US Bracket Queue Thread

EVERYONE QUE UP THE GULCH! I know the ques are bugged, so make sure to send a ticket to blizzard, and still que up!
It's been very slow lately. I've personally been working on mains / alts and that has taken up most of the free time that I get.

If we don't see a pop within the next few days we should consider focusing on a string of days to organize queues on.

Another thing people need to remember, queuing Random and queueing Specific WSG is what we need to do if we want to see pops. There are a LOT of twinks out there right now whom we aren't even aware of at this point, who are queuing skirmishes all day long. We need to talk with those people and let them know that they can help us get WSG pops.

From the skirmishes that I've queued in the past few weeks, and the WSGs that I've been in... It's obvious that right now there are a LOT more 19 twinks than we realize. Being in games where I only recognize 2 - 3 names and the rest are all unknown to me says 19 twinking is on an incline in numbers from the past.

It's clear that we have the numbers, what we need is the organization and the spread of information through word of mouth. This means talking to every 19 you come across. I get it if you want to queue a few skirmishes, that's completely understandable and a good warmup. But do so BEFORE our scheduled WSG queue times and help people become aware of our WSG queue time of 8 PM EST and as soon as we're close to 8 PM, stop queuing skirmishes as that will ONLY slow down our queues for everyone.

I feel as though, this information is known... People say they "want" to play WSG yet I know there are MANY twinks who are on their twinks every day, and they never queue for random BG and specific WSG at 8 PM EST.

If people really want WSG pops, they need to get on board and queue strictly for WSG at our scheduled time.
Probably shouldn't encourage people to queue both random and specific WSG. If there is actually a bug with queues, it most likely has something to do with the random BG queue. There weren't any problems when everyone was just queueing specific WSG, and randoms have always been finicky for XP-off pops. There's no reason to use both outside of wanting to get into consecutive games more often.

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