Best of 24s US

I never called him bad? Ur sick bud

Well sir, you asked me why i take him seriously cuz of the fact that he uses "pots" implying that he is unskilled, i take him seriously because unlike 90% of CC he doesn't have an ego, neither does Luda
player knows they're good = they aren't respectable
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I love when 24s get into an arguing match over whos better... It's really quite funny seeing it cause when someone names a 24 as the best of their class they are basically saying that 24 doesn't need to be 24 to be good more then everyone else xD

I also love when f2ps constantly flame 24s just because they're too cheap to pay for said game, like cripz said earlier, 19s, 29s, 39s, 49s, etc etc, were never looked down upon, and their brackets were 10-19 20-29, etc, nobody bitched a fraction as much as f2ps do, and once again they dont pay for shit
Druid: Kratos
Lock: BB
Shaman: lith or kratos
Hunter: Winn once he makes one
Hunter: Zola :l rofl

Can't think of anyone else that stands out.
Druid: Kratos
Lock: BB
Shaman: lith or kratos
Hunter: Winn once he makes one
Hunter: Zola :l rofl

Can't think of anyone else that stands out.

i bet Lil agrees with this 100%
Yah, and we would out play anyone in this bracket in a 10v 10

ok lets see it, that is, if you even have 10 active players and dont pull a gg afk out type of thing
There isn't even anyone to play against.
We had 10 active people all throughout cata and everyone dodged.
I'd rather just que into abn and bailamos at 90 in rbgs in all honesty at this point.
I've never seen any of the 24s mentioned solo queue.

Always in groups of the most FOTM classes and/or crutch specs. I've met none that would cause me much trouble short of a 'RNG crit and win' spriest or prot war situation.
I can't talk? your 3 24s are a spriest, a prot warrior, and a boomkin, i dont think you can talk shit on anyone

I have a 24 of every class.... I just play those because they are the closest to best in slot. That and my Spriest is for premades. Sooo yeah...

I can't talk

A-a-a-also, w-w-we k-k-know
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GG AFK OUT type of thing? Are you referring to making Sanctuary cower before our mighty 5 man guild?

They can't field a viable 10, that's why we're waiting. Wouldn't be surprised it if was the same case with 5 :)
Well sir, you asked me why i take him seriously cuz of the fact that he uses "pots" implying that he is unskilled, i take him seriously because unlike 90% of CC he doesn't have an ego, neither does Luda
Uhh, sanctuary is a guild for anyone CC is an eltitist guild (24 version of waw tawent) oh wait im sorry its not wt anymore they lost so i mean obviously they had to change the name to raw talent

So, just to clarify; the issue you have with myself, is not that I use pots (Which is what you originally implicated), but it is instead because of the guild tag that I had above my name?

Great to know that instead of judging players based on their individual skill levels, you instead arrive with a preconceived personal notion against them,based off of something that does not impact their ability to play this game at all, and judge them solely off of that?

Thank you for representing the ignorant part of the 24 community, while it is quite a large portion of the community, you stand out among the rest.

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