Bracket is way more broken next patch

Guys, guys! You're arguing over the definition of twinking. Who cares? You could instead be spending your time figuring out how to get games that are actually fun, rather than complaining about how bad they are. As near as I can tell...

- F2Ps are outgeared by P2Ps.
- Class balance is screwed up.
- There are trolls, newbs, and juveniles on powertrips everywhere.

How about some solutions? Has anyone even tried anything?

- Find people who aren't trolls or juveniles.
- Teach the newbs... gently.
- Go somewhere else (another bracket or another version of WoW).

Example: on Molten, our 19 29 39 and 49 twink communities disappeared a year ago. So in August we started recruiting, and building twinks. Now, we have tons of 19 and 29 twinks, and are getting 39s and 49s up too. Population problem solved.

Next problem: a lot of our players are complete noobs. So we're training them. We can't just kick them out for being noobs, so we're teaching them how to improve. By summer, I expect we'll have pro 10v10s happening at 19. We already have great 10v10s happening at 29, tho there's still room for improvement.

As for trolls and juveniles? The base rules in our guild is "Try not to be a jerk, and watch your guildies' backs". When someone starts acting like a jerk, I talk to them privately and figure out what's wrong and fix it, or explain to them that they're being a jerk and need to stop. Works 95% of the time, surprisingly.

So how about some ideas for solutions here? Or perhaps those of you who aren't trolls can just join our community and make it stronger? After all, the primary message I'm reading here is that there's "no hope". =P
Yeah we had the solution for the problem in the us; level 19 f2p wargames and wpvp :) It is the only solution for f2p. Atm i joined the level 24 twink guild Gurubashi Surf Club for its guild wargames. Playing against f2p aint worth my time atm. About teaching said newbs, ive done that so much in the past, gave them gear and such but those days are over for me :)
achmed, we're not ganging up on, but you really are wrong about f2ps not being twinks. what would you call them then? trials? ok... so why do you need a trial when you have a full account?
how is this thread still not locked? lol
Allright i dont understand, half of the crap said. The way i see it, "twinking" is general min-maxing within the restrictions set by what level you decide to "twink" at.. Now they dont have to be PVP brackets, but this is the more common type.
So in this case, how is 20, or even 90 not considered "twinking"? I understand there is uncertainty with end game levels, but still.
Please enlighten me here... (logic only please)
Allright i dont understand, half of the crap said. The way i see it, "twinking" is general min-maxing within the restrictions set by what level you decide to "twink" at.. Now they dont have to be PVP brackets, but this is the more common type.
So in this case, how is 20, or even 90 not considered "twinking"? I understand there is uncertainty with end game levels, but still.
Please enlighten me here... (logic only please)

20 is twinking your getting the best gear within your restrictions.

90 (as i said in the only post in 22 pages of this thread that mentioned it.) is PARTLY twinking as said above, gaining the best gear/enchants within your restrictions.

honestly how is no one getting this? its really quite a simple concept to comprehend.
20 is twinking your getting the best gear within your restrictions.

90 (as i said in the only post in 22 pages of this thread that mentioned it.) is PARTLY twinking as said above, gaining the best gear/enchants within your restrictions.

honestly how is no one getting this? its really quite a simple concept to comprehend.

"20 is twinking your getting the best gear within your restrictions."
"90 is PARTLY twinking as said above, gaining the best gear/enchants within your restrictions."

How is one considered partial, when their overall outcomes and goals are the same.

Edit: Im just trying to learn here, if i anger or offend you in any way its not my intent :D
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"20 is twinking your getting the best gear within your restrictions."
"90 is PARTLY twinking as said above, gaining the best gear/enchants within your restrictions."

How is one considered partial, when their overall outcomes and goals are the same.

Edit: Im just trying to learn here, if i anger or offend you in any way its not my intent :D

google wow twinking, take the aspects of a 90 and compare the differences to a level 19 twink.
"20 is twinking your getting the best gear within your restrictions."
"90 is PARTLY twinking as said above, gaining the best gear/enchants within your restrictions."

How is one considered partial, when their overall outcomes and goals are the same.

because... leveling to 90 and pimping you're character is what you're s'pose to do, that IS wow... pve grind.... pvp grind, wow in a nutshell.

twinking, at any level was never the developers intentions. blizzard has actually said they're neither for, or against it.

with achmed's logic none of us are twinks, we're doing what 90s do, but at a level we prefer.... which is actually true... but the term to describe that is twinking. sooooo, with that in mind, what would you describe f2p as?
because... leveling to 90 and pimping you're character is what you're s'pose to do, that IS wow... pve grind.... pvp grind, wow in a nutshell.

twinking, at any level was never the developers intentions. blizzard has actually said they're neither for, or against it.

with achmed's logic none of us are twinks, we're doing what 90s do, but at a level we prefer.... which is actually true... but the term to describe that is twinking. sooooo, with that in mind, what would you describe f2p as?

Twinking within the restriction of a trial account. imho.
what would you describe f2p as?

I think 24's are much like the existing 19,29,39 twinks, and f2p's are the levelers. The f2p cries here are no different than the QQ twink posts we saw all over the official forums years ago, and the argument for "twinks" having 'no skill' and 'failing at end game'; they haven't changed either :p
220 replies in a week ? brb reading guys :D
I think 24's are much like the existing 19,29,39 twinks, and f2p's are the levelers. The f2p cries here are no different than the QQ twink posts we saw all over the official forums years ago, and the argument for "twinks" having 'no skill' and 'failing at end game'; they haven't changed either :p

yep, i get what you're saying completely, but the f2p's that have played other brackets should know better. i don't honestly see a problem if you're not using your character to grief them.

i don't think p2p should have to play their way, but... i do think f2p's should have access to our enchants.
Neah, F2P's are not levellers and 24's are just pests coming to a fertile ground that is the F2P bracket ;)

How are f2p not like levellers? They are playing a lesser level, lesser geared toon in a bracket dominated by leet geared twinks, but choose not to become part of the corruption so stay within their limitations. You could compare their limitations to having or not having enough gold to afford the BIS enchants so they settle for the affordable ones. I know f2ps consider the bracket their own but that's not the case and no argument will convince people otherwise - Blizzard should lock the bracket as 20 only if that was the intention. In f2p eyes the big bad 24s are like the old skool 19/29 gankers and the f2ps (in 24 eyes) are the levelling fodder.

I know you are only trolling but I think my analogy is a good one :p
Why they're not levellers?
You misread me, I said:

How are f2p not like levellers?

I agree with all f2p arguments, and I agree with all 24 arguments too.. Maybe I contradict myself every time I play 24 :rolleyes:

It all boils down to ones choices after they understand that 24 hurt the bracket. Do they join the f2p community? or do they continue to stomp on fotm 24? - This is the part you are interested in, right? 24 mentality?

f2ps think 24's are stupid for paying to shit on lesser geared players, and likewise 24's think f2p's are stupid for NOT levelling up and choosing to play with restrictions

I like that this thread allows some discussion between the pro's and con's of each side but you will never convince each other, that's why I generally stay away from these arguments. I will step away now, and let you continue your bloodbath :)

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