I’m making a 59 no question. But would only be really nice with a guild. Epic ground mount possible from BGs. farming ZG with potentially a group/guild of 59 twinks for some BIS pieces, this guild also could do 5 mans to help certain classes get a BIS epic they need for example felstriker dagger from UBRS (could be wrong on name) that grants free strikes or the 2hander from strath off Baron. World PvP where you actually put up a fight against the 99% of the player base (60s). Probably lots of other good reasons to 59>19, and I’m sure I’ll get backlash from this but I’m sorry it’s just true.
I’m making a 59 no question.
I have been extensively researching making a 59 Twink and I basically figure if you want to get the most out of your twinking experience you should probably make your twink in stages. I fully anticipate that when Classic releases it will be with patch releases, much like Vanilla had. With that in mind you really won't be able to even make a decent 59 twink until the PVP gear comes out in 1.6 and later 1.7. My thinking is if I'm going to get that mount I'm going to probably earn much of my honor in the 49 bracket first. Then when you're ready make that last push in the 59 bracket. Then when those drop you have a squad
Also consider this, a lot of the good gear in the 59 bracket isn't "more easily" obtained until further down in the patch releases. For instance Scholomance doesn't become a 5 man instance until patch 1.10, which for a lot of classes at 59 has really good gear. Even further down some pieces of gear which appear to be Rare (blues) in the vanilla databases are actually Uncommon (greens) until patch 1.12.1 (from my investigation). Pieces like the Cadaverous Garb come to mind (which are ok greens but amazing blues).
The final push for BIS is pretty ridiculous and you have to plan for this meticulously if you are to obtain it. You might even consider trying to learn about multi-boxing if you want to get them (especially if you want Felstriker or some of the 0.5 tier pieces). As much as it would be awesome to get a guild dedicated to running UBRS and ZG that could be difficult to coordinate in the 59 brackets (it will depend on the popularity). But you can solo farm some mobs in ZG for coins/bijou with a geared enough mage.
However, I'm with you on that 100%
5 man UBRS and ZG etc would be cake with 59s who all know their class. Hell, it would actually make it fun compared to 60s who can burn thru it no problem. Reason I think 59s earlier would be logical because it gives time to the guild to form while waiting for ZG patch and pvp system patch
[doublepost=1527615538][/doublepost]Also progression is progression. If I’m dedicating all of my classic re-release to 59s, ima want whatever the BIS is throughout each patch, like its my main. I feel like that will be more enjoyable for me personally. Also why do you recon that 49 would be easier to get, from what I can remember, the title needed thru pvp system, mount?
Wasn't AV level 51-60 in vanilla? if this is correct, wouldn't the 60s have quite an advantage on the 59 twinks?
UBRS wasn't changed to a 5 man instance until Cata, it was a 15 man raid up until 1.10 and then went to a 10 man raid. So not say you couldn't try to run it as a 5 man, but seeing how it wasn't tuned for that you might find the level of difficultly to be extreme.5 man UBRS and ZG etc would be cake with 59s who all know their class.
What you can't control is RNG and ninjas (unless you multi-box), if you want BIS, you need to plan ahead, not just hop into the Blackrock at level 53 and start running BRD. Or hop in a Strat run at level 58. You really can't run it like your main because if you want BIS every patch eventually you're going to run out of what twinks covet the most .... their available xp. You need to obtain that gear well before you are actually ready to wear it.ima want whatever the BIS is throughout each patch, like its my main.
The max PVP rank for the 59 bracket is Rank 12 and at Rank 11 (which is can be reached at level 53) you can earn the 100% mount. So for the majority of the grind you can get nearly there in a completely different bracket. Keep this in mind, when you are having fun in the 49 bracket (if you want to) with your BIS twink there, you can farm instances (having twink being carried) like DMN:T, BRD, LBRS and get all your gear all before reaching level 50.Also why do you recon that 49 would be easier to get, from what I can remember, the title needed thru pvp system, mount?
UBRS wasn't changed to a 5 man instance until Cata, it was a 15 man raid up until 1.10 and then went to a 10 man raid. So not say you couldn't try to run it as a 5 man, but seeing how it wasn't tuned for that you might find the level of difficultly to be extreme.
What you can't control is RNG and ninjas (unless you multi-box), if you want BIS, you need to plan ahead, not just hop into the Blackrock at level 53 and start running BRD. Or hop in a Strat run at level 58. You really can't run it like your main because if you want BIS every patch eventually you're going to run out of what twinks covet the most .... their available xp. You need to obtain that gear well before you are actually ready to wear it.
By all means you are welcome to try but I'll give you a good example, if you want to level to 59 and lets say it's patch 1.5, well you still have patch 1.7 to come out (ZG) and you still have patch 1.10 to come out (Tier 0.5 gear), and lowered Scholo and UBRS difficultly. But damn you've already hit level 59 because you wanted to get the best available gear for BIS at 59, but before all the really good gear has actually become available to you. Though you may have a "BIS" twink at patch 1.5, you won't be able to do anything more with your twink because you'll likely have maxed out your opportunities with now (rested) XP being your worst enemy.
The max PVP rank for the 59 bracket is Rank 12 and at Rank 11 (which is can be reached at level 53) you can earn the 100% mount. So for the majority of the grind you can get nearly there in a completely different bracket. Keep this in mind, when you are having fun in the 49 bracket (if you want to) with your BIS twink there, you can farm instances (having twink being carried) like DMN:T, BRD, Strat, LBRS and get all your gear all before reaching level 50.
The sooner you can get your gear (in your bags) and leave the rest of your xp for questing rewards, like Tier 0.5 actually the better off you will be in the long run.
Here's the good news, if you cap your character at 59 and don't get everything on your wish list. All is not lost, there is a ton of good pvp gear you can eventually get. And there is a ton of really good BOE items you can equip and still live out your days as a hell razer.
if you're in a twinking guild or if you're spending tons of gold to dungeon boosts? Is it still easy without any these kind of support? I haven't experienced vanilla twinking. Asking to learn more. Thanks for answers.Dungeons gear is easy.
if you're in a twinking guild or if you're spending tons of gold to dungeon boosts? Is it still easy without any these kind of support? I haven't experienced vanilla twinking. Asking to learn more. Thanks for answers.