bracket balance

Don't make me spam denounce at you

Denounce for 400 crits. Penance for 300-400 crits in pvp. Resto Cats still annoying but atleast they die if they don't spam heals. Oh yeah i sure like dying when a healer stands next to me and spams dps. Great fun. Atleast i won't have to deal with Spriests who heal for a fuck ton at 90.
Blizzard needs to fix healers. They're not as bad as last patch but a healer shouldn't be able to out-DPS people, ever.
5 flowers for exceprt 44 sp which u can buy a cooking set with 25 smorcs for 5 flowers

Bag of Smorc Ingredients costs 5 flowers has 1 'Charge' and grants 5 Toasted Smorcs, how does it create 25 again?

Edit: I've been saying, for the past couple of weeks, that healer dps is way too overtuned (at least for Paladins, Druids, Priests and Monks - Shamans are fine on that part = most balanced healer)...
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Bag of Smorc Ingredients costs 5 flowers has 1 'Charge' and grants 5 Toasted Smorcs, how does it create 25 again?

Edit: I've been saying, for the past couple of weeks, that healer dps is way too overtuned (at least for Paladins, Druids, Priests and Monks - Shamans are fine on that part = most balanced healer)...

did some typos, I see now aswell but yes 5 smorcs for 5 flowers same as the rest.
Stout P2P player here.

Need lvl 24 for Shadowform, my argument of F2P < P2P is settled right there - played Spriest PVP since Arena's arrived in WoW. Call me whatever you want - but I want an active bracket where I don't have to keep having a carrot stick put in front of me to keep getting gear over and over and over again...after 7 years of raiding (from Molten Core to Heroic Spine) I called it quits for raiding and began eating lvl 20 alliance for lunch.

If any F2P player thinks that Blizzard is going to develop balance around F2P 20's they are crazy. Why would Blizzard give a care about someone who pays them $0.

People that whinge on about balance and competitiveness are missing a simple truth about this bracket. For those with a choice, it's all about activity; quantity over quality. The only people that care about competition in bg's are those that have to care because they are on the receiving end of imbalance.

The poster above makes this point pretty clearly, as do all 24 shadow priests, particularly those with gem exploits, for example. I think it's lame to bottom feed. But ultimately, so what?

People play how they want. You can bash your head against it or you can ignore it, admit that it's part of the game and play the way YOU want taking your lumps along the way.
If people weren't retarded 24 spriests wouldn't be an issue. Focus them. They're squishy as hell and we all know a bubble isn't going to last very long. I try to tell people this but a lot of them avoid 24 spriests so they don't draw their fire.
healers have dps spells because nonhealer have heal spells, got it now? and which nonhealer class have the right to cry about balance in this bracket?

edit: yes holyretardins have way too much burst, but even disabled ppl wana choose between 2-3 classes (p,r,h)
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healers have dps spells because nonhealer have heal spells, got it now? and which nonhealer class have the right to cry about balance in this bracket?

edit: yes holyretardins have way too much burst, but even disabled ppl wana choose between 2-3 classes (p,r,h)

Please, don't try to sound smart. There's a role difference between tank, DPS, healer AND hybrid - especially in PvP.

DPS = strong damage, minor heals (for PvE survivability only)
Healers = strong healing, close to no DPS (for solo-leveling in PvE only)
Hybrids = decent damage, mediocre healing (I would say hybrids are more DPS-focused than heal-focused)
Tanks = they don't really fit in here because they're fucking overtuned at low level PvP but useless in end game, they should have less damage than DPS but way more mitigation/survivability and also only minor heals (like Victory Rush)

Everything past that is overtuned, so if you crit 800 Ferocious Bites as Resto druid, 400s with Denounce as a Holy paladin or get 250 Penance ticks+250 Smites+200 Holy Fire as Disc priest, yes, then there's something wrong.
Please, don't try to sound smart. There's a role difference between tank, DPS, healer AND hybrid - especially in PvP.

DPS = strong damage, minor heals (for PvE survivability only)
Healers = strong healing, close to no DPS (for solo-leveling in PvE only)
Hybrids = decent damage, mediocre healing (I would say hybrids are more DPS-focused than heal-focused)
Tanks = they don't really fit in here because they're fucking overtuned at low level PvP but useless in end game, they should have less damage than DPS but way more mitigation/survivability and also only minor heals (like Victory Rush)

Everything past that is overtuned, so if you crit 800 Ferocious Bites as Resto druid, 400s with Denounce as a Holy paladin or get 250 Penance ticks+250 Smites+200 Holy Fire as Disc priest, yes, then there's something wrong.

first thing: maybe in other mmorps, but in wow healer have dps spells and nonhealer have selfheal, deal with it (especially since cata)
second thing: disci priest was designed to deal a decent amount of dmg since TBC, they have less surv. and healoutput than other healers have... they are far more offensive than the other healers are
i agree with you about FB on restodruids and denounce/holyshock on holys but srsly, stop crying about the discipline´s dmg because you dont know how to handle the class
stop crying about the discipline´s dmg because you dont know how to handle the class

The poor selection of abilities aside, where the heck did you think Priests got the Shadow Spec for? That's right. To deal damage with. Disc is not a spec for that. The same for Resto Druids and Hpals, we've got dps specs for them respective. But why aren't they used? Because the abilities from their dps specs do poor damage and you lose all the good healing.
first thing: maybe in other mmorps, but in wow healer have dps spells and nonhealer have selfheal, deal with it (especially since cata)
second thing: disci priest was designed to deal a decent amount of dmg since TBC, they have less surv. and healoutput than other healers have... they are far more offensive than the other healers are
i agree with you about FB on restodruids and denounce/holyshock on holys but srsly, stop crying about the discipline´s dmg because you dont know how to handle the class

I started a disc priest myself a couple of days ago, and in low level pvp from 10-14 I wrecked up shit with the midsummer buff food. And I still feel too powerful now at lvl 20. Disc is still considered a pure healer, they have the same survivability and healoutput as other healers have but they deal way too much damage, just like Denounceadins and Restocats.

Only balanced healers in this bracket are Resto shaman. Strong heals, nice utility but close to no damage (2.5 second Lightning Bolt that crits for maybe 350, 250 Earth Shock and 150 Flame Shock, both Shocks on cooldowns).
I started a disc priest myself a couple of days ago, and in low level pvp from 10-14 I wrecked up shit with the midsummer buff food. And I still feel too powerful now at lvl 20. Disc is still considered a pure healer, they have the same survivability and healoutput as other healers have but they deal way too much damage, just like Denounceadins and Restocats.

Only balanced healers in this bracket are Resto shaman. Strong heals, nice utility but close to no damage (2.5 second Lightning Bolt that crits for maybe 350, 250 Earth Shock and 150 Flame Shock, both Shocks on cooldowns).

no, just no... i dont see any reason to argue with someone who has no clue about the different classes

edit: underlined the most stupid part
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If people weren't retarded 24 spriests wouldn't be an issue. Focus them. They're squishy as hell and we all know a bubble isn't going to last very long. I try to tell people this but a lot of them avoid 24 spriests so they don't draw their fire.

1) Distracting Shot (Hunter) 3 sec
2) Ranged Pally Silence - 1.5 sec
3) Melee Pally Stun - 5 sec

No Spriest 20-24 can withstand a 2v1 Hunter Pally for 9.5 sec uninterrupted if timed correctly. Don't QQ - L2P (learn 2 Play). If I trinket - I'm still prolly going to die - I usually just save my trinket for after the GY rez.

yes holyretardins have way too much burst, but even disabled ppl wana choose between 2-3 classes (p,r,h)

No - you just have to know how to deal with them just like any other class. I get my 1.5 sec silence - then run like hell and not let them come up and 5 sec stun me. If I get my 1.5 sec silence, I run like heck - then whatever your class [Use your snare} I fear and heal and bubble, and run to them to let them 5 sec stun me fully healed and bubbled - then at 50% - I can DPS them down before their CD's are up.

Learn all the OTHER classes and you'll know their weakness.

Some Quote about DISC being crazy impossible.

Learn the class, then you''ll know how to beat them (or run from them). Disc is like any other class - there are weaknesses. Swimming downstream is easier than flowing upstream. Sometimes going WITH the flow can work better than swimming against the current. /zenmeditation
[MENTION=16540]Fujin0[/MENTION] are those numbers in midsummer buff and max int. lb crits max 250 unless buffed and max int. earth shock 150-200 and flame shock is inital bout 90-100 and ticks for 35 and these are still pretty high number. Any set with a little more stam would see the numbers drop fast.
no, just no... i dont see any reason to argue with someone who has no clue about the different classes

edit: underlined the most stupid part

How to win an argument, pretend that you won and tell the other person they're stupid. *lalalalala can't hear you*
Tell me why end game priests still play Disc for healing if it's so DPS focused, tell me why DPS-priests play ONLY Shadow in end game arenas, tell me how they have less survivability and heal output than other healers in this bracket if Penance ticks for 250-300 healing, PWS absorbs 500 damage and Flash Heal crits for 600s. (those numbers are from an undergeared Disc priest without the caster looms, so add 42/48 SP to that)

I have no clue about the different classes? I play all of them to a certain degree and I play AGAINST them every day.

[MENTION=16540]Fujin0[/MENTION] are those numbers in midsummer buff and max int. lb crits max 250 unless buffed and max int. earth shock 150-200 and flame shock is inital bout 90-100 and ticks for 35 and these are still pretty high number. Any set with a little more stam would see the numbers drop fast.

I just made those up from the numbers I see on my Elemental shaman and reduced them a bit, even better balanced if it's less damage.
again, disci priests shouldnt have as much dmg as shadow priests (but its lowlvl so no one cares, disci dmg > shadowdmg till lvl 22 or 23, shadowdmg > discidmg from lvl 24-90)
discipriests are still way more offensive than other healers (decent dmg at all levels (19/20/70/80/85/90), mass dispell, offensive dispell, much cc) but less surv., healoutput and theyll go oom faster (not at lvl 20 because everything at lvl 20 has infinite mana).. now tell me im wrong and proof me that you dont have a bit of endgame experience
again, disci priests shouldnt have as much dmg as shadow priests (but its lowlvl so no one cares, disci dmg > shadowdmg till lvl 22 or 23, shadowdmg > discidmg from lvl 24-90)
discipriests are still way more offensive than other healers (decent dmg at all levels (19/20/70/80/85/90), mass dispell, offensive dispell, much cc) but less surv., healoutput and theyll go oom faster (not at lvl 20 because everything at lvl 20 has infinite mana).. now tell me im wrong and proof me that you dont have a bit of endgame experience

I haven't played in end game for years, I'm talking about things I see on the internet as I do follow a lot of stuff.

'but its lowlvl so no one cares' you're playing in this bracket, so you SHOULD care and it's fact that healer-dps is overtuned. It's also a fact that Discipline is a healer spec, so they should focus on healing with DPS on the side and at least priority, I have nothing against a healer dealing damage in certain situations, but it should never, NEVER take over healing, and that's just what I see every day, countless Disc priests just spam Smite and Penance on their targets ignoring everything around them and what ticks me off the most about is, that they succeed in doing that, because they have the damage and the defenses (you said they don't have enough healouput and less survivability which just isn't true) to back that play style up, same for Resto druids and Holy paladins.

Resto SHAMANS can't do that, they don't have the damage to back this play style up, they can be offensive support as well (probably even better than any other healer) but they won't do much damage, they're gonna focus on HEALING and utility with Purge and Wind Shear (maybe throw in a Flame Shock).

As [MENTION=16240]Goesid[/MENTION] mentioned, Resto shamans have close to no dps, how it SHOULD be. If you still think HEALERS should be doing DPS instead of healing (or for that matter, have DPSing be a major part of how they're played), then I don't know what to say...
i dont know why you wont understand this but disci priests arent like the other healers, they never were.. more dmg, cc, less heal, surv., and i still dont get why you want to compare resto shamans with disci priests, two complete different classes "or specs", even though they are both healer :p

you cant say something like "disci priests are better healer because they have more dmg" or "resto shamans are better because they have more surv and utility", thats why i dont understand why ur such a tryhard to blame discis for their dps, they lack on other sides thats why they have these offensiv abilities

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