From your broken logic, yeah, 90's is a form of twinking. Start living in the present kiddo.
So, now you're so pissed that you started with "get a life"? "Moms, dads, wifes" attacks soon i suppose? Careful now, these will might get you infractions. Cuz that's all you can do, you and your silly gang of 19's that are so annoyed about my presence on these forums... oh i forgot, you cba cuz it's internet, right?
Anyways, your so called facts = shit. You're all just desperate to prove something, but you prove nothing, no solid fact stated. You all live in the past, in your closed 19 bracket. Please, be my guest and live there but, let us, the ones that live in the present, speak freely. Or, at least come up with some straight facts not only bull#$its.
I'll say again, hope i don't need to draw it. Twinking died when XPoff/XPon bg's arrived. Ok sugartits? Thanks for understanding