Best of 19s EU

Priest - Honeychild
Druid - Mesikämmen
Shaman - Roula
Rogue - Blackout
Hunter - Satanah
Mage - Spam
Paladin - Jaxel
Warlock - Yamaraj

please explain how twinking was harder before cata/mop

dispelling was hard? LOL
fakecasting was harder before? what changed?
positioning was harder before? please explain
landing cc was harder before? what changed?
interrupting was harder before? what changed?
this list can go on forever


twinking was always easy as fuck if you had half a brain
and i started playing twinks in vanilla

please use your enter key in your reply :) (fixed for vladar D:)
maybe it was hard for you lol
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please explain how twinking was harder before cata/mop

dispelling was hard? LOL
fakecasting was harder before? what changed?
positioning was harder before? please explain
landing cc was harder before? what changed?
interrupting was harder before? what changed?
this list can go on forever

twinking was always easy as fuck if you had half a brain
and i started playing twinks in vanilla
Mana, less instant heals, slower heals, less burst / relying on outlasting opponents for a kill. Just a few examples :p
Mana, less instant heals, slower heals, less burst / relying on outlasting opponents for a kill. Just a few examples
and this is considered hard?
healing was just as easy as it is now. we heal faster and more now because we actually receive dmg faster and more now.
and i repeat myself, if you had half a brain you could manage your mana perfectly. just as an example

this discussion about twinking being harder in the old days is ridicoules
it wasnt harder, it was just different
and this is considered hard?
healing was just as easy as it is now. we heal faster and more now because we actually receive dmg faster and more now.
and i repeat myself, if you had half a brain you could manage your mana perfectly. just as an example

this discussion about twinking being harder in the old days is ridicoules
it wasnt harder, it was just different
I wouldn't say hard, I would call it "less easy".

It was less easy to manage your mana.
Now it is less easy to time healing.

It just shifted around.
this discussion about twinking being harder in the old days is ridicoules
it wasnt harder, it was just different

I guess I can agree with this to some extend. Everytime I enter a BG now it just feels wrong to me. There used to be a lot of time for you to outplay your enemy, do things better - for him to fail, or not fail. To me it feels now as if you charge in, and smash 2-3 keys and hope to get crits. If that fails, enemy healer throws 1 instant heal and you're back to scratch.

The whole "pressuring people down" seems rather lost (to me at least).

Btw, are you the Female Draenei French priest? From Al'akir. Believe there was one called that, if I'm not mistaking.
yeah, but more easily obtainable gear = more players joining the bracket = more good players
More players doesn't equal more good players, though of course the chance that the new players are good, I'd say that if you join a bracket because the gear is easy obtainable, you, as I said earlier, might not be as dedicated as you could wish for.

Yamaraj has different playstyle to that of a common warlock , I dueled him and he knew what he was doing, considering the fact that it is very hard to find a good warlock and he still could duel after his hiatus is something I don't understand, I also like him as a player and a community member, much of what I wish the community would still be not that any of this matters since his RaF ended anyway and he wasn't into the new updates that came up in Cata and Mop which I understand, it is not for everyone after all 80% of the old community agrees with him about the current state of 19 and have quited if you played in a guild in tbc or wrath you must have noticed that most of your old guildmates have quited this bracket and the activity has gone south, the bracket is at its worst state than it has ever been therefore I don't blame anyone that I listed in my best of all time of 19s that has quited, of course we are discussing opinions about who you think is good and who is not, you are allowed to have your opinion and I am not gonna tell you different if you think he is a bad player that is fine for me I don't have to prove his gameplay for you anymore that I already wrote, you can think whatever you want
I don't think that is true, right after Exp on/off patch came, you could wait for games for whole days without pops. At least we do have regular pops now, though the games might not be as good (idk know about this, but lets just say they are worse), bad games are better than no games.

use space

you are bad

use it
and use . please use . .....

I guess I can agree with this to some extend. Everytime I enter a BG now it just feels wrong to me. There used to be a lot of time for you to outplay your enemy, do things better - for him to fail, or not fail. To me it feels now as if you charge in, and smash 2-3 keys and hope to get crits. If that fails, enemy healer throws 1 instant heal and you're back to scratch.

The whole "pressuring people down" seems rather lost (to me at least).

Btw, are you the Female Draenei French priest? From Al'akir. Believe there was one called that, if I'm not mistaking.
You can't crit some1 out in MoP...
In TBC certain classes i.e. druids, shamans, palas could last forever.
In WOTLK I don't really know didn't play that much.
In Cata you could die in 3 sec.
In MoP 1 healer is able to keep a whole raid team alive.

There has always been problems and twinks have always dealt with them, atm I think the best way to work around the overpowered healing, is to coordinate you teams CC, sheeps, fears, saps, HoJ's etc, to get an FC or another healer down. MoP calls for more teamwork than Cata, where a hunter could solo return a flag.
More players doesn't equal more good players, though of course the chance that the new players are good, I'd say that if you join a bracket because the gear is easy obtainable, you, as I said earlier, might not be as dedicated as you could wish for..

more good players do indeed equal more good players. and why do you think everyone just joins because of the easily obtainable gear?
well, I could care less what you think or what you don't think really. with more people joining, the chance of good players joining will be bigger than if less players join - how can you even deny that?
Your point: More players --> more good players.

His point: Less players but since gearing is harder those few players will put more effort into twinking -- > more good players.
well, I could care less what you think or what you don't think really. with more people joining, the chance of good players joining will be bigger than if less players join - how can you even deny that?
If you didn't care what I thought you wouldn't have engaged in this duscussion.

I know that, and I have never denied it. The chance of good people joining are of course higher with more people joining. But the chance of not-so-good players joinng will also increase.

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