Best of 24s US

To all those people saying nobody whined about 19,29,39 etc... Erm, where were you when the official forums were infested with levellers invading twink threads, everyday crying about how Twinks ruining their PvP experience?? Admitedly it took Blizz about 5 years to do anything about it, but you can't deny the sheer amount of Twinking hate threads which existed.

I honestly can't remember how many times I was called a bully, even by my end game guildmates when I asked them to join in on the fun.

Priest: Ripryzzow
Druid: Poonparty
Monk: Armz
Warlock: Dowigon
Mage: Wangmuncher
Paladin: N/A
Hunter: N/A
Warrior: Vahavta
Rogue: Vtec
Shaman: N/A
I've never seen any of the 24s mentioned solo queue.

Always in groups of the most FOTM classes and/or crutch specs. I've met none that would cause me much trouble short of a 'RNG crit and win' spriest or prot war situation.

I think you're a little lost there.
Oh sorry Pyah you lost too many as a 19 twink so you made a 24 twink cause ur too garbage? So you come to this bracket and with ur what 200 wsg played you are the best paladin haha so how many bgs did you even play in the bracket when you decided you where the best? Cause seems like you where also toooo Good for the 19 bracket that you only played on average 100 bg in that bracket and 100 in this one? whats your logic? Don't worry, i'll wait. Cute Girl in the pic ;)
"looks around" nah. I know exactly where I am.

At the corner of seriously and unimpressed.

Ok please tell me with your insightful knowledge who groups.

I always solo q(never been in a group in MoP)
Vahavata and Pizza solo q 90% of the time.
Lith solo q'd the games I saw him in
Choconano doesnt need to q with anyone because hes a god
Herneith solo q's
Luckifberal solo q's alot
Logicbomb solo q's
Sluggz solo q's
ftp solo q's

Please stay lost in that corner thanks.
Oh sorry Pyah you lost too many as a 19 twink so you made a 24 twink cause ur too garbage? So you come to this bracket and with ur what 200 wsg played you are the best paladin haha so how many bgs did you even play in the bracket when you decided you where the best? Cause seems like you where also toooo Good for the 19 bracket that you only played on average 100 bg in that bracket and 100 in this one? whats your logic? Don't worry, i'll wait. Cute Girl in the pic ;)
19s were dead when I leveled, and I already had agm.
You're terrible.
So you come to this bracket and with ur what 200 wsg played you are the best paladin haha so how many bgs did you even play in the bracket when you decided you where the best? Cause seems like you where also toooo Good for the 19 bracket that you only played on average 100 bg in that bracket and 100 in this one? whats your logic?
Quantity ≠ Quality.. You of all people should know that duo. Plus I'm sure 200 bgs in the 19s can raise your skill ALOT more then 3k gy farming failmade bgs in the 24s so I would watch what you say to an ex 19 lol
Ok please tell me with your insightful knowledge who groups.

I always solo q(never been in a group in MoP)
Vahavata and Pizza solo q 90% of the time.
Lith solo q'd the games I saw him in
Choconano doesnt need to q with anyone because hes a god
Herneith solo q's
Luckifberal solo q's alot
Logicbomb solo q's
Sluggz solo q's
ftp solo q's

Please stay lost in that corner thanks.

Alright, I'll give you guys the benefit of the doubt and say RNG match making just happened to stick you in groups of 24s each time I saw any of these names. pocket healers and all. Still saw nothing special.
Priest-Hordelife, Coldbeer, Brainwash
Druid-Cattlecysm, LogicBomb, Caramelmocha
Paladin-Duo=Ironman, Up
Warrior- Lmaoawarrior; Ouch

rogue- nosleep
paladin- faith
lock-softlock < best 24 over all
monk- trendy
warrior - spew <- before he went f2p like a baus
shaman - n/a gud ones
mage- n/a gud ones
druid- n/a
It's cute seeing these guilds get all these groups of bads together ^-^ I honestly lol'd while looking through your guild and all that blacksmith. Should inv softlock and his gems over to your guild as well.

Edit: lmao your 24 has more gems then your 80.. That is too funny

Next time you cry about people attacking you, boohoo blahblah, remember your wondrous contributions to threads across these forums.

Victim, you are not.
Next time you cry about people attacking you, boohoo blahblah, remember your wondrous contributions to thread across these forums.

sallyg sticks up for the gy farming gemmers once again! big surprise there lol

edit: I could care less if some of these 24s kill me. I know I'm better then almost all of them and I could care less about them killing me. And js but I've contributed to this forum ALOT more then you so ya... Just cause I call out baddies and make jokes are gemmers doesn't mean I haven't helped MY section
Hey I farmed you before any of these Geming Rumors. But yes i will continue to kill you child. Link the gems on my 24 please. Man i would love to see anyone stick up for you hahaha

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