've seen this kid capture flags faster than he has choked on his own spit. This man cant be stopped. Dont try to bring him down.
slice off an ass cheek and youll be down 150Im down 40lbs and theres no sign on stopping,
slice off an ass cheek and youll be down 150