Best friend list thread

Supposed to be a thread where we make lists of great friends, people who inspired us, positively affected us while twinking. ended up like every other EU thread with a bunch dickweeds arguing about nonsense

well the guys i like know i like them. and im not into the whole bromance thing, but if it'll make you happy.

in no particular order...

i hate everone equally
Supposed to be a thread where we make lists of great friends, people who inspired us, positively affected us while twinking.
A big shout out to all the people from classic, tbc (and wotlk) twinking who played in the Nightfall battlegroup EU. Thanks all for the great games late evening and night!!11!!1

Special thanks to all the people from <PartySquad> Will never forget the good old days :)
leotseddap's sig is my best friend
Everyone is SSDD, cata was our highlight expansion, even tho activitly died towards the end ( like most guilds) we did make our mark and played some very good premades.

Best time of my twink life and i would like to thanks everyone who took part in our premades/5man groups, our skype calls where hilarious and i wish we could do the same for MoP.

Also like to shout out of Quaint 19 paladin from my old battlegroup, i never knew the guy but he got me in to twinking and knowing those GY jumps made me wana espire to FC in cata.

good times we had guys :)

P.S <Atoma> was ok
Heroic Twinks - Literally your premades used to piss me off so bad... literally you guys didnt queue unless it was 6+ people in a raid lol.. Wopper was average but knew EVERYTHING to do in EVERY situation, Vigdoria cried, Trialdruid used to fucking speed around the gulch like he was on speed capping flags, Phisherman was an absolute monster, Broadsword would never ever ever ever die and always turn me into a leper, Azol used to be a qt little gnome now he holds his own and people flame him for being decent.

Love the description of Wopper and I totally agree with it
Started reading your post, but then I stopped and forgot to read it all, now I did.
In no particular order:

Trialdriud - carry + healz + good frend
Critrage - great company any time :)
Pittyvaich - we discuss deep shits with this badass, also the guy who wanted me to come Draenor and always had fun with you, whether it's chatting or playing or whatever we do! Be more active!
Eriwen - cutest on earth
Aethia - always helpful
BalthasaurqtbesteuRIP:( - Every1 on EU wants you back dude!
Azol cool HCL pro
Roula (faggot)
Peni nicestguyeu
Junoo I miss group Qing & playing with you and SSDD bois, QT COME BACK! =(
Rapah, nice & knowledgeable guy + gud heals
Ondura, not really friends but I respect his playstyle; effective as fuck on what he does and doesn't whine like a bitch 24/7 on bgchat (like me)
Dashade - So nice chatting with day and night (and playing ofc), I hope you come back to 19s bro! Fuck f2p
Footz - be more active and come back to CB =( i mis u
Eljero - always fun to play with!
Technique - nice guy, knows what he's doing and always there when you need him :)
Aylaina/budayla - Like to chat with this guy, always has shit to discuss ^^Lopio - Very nice guy + good player !
Yufie - Helpful, good pally and greatly appreciate his effort he put into Cárebears! Come back tho :(
Vladar - Knows his theorycrafting and shit, nice to chat with
Nature - Active + always up for some pvp action and whatnot
Martyrious fun to play with, play moar 19s :(
Chillbestcatamage, you promised to come back to 19s but havent seen you =(
Bubbleumad mad carry, always there to que and queque (cwhatididthar) :p
Scabere - Prolly wisest, most humble and nicest guy I've met on wow :) Always good chats with you!
Snack - coolpala but should be moar active cus fuck irl and travelling, sit in front of monitor all day bitch

+ Many other people on Cárebears and Om Nom Rum + BLNT and in the 19s tinkes overall :)
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best friends, hmm, does my teddy bear (bob) count?
In no particular order:

Trialdriud - carry + healz + good frend
Critrage - great company any time :)
Pittyvaich - we discuss deep shits with this badass, also the guy who wanted me to come Draenor and always had fun with you, whether it's chatting or playing or whatever we do! Be more active!
Eriwen - cutest on earth
Aethia - always helpful
BalthasaurqtbesteuRIP:( - Every1 on EU wants you back dude!
Azol cool HCL pro
Roula (faggot)
Peni nicestguyeu
Junoo I miss group Qing & playing with you and SSDD bois, QT COME BACK! =(
Rapah, nice & knowledgeable guy + gud heals
Ondura, not really friends but I respect his playstyle; effective as fuck on what he does and doesn't whine like a bitch 24/7 on bgchat (like me)
Dashade - So nice chatting with day and night (and playing ofc), I hope you come back to 19s bro! Fuck f2p
Footz - be more active and come back to CB =( i mis u
Eljero - always fun to play with!
Technique - nice guy, knows what he's doing and always there when you need him :)
Aylaina/budayla - Like to chat with this guy, always has shit to discuss ^^Lopio - Very nice guy + good player !
Yufie - Helpful, good pally and greatly appreciate his effort he put into Cárebears! Come back tho :(
Vladar - Knows his theorycrafting and shit, nice to chat with
Nature - Active + always up for some pvp action and whatnot
Martyrious fun to play with, play moar 19s :(
Chillbestcatamage, you promised to come back to 19s but havent seen you =(
Bubbleumad mad carry, always there to que and queque (cwhatididthar) :p
Scabere - Prolly wisest, most humble and nicest guy I've met on wow :) Always good chats with you!

+ Many other people on Cárebears and Om Nom Rum + BLNT and in the 19s tinkes overall :)

Would just like to tell you that I have now deleted you from my friend list.



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