blizzard just messed up every hunter trial/ non trial

MM + Ferocity + Narrow Escape for DPS.

Please stop crying, you have amazing CC as a hunter. Try learning to play and actually helping your team out. You are NOT overpowered, the class does NOT suck. It's just you.

And don't compare your self to the new OP class. That's retarded and makes you look like a child that needs to be spoonfed the class that takes the least skill at a given time.

Boom, roasted.
before the patch, I could normally hit about 500-1000 and now I'm barely crossing 300. It's like the hunters got shot down. I was also looking at a dps chart some gm posted on the main website and it shows hunters at the very bottom, about 5k off from a feral druid. I know there are some people who didn't want hunters to be OP in the first place, but now it's changing. I admit even I hated having people hate me because hunter's could just go into the bg's and spam arcane shot and get a kill before their target even reached them. @Rukisuta I wish I could fight you before the patch to show you what I mean, but I guess I'll never get that chance sadly.
Learn to play.
well, with the recent changes with the hunters, none [referring to hunters only] of us can use melee weps. Due to the fact that I'm a bm hunter, we aren't even able to crit over 300 and if we do, it's pretty damn rare! the damage is now sucking because I used to hit 200-300 per shot and now im hitting...60?! anyone know if blizzard is gonna change hunter's back to normal? I worked my ass off for the boa gear I can/cannot use and now it's gonna be useless if we can't transfer it to a diff toon. I know there are people, like me, a trial, that are very frustrated with the recent changes and these stupid trial details. And yes I know hunters were pretty good(if you knew how to use them), but honestly now, I can't even take down a hpally with 1.2k health because they can heal themselves for like 500+ now using holyshock and maybe even higher. This is bloody ridiculous!!: >=(

For four years twinks have been praying for a serious nerf to hunters. Guilds are named after it. (Nerf Hunters Now)
It's not "priests and hpals", but rather holy shock and healing in general.
Penance damage needs to be scaled down, but nobody notices because everybody and their dog is a shockadin now.
Penance damage needs to be scaled down, but nobody notices because everybody and their dog is a shockadin now.

Ok. I figured it would be ok when/if healing is nerfed further. I like shadow except for the fact that my transmog is less visible.
Actually I'm proud they finally took the nerf, so now they're at the same level as other classes, except holy pallies of course. Now you can finally play a hunter the way they should have been from the beginning. You have many CCs in your arsenal, make use of them.
They got a nerf, that was deserved. I hope Blizzard nerf them to the ground and never make them decent again.

Death to hunters.
Nah, we need hunters and they look ok atm. Just gotta get holy shock and healing fixed so they are playable. Noone likes to be one-shotted and even after heal-nerf, the total def on healers are too high.
No problem topping dps with my hunter last night, first time playing since patch

I mean, the damage is laughable in comparison; I felt like a freshly ding'd 20 hunter pre MoP vs other 24s... But it was enjoyable.

I think I can play hunter again without feeling like an absolute #@#! :D
No problem topping dps with my hunter last night, first time playing since patch

I mean, the damage is laughable in comparison; I felt like a freshly ding'd 20 hunter pre MoP vs other 24s... But it was enjoyable.

I think I can play hunter again without feeling like an absolute #@#! :D

I have to agree with you on this one, allow me to elaborate.

If you know all your abilities and how too utilize them to full potential, then hunters aren’t all that bad. People with less experience will have more difficulty in thinking this way because they think "yep, time too rape these guys just like before" (mashes keyboard). Ohh no no no. You have to think about timing your crowd control abilities, where and when to use them in order to kill your opponent. Time to see the good players from the bad and saying that, i assume some players. More so less experienced, will quit their class due to the fact they think it’s underpowered or can't rape like before.

youakim mentioned earlier about Penance doing too much damage. I have noticed this also and i agree with you, but the damage only needs to be reduced a little bit. Though major concerns for Paladin's at this stage, i hope they get fixed or there will be allot more Paladin's running around in future battle grounds. Besides that, everything seems to be falling in place quite nicely. Can't wait to see future changes in Mists of Pandaria, hopefully for the better.

For all those people who think healing is still too great in battle grounds, here is what i have to say.
The amount of healing that healing classes can do in battle grounds right now is allot but reasonable because i believe they have countered it by introducing more crowd control into the game and if everyone uses their crowd control correctly, they are able to take out their opponent.

On the off-note. I like to add when outside battle grounds, healing needs to be reduced in duels.

Now guys i’m not saying that i’m right, I’m merely stating my opinion.

P.S: To all of those hunters who think they are underpowered and thinking about trying another class, try and view it as a challenge. Challenge yourself and try to be the best hunter you can be, utilize your abilities and communicate with your team to take out the enemy. Don't let this patch make you flop over and die, FIGHT IT INSTEAD AND PROVE HUNTERS CAN STILL DO WELL IN PvP!!!
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No problem topping dps with my hunter last night, first time playing since patch

I mean, the damage is laughable in comparison; I felt like a freshly ding'd 20 hunter pre MoP vs other 24s... But it was enjoyable.

I think I can play hunter again without feeling like an absolute #@#! :D

Yeah, that was some good fun last night. I wish I had more mobility, but other than that shadow is great.

Livingforce, I kind of agree with you, but still think healing (in BGs) needs to be toned down more. I'm thinking penance damage will go down if/when healing goes down and using it offensively will have a cost (spell school lockout risk among them), so I'm not too worried about that.
Hunters were god mode for years. Let healers have fun too lol. But on a more serious note, i hope now you will become more of a team player, learn to use your cooldowns and ccs more wisely to shut down a healer.You are a terrible huntard who used to faceroll 1 k hp undergeared scrubs.Do you think most ppl here feel any compassion for you?Grow a pair and adjust, and maybe ppl will stop calling you a hunturd
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all of the hunters and arcane mages will just roll healer or boomkin, and in a few weeks/months time you'll be crying about them, nothing will change apart from huntard will become boomtard or healtard.
all of the hunters and arcane mages will just roll healer or boomkin, and in a few weeks/months time you'll be crying about them, nothing will change apart from huntard will become boomtard or healtard.

I don't think all the hunters will switch class, I just think that by having hunters nerfed we will finally be able to see who is a huntard, and those who stay will show who truly has skill. And going back to what was mentioned earlier in this thread, I do agree that hunters needed some reduced dps, but I'm not so sure they needed to reduce it by over 50% while increasing the power of others. Not sure why Blizzard has such trouble making the game even at lower levels.
Hunters were god mode for years. Let healers have fun too lol. But on a more serious note, i hope now you will become more of a team player, learn to use your cooldowns and ccs more wisely to shut down a healer.You are a terrible huntard who used to faceroll 1 k hp undergeared scrubs.Do you think most ppl here feel any compassion for you?Grow a pair and adjust, and maybe ppl will stop calling you a hunturd

I'm not sure who this is directed towards.. If its beard I'm gonna have to disagree 100% as I used to bg with him all the time and we tried teaching each other things about the others spec and how to help.. He's going off to college now but he took the nerf worse then most people. also OT he stopped playing his hunt cause like 5 people called him a "fail lillhunter supporter" which if anyone in this thread would like to explain be my guest please... Again same arguement in different place potatoez but hunts werent godmode.. Healers could also put us in our place but healers have no1 to put in their place atm

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