Bleeding hollow all the hype for nothing?

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Lol a year later and Kahr is still more butthurt than a guy who all he does is do canon balls in the shallow end of the pool. Also, 2010 called, they want their Avatar back. And I don't know why but for some reason Kahr think's he's the biggest hot shot in the room when the guy is actually just a little worm. I don't even know why I'm giving the guy the time of day as he can be seen constantly following me around, everywhere I go, on the board.

Get a life Kahr because I'm sick of having you in mine.
Guys try not to create troll threads and flame one another, remember if you react too the trolls your just as bad as them. Keep it positive and encourage games even if you don't like the people your fighting.
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Your gm learned his place why can't you?

I just chose not to post because i just dont give a fuk about the same shit you do.

If you by any means think that those games last night was a good indicator on what Sua Sponte's pontential is then sadly you'll be caught off-gaurd. Otherwise GGs, you guys played well, and so did we, however composition on the majority of the games was the deciding factor. Simple skirmish games taken a bit too seriously from both ends i think is the fault here. But this is all SS asked for from the begining, i'll be on after work to try and put more teams together, ill hope that you guys can do the same for those were some epic matches.

Edit: Might i add that we got pretty damn lucky in syncing games into WSGs aswell, no queue was longer then 10-15 minutes to sync.
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I just chose not to post because i just dont give a fuk about the same shit you do.

If you by any means think that those games last night was a good indicator on what Sua Sponte's pontential is then sadly you'll be caught off-gaurd. Otherwise GGs, you guys played well, and so did we, however composition on the majority of the games was the deciding factor. Simple skirmish games taken a bit too seriously from both ends i think is the fault here. But this is all SS asked for from the begining, i'll be on after work to try and put more teams together, ill hope that you guys can do the same for those were some epic matches.

Edit: Might i add that we got pretty damn lucky in syncing games into WSGs aswell, no queue was longer then 10-15 minutes to sync.

Ik compositions were pree bad but us queing with open spots for f2p randoms was the only way to make it interesting to say the most...

Edit: unless the players that were unavailable last night are atlas himself I doubt they can carry you to victory

Editedit: if you wanted to keep it friendly you need to keep your mutt rokkd on a tighter leash
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Binds battle standard to 3. Yup, we got us a pro here.

Let's see here. It's called bartender and toggle show hotkey. I have my binds memorized, don't need to see them. My standard and etc is 3/5 bc I have a fuckin razornaga. I could play using only my mouse. Think before you speak. Seems to be a common occurance in this bracket.
Let's see here. It's called bartender and toggle show hotkey. I have my binds memorized, don't need to see them. My standard and etc is 3/5 bc I have a fuckin razornaga. I could play using only my mouse. Think before you speak. Seems to be a common occurance in this bracket.

Just post a pic of them being shows instead of trying to explain your reasoning for something this suspicious....
Just post a pic of them being shows instead of trying to explain your reasoning for something this suspicious....

Alright, just for you guys I will take time out of my day to subside this obvious troll. If I did click, which I don't . Pulling 300k healing as a fucking clicker would be an accomplishment imo
Alright, just for you guys I will take time out of my day to subside this obvious troll. If I did click, which I don't . Pulling 300k healing as a fucking clicker would be an accomplishment imo

But its worth your time to argue with said troll/myself when to back your arguement 100% to victory you just need to post a screenshot after you turn off the hide hotkey option...

Clicking scum
The fact of the matter is Sua Sponte is the top guild in the bracket until proven otherwise in a premade. They have the crown and we'll have to take it from them if we want it. With that being said, I do believe my guild is vastly superior to them and that we'll mop the Gulch floor with their blood come November 15.

I hope you're ready SS, because we're going to bring the heat. I will wear the crown and you peons will bow down to my greatness once our premade(s) are done. Lithology will kiss my feet.

Edit: To all the F2Ps out there that need someone to lean on during these hard times in which the evil villains known as Sua Sponte are in power. Lean on us, we will carry you home.

Bill Withers - Lean On Me (Rendition) by SoMo - YouTube

really wow.. that's shocking coming from the one guy whose infamous for taking a pounding in pugs and afking outta the majority of games you play.. granted i have much respect for certain members of your team but you sir just lost all of mine... don't you dare take a crack at f2ps like we need to be carried. we have thrived in this bracket in the absence of 19s and before! we will not need to lean on anyone. if we lose then we lose we play at such a higher disadvantage then p2ps do and that being said we still walk out victorious from time to time. makes for games against 24s much more competitive then you can imagine, at least until you've tried it yourself.

i speak on behalf the f2p community when i say we have beaten many 24 premades with pug f2ps. And no matter what we run there's no excuse for that. so long story short to recap dorigon slique fizzla i remain a loyal friend and have much respect for you all. but don't bring your problems from previous brackets to this one pizza.. Dont. take your shit up with the 24s that's fine but don't take a crack at f2ps like we need you cause your sadly mistaken.
really wow.. that's shocking coming from the one guy whose infamous for taking a pounding in pugs and afking outta the majority of games you play.. granted i have much respect for certain members of your team but you sir just lost all of mine... don't you dare take a crack at f2ps like we need to be carried. we have thrived in this bracket in the absence of 19s and before! we will not need to lean on anyone. if we lose then we lose we play at such a higher disadvantage then p2ps do and that being said we still walk out victorious from time to time. makes for games against 24s much more competitive then you can imagine, at least until you've tried it yourself.

i speak on behalf the f2p community when i say we have beaten many 24 premades with pug f2ps. And no matter what we run there's no excuse for that. so long story short to recap dorigon slique fizzla i remain a loyal friend and have much respect for you all. but don't bring your problems from previous brackets to this one pizza.. Dont. take your shit up with the 24s that's fine but don't take a crack at f2ps like we need you cause your sadly mistaken.

The fodders got a voice
The fodders got a voice

one day maybe tomorrow who knows?!?! but one day you will grow up, your balls will perhaps drop and hell maybe you'll be mature enough to get a Girl friend but dont talk shit to me yowza lol plz don't your just wasting your time... nuff said
You will get a screenshot when I am actually on a computer and preferably even at my house. Lmao
really wow.. that's shocking coming from the one guy whose infamous for taking a pounding in pugs and afking outta the majority of games you play.. granted i have much respect for certain members of your team but you sir just lost all of mine... don't you dare take a crack at f2ps like we need to be carried. we have thrived in this bracket in the absence of 19s and before! we will not need to lean on anyone. if we lose then we lose we play at such a higher disadvantage then p2ps do and that being said we still walk out victorious from time to time. makes for games against 24s much more competitive then you can imagine, at least until you've tried it yourself.

i speak on behalf the f2p community when i say we have beaten many 24 premades with pug f2ps. And no matter what we run there's no excuse for that. so long story short to recap dorigon slique fizzla i remain a loyal friend and have much respect for you all. but don't bring your problems from previous brackets to this one pizza.. Dont. take your shit up with the 24s that's fine but don't take a crack at f2ps like we need you cause your sadly mistaken.

Friend, you misunderstand - Pizza merely wished to let the f2p community know that we are there for them.
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