Hot best of 19 US !

Shoutout to the undead rogue Nvb. He and I jumped from eroof to ebalc, simultaneously sapped a hunter and priest, and lit up a flag carrier like the 4th of july. before the play he whispered me the plan, right as I was sending the same plan in BG chat. same wavelength and everything
Druid: dazzlerazzle
Rogue: lilglostikz/mikeyguns
Priest: phe
Hunter: darren of the alliance
Warrior: ghostfighter
Warlock: drayner
Shaman: drmeangreen
Mage: icastfireballs
Paladin: oneidwilly
Druid: Fannypack
Rogue: Onebigjonson
Priest: Solipsist
Hunter: HB/Pizza
Warrior: Flummy
Warlock: Flamergod/Agonist
Shaman: Sail
Mage: Sozmate
Paladin: Hairytreeman
I’m the best Druid by a mile.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Druid: Fannypack
Rogue: Onebigjonson
Priest: Solipsist
Hunter: HB/Pizza
Warrior: N/A
Warlock: Flamergod
Shaman: N/A
Mage: Sozmate
Paladin: N/A
Druid: N/A
Rogue: Pitterpatter
Priest: Solipsistx
Hunter: Pizza & HB
Warrior: Walle
Warlock: Flamergod
Shaman: Sail
Mage: Sozmate/Likelyhigh
Paladin: N/A
FC Druid: Jwl/Murberry
Resto Druid: Fannypack
Rogue: Saxx
Priest: Tiptactoe
Hunter: Hb/Pizza
Warrior: Hired
Warlock: Grizzle/Flamer/Chadx
Shaman: N/A
Mage: Sozmate
Paladin: Hairytreeman
Druid: FC hate on it kids good. Murberry
Rogue: Mayfield, the goat shadowcritz
Priest: Nasti, Hbotz
Warrior: Walle, Sillus, edit some salty dude he knows who he is, great warrior
Hunter: fucking atax, and pizza
Mage: hairytreemans mage (female humane don't remember the name sorry), snow
lock: easy grizzle
Paladin: Hairytreeman
Shaman: N/A. ill make an impression eventually
Last edited:
Druid: FC hate on it kids good. Murberry
Rogue: Mayfield, the goat shadowcritz
Priest: Nasti, Hbotz
Warrior: Walle, Sillus, edit some salty dude he knows who he is, great warrior
Hunter: fucking atax, and pizza
Mage: hairytreemans mage (female humane don't remember the name sorry), snow
lock: easy grizzle
Paladin: Hairytreeman
Shaman: N/A. ill make an impression eventually

That's why I named myself seasoned.
Druid: ???
Rogue: Saxx
Priest: Lilwaterbed, Cap (even tho speed potter)
Hunter: Pizza
Warrior: Solamar
Warlock: ??
Shaman: Velric
Mage: Frawst
Paladin: Hairytreemanx
I need validation otherwise how do I know whether or not I am good at PVP

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