blizzard just messed up every hunter trial/ non trial

Err...just take the nerf and deal with it lol

But What I never understood is ..paladins. Especially holy.No idea people always bitched about hunters and let the most OP class in the bracket pass by(i understand most paladins dont utilize their class to the full potential, but so did alot of hunters)

Is it an oversight by blizzard but in cata they had the highest mana regen rate,hpals being only ones capable of insta heals(meaning easier to keep teammates alive), 2k+armor(50% reduction from physical stuff), all kinds of OH SHIT Buttons no other class had, A effin SIX SECOND stun

By damage, rets had THE highest burst if you were, stunned you were bascally done, whatever ''holy'' resistance didnt exist,( unlike fire I used 15 to fire resist on my cloak)save for holy protection potions but they are gimmicky and hard to use since they trip a potion CD.Also took no skill basic rotation crusader strike 3 times, judge, unleash that 1k+TV crit. cata you could stack intellect be just as efficient as holy, just had to abuse the healing hut 15 second respawn since your mana didnt recharge fsat. Prots had a silence, if mages had to silence one person at a time you just lousily throw ur shield AND IT BOUNCES on multiple targets

How do you put together such a class and just let it slide by in MoP? Sure rets and prots got nerfed..but holy...Now its even worse with 40% resilience which effectively triples a holy paladins health not to mention most DPS classes are nerfed, and paladins have 130% speed, and a UNDISPELABLE bubble what is this blizzard I qq and demand a hpal revamp
Hunter is still a good.

I'd argue that the class is better now that we're forced to use our crowd control and proper timing.
My remark was not intended personally at him as a person but towards his class. He may be a good person, gluck to him in college,however we are talking about his class.
And there was no ambiguity in my post. This thread is about hunters nerf , not about hunters vs healer debate.He either should adjust by learning how to use ccs/cds/positioning/teaming up with others or reroll. Hunters were godmode before. Ask MOST people here. Gone are the times when hunters could easily press a rotation/go kamikaze style and "boom" enemy is dead. Many hunters already wrote that your class is not completely useless, so go ahead and show some style
Only 2 weeks has passed from the hunter nerf ,but some hunters are already crying foul. Can you imagine those (warriors/locks/shammies etc.) from lvl 19-29 twinking brackets who had to deal with hunters from the beginning of wotlk? try to walk in their shoes.
TBH I feel no compassion for hunters who got hit by the nerf bat...maybe because my very first twinks were lvl 19 and 29 hunts several years ago...
Ok was just checking as I know him and he isn't gonna be on for awhile so had to stick up for em.. In all honestly I doubt I would have been able to play a warrior in cata (lock seemed interesting to me). I'm not saying hunts are useless as that would be pretty stupid since we still have some of the best cc (I love that scatter has turned into a HoJ like move that only goes away with player that casted it dmg). My main problem isn't that we got nerfed its just the simple fact that healers got so buffed in comparison.

I think that if hunts got nerfed to where they are at now and heals stayed the same where they were at in cata that this bracket would be absolutely great (except then I would think rogues needed a small dmg nerf or else they would just be the new focus dump class that cata hunts were). But don't worry I will feel no compassion either when heals get nerfed to the ground or atleast nerfed where they should be and then 10 healers per bg comes down to 3 again. ^-^ (but then who will be the new FotM class???!)

I have been one of those hunts crying foul in the first 2 weeks but that's simply cause they fact that in all honesty I'm finding debates on this website more fun then pvp atm.. Bgs just aren't fun for me anymore and I have just simply gave up through mid bg cause i knew I would just get to fr with efc in efr then 4 healers would inc with a rogue while my team derps mid and i would die.. I would normally never give up in cata and would love stopping the 3 cap but now its just like whats the point in even trying
But What I never understood is ..paladins. Especially holy. How do you put together such a class and just let it slide by in MoP? Sure rets and prots got nerfed..but holy...Now its even worse with 40% resilience which effectively triples a holy paladins health not to mention most DPS classes are nerfed, and paladins have 130% speed, and a UNDISPELABLE bubble what is this blizzard I qq and demand a hpal revamp
I think hpals will be fine when they tone down healing a bit more. They are very strong, but holy shock was the main problem. I don't agree that hpals was so OP in Cata. A healer should be hard to take down solo imho. Now they are too hard to take down, but I'm pretty sure that will be fixed. The state of low level PvP is as good as it has ever been. In Vanilla and for a very long time priests were pushovers. I'm glad I now have proper defenses (or will have when they tone down bubble and heals a tad).

Burst is still a bit high on some classes (5 pt ferocious bite/evis, ambush, 3 pt devouring plague/mind blast combo etc), but I find low lvl PvP more enjoyable than ever before and I'm sure it will get even better when they fine tune things. The main problem with a feral isn't the 5 pt ferocious bite crit, but the fact that rejuv heals for too much. My burst is high, but that would be fine if it wasn't so easy to heal up to max with such low cost (dropped shadow form and a little mana). On a side note - I have never seen so much fake-casting in BGs as I have since 5.04. That's a good thing! I also love how some hunters now actually prove to have skills.

Anyways. I'm having a (mind) blast on all my low lvl chars atm.
@Inoobupro has hit the nail on the head in his last paragraph. Regarding Holydins; Undispellable shield...130% run speed...rapid spirit regen and of course denounce spamming makes them extremely frustrating. Every Tom, Dick and Hunter have rolled Holydins. Personally, as a Resto Shaman my heals are ridiculous too, only against overwhelming numbers (or just two paladins) I go down so I would understand if healing was nerfed across the board of classes that are primarily healers.

Anyone else noticed the lack of mages? Mages were up there with hunters as bloody annoying, sheeping, silencing and big crits! Shame really.
Yeah, denounce is fine.

Mages will be back when they tone down healing I suppose. Mages are great, and really shine against healers with their CC.

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