Best of 19's US

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Druid, Resto-Agonist, Feral-Idiote, Boom-Theplays
Hunter- Discover
Mage- Shagaloon
Pally- Blirz/Idiote
Priest- Fortt
Sham- Cannabis/Das
Monk- Workz
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all i see in the OP are over hyped twinks who have yet to win a premade

0-1 for life
WT #3

i guess ill do a list and try not to be biased

Druid, Resto-Rejen, Feral-Idiote, Boom-Theplays
Hunter- Discover/Pizza
Mage- Revolution/Shagaloon
Pally- Idiote/Blirz/Maineack/Kancer
Priest- Wtbdispell/Fortt/Rejen/ cant remember the other priest i think hes from TT
Sham- Cannabis/Das
Monk- Workz (only becasue thats the only one ive ever really seen
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Druid- boomkined
Hunter- rhonn
Mage- magelol
Pally- paladinlol
Priest- zeredjr
Warr- vestaz
Sham- shockblocked
Monk- i havnt made one yet

did i do it right

Woulda been perfect if you spelled it rouge.
I am putting active people only in my list. That means, people I've seen in the last few days at the most. Probably forgetting some.

Druid- Rejen/Inevitabull/Yowza/Ssjkoku

Hunter- Pizza
Mage- Shagaloon/Grizzlefeet
Pally- Idiote/Winlogus/Saxidiot
Priest- Wtbdispell/Twiggi
Sham- Cannabis/Dasfizzla/Kunzxpopper
Monk- Monkworkz/Subvaydur/Tombradymonk (not sure yet?)
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Mage- Grizzlefoot/Revolution
Hunter- Discover
warrior- no one stands out probably has something to do with class mechanics atm.
priest- Seriously I will give free lessons to any of you morons.
lock- Mandark
paladin- that idiot on ZJ with qt in his name
rogue- slyddur
shaman- Kunz
druid- idiote

My decisions were based off of people who have imo demonstrated individual skill, I'll clarify this with the most obvious example I can think of. Pizza for instance is extremely effective in WSG, he plays the map intelligently but I broke this list down past that. These are players who when 4 people on their team are tunneling some idiot are the ones going for that CC every game not some TI regulars who do it one in 50 times and makes a big deal out of it every time they remember, the people who understand when to use cd's can change their roles to what is actually happening not the people who are set in their ways and do what they do over and over again. The big difference is the consistency with which I see these guys making smart decisions in a game that most people miss. Field vision is one of the hardest things to learn and succeed at repeatedly. Enjoy.
some gnome mage from that guild who beat Waw tawent ( can't remember his name or the name of the guild , anyways w/e ) , noone else
Druid: Boomkin- Yowza Feral- Ssjkøku Resto- Inevitabull
Hunter: Pìzza/Nettiebay
Mage: Shagaloon
Monk: Tombradymonk
Paladin: Idiote
Priest: Twiggi/Muski
Rogue: Curley/Slyddur
Shaman: Dasfizzla
Warrior: Fisherololol (Rance)
Warlock: Dorigon/Maineack
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