Best of 19's US

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Why do threads like this keep poping up, understand that this "who is the best class/twink" is all opinion. People are quick to judge and hard to change their minds one bad expierence with another player will completely tarnish your view on them, + most of thease are all opinion and are extreemly biased, Honestly there are many people that are very good at their class and you cant just pick one better than the other the margin of skill in the 19 bracket isnt very big honestly.
Why do threads like this keep poping up, understand that this "who is the best class/twink" is all opinion. People are quick to judge and hard to change their minds one bad expierence with another player will completely tarnish your view on them, + most of thease are all opinion and are extreemly biased, Honestly there are many people that are very good at their class and you cant just pick one better than the other the margin of skill in the 19 bracket isnt very big honestly.

then make a list with a bunch of people separated by class and give each a score from 1-10
I have come from a friends request I am trying really hard to just name one person here so keep that in mind if you are not on here it not because i think you are bad or what not its just these are the people who stand out for there skill and contribution to the bracket late cata early mists.

Hunter: Pizza His leadership was always solid except when he replaced me :( . This ones is really close between another person and him.

Mage: Kittin. Why you ask well hes the only mage I have premade against recently that did not just spam arcane barrage i also respect him for his dedication and time putting together a solid 10 man roster that actually wanted to premade he may not be the best mage but the 19 bracket would not be the same without him.

Monk: I have yet to see one that is good it does not matter if a good player just made one I refuse to name one I have not seen in person.

Paladin: Idiote he is a solid and reliable healer that is for sure although i do not know him well he was the most impressive pally when we did play together.

Priest: I hate to do this cause well i am going to get flamed but I am trying to not be bias towards people i played with this is another hard one but i am going to have to say twigie. Why you ask well i understand a lot of you think she is bad but she did her job very well she may not be as skilled as some of the other priest's but she contributes a lot with playing both factions and being active which is what you need at 19s.

Rogue: This is a easy one Slyddur him putting his time and also his experience into leading a very successful guild hes also solid and personally skilled there maybe rogues with better ping and what not but none in a leadership role.

Shaman: Well there is 2 names that come to mind that are recent players one being dasfizzla and the other being cannabis and each is good in there role i have played with and against das for many years and cannabis as well i can not determine who is actually better they both did a very good job in a premade environment so I will have to keep it fair and say neither.

Warrior: frack it Wapster although he did procrastinate all the time with gear and professions he was a decent FC and well he is Wapster sergeant rank bought after patch scouts tabard 5 digit steam account.

Warlock: I am not a wanker so i wont name myself like some others did but the most impressive warlock i played against as of recently although they were pretty green in the gulch but who has potential is probably Dorrigon he may not be the best in some eyes but its the same as twiggie,

Druid: ..... Well since coming back id have to say this is the hardest seeing how they just became viable so I am going in the past here and would have to say Sin for his listening skills and reliability the guy was just a natural FC.
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