US Bracket Queue Thread

youre a good storyteller

i need not explain myself to you

Referring to how you afkd out because you were mad your team was full of level 10s? Even though Ally won? You afkd out of a win because your team was apparently undergeared. #logic

I need not explain myself to you as well. It does give me a big head to know that my absence stirs concern in your mind though! Don't worry to much if I'm not in every game!
Referring to how you afkd out because you were mad your team was full of level 10s? Even though Ally won? You afkd out of a win because your team was apparently undergeared. #logic

I need not explain myself to you as well. It does give me a big head to know that my absence stirs concern in your mind though! Don't worry to much if I'm not in every game!
pretty much, i dont have time to listen to level 10 retards in white gear who were there only to troll and shit talk people

one day one of your bans on me will stick but until then my 100% dodge rate keeps me free to use this forum




This is bullshit.
factioned my pally and playing holy because i cba making a priest atm. unless someone wants to make a kind donation

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