Best of 19s EU

If you didn't care what I thought you wouldn't have engaged in this duscussion.

the only thing that fascinated me was the discussion, not you :/

I know that, and I have never denied it. The chance of good people joining are of course higher with more people joining. But the chance of not-so-good players joinng will also increase.

and quote me exactly where I said not-so-good players won't join. and how exactly does it make the bracket worse - if 1 good joins and 1 bad joins 19 bracket, then shouldnt that make it even?


Why wouldnt the nature development apply to twinking? it applies to football, hockey, science - everything. Please explain this to me in detail.
I wouldn't say hard, I would call it "less easy".

It was less easy to manage your mana.
Now it is less easy to time healing.

It just shifted around.

it wasn't hard to macro your spirit weapon nor was it hard to conserve mana due to less dmg/burst.

healing spells needed more timing i s'pose, but you gotta remember there was no hoj's or blanket silences flying everywhere either.
it wasn't hard to macro your spirit weapon nor was it hard to conserve mana due to less dmg/burst.

healing spells needed more timing i s'pose, but you gotta remember there was no hoj's or blanket silences flying everywhere either.
Did you even read my post?

I never said it was hard.
and this is considered hard?
healing was just as easy as it is now. we heal faster and more now because we actually receive dmg faster and more now.
and i repeat myself, if you had half a brain you could manage your mana perfectly. just as an example

this discussion about twinking being harder in the old days is ridicoules
it wasnt harder, it was just different

ur wrong

wotlk holy pal vs rogue says hi

- kick
- gouge restealth
- gouge band
- kick>gouge>kick
- 4 sec restealth

easily showed who was a good rogue/holy pal

now the only sign of a good rogue is how they kick, and the only sign of a good holy pal is reflexs; fake casting isn't even necessary for the most part, whereas back then, if you couldn't fake you lost


wotlk holy pal vs war says hi

- high dmg
- dot
- interupt
- hamstring>you hof> they survive and hamstring again>full band
- burst with mocking blow
- shield block

near impossible 1v1 to win for hpal

holy vs war now, dam very hard

dont make wild ludicrous statements because you played vs/with retards back then

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the only thing that fascinated me was the discussion, not you :/
don't hurt me like that :/

and quote me exactly where I said not-so-good players won't join. and how exactly does it make the bracket worse - if 1 good joins and 1 bad joins 19 bracket, then shouldnt that make it even?


Why wouldnt the nature development apply to twinking? it applies to football, hockey, science - everything. Please explain this to me in detail.
You didn't say that, I said that bad people are moke likely to join cause it's easy to gear than good players, you disagreed. You said there are good players joining too, I agreed.
I don't think the scale between good and bad players joining is 1:1, more likely 1:5. Of course this is only based on my experience. But if 1 good player joins for every 5 players, I think it will downrate the bracket overall.

And mesi, I would take quality over quantity as long as I get 1, 2 pops a day.
don't hurt me like that :/

You didn't say that, I said that bad people are moke likely to join cause it's easy to gear than good players, you disagreed. You said there are good players joining too, I agreed.
I don't think the scale between good and bad players joining is 1:1, more likely 1:5. Of course this is only based on my experience. But if 1 good player joins for every 5 players, I think it will downrate the bracket overall.

And mesi, I would take quality over quantity as long as I get 1, 2 pops a day.

well, I can't change your opinion - but it certainly sounds more logical that it would flood as many 'bads' as 'goods'.
If the games would last 15-20min and be competitive as hell with ending socres not like 3-0, 0-0, it would be enough for me :)

if you are referring to the last 1-2 pages it is merely a discussion, not a flame war :)

just skimming thru the pointless bullshit and found a simple and ez solution :)
I've actually seen all of them except Honeychild atleast once

I dunno why she doesn't play 19 so active anymore seen, I see her some times
She quit 19s actively after wotlk and is raiding a lot these days. Played some 20-24 with her between cata and mop.

I cant help yall with a list though, perhaps an oldschool one when 19s where alot more fun then now. Lindenkron gave a good explenation about that some pages back.

Ah well 19s will never be the same /sadpanda
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