Best friend list thread

I do agree that individual skill is pretty hard/impossible to determine simply by playing WSG. A great part of my passion for 19 was lost the day they removed skirmish. I was never a great fan of WSG, only reason I ever really played it was because it was with great guild mates with whom I shared the passion that was 19. They made WSG worth entering. These days there isn't really much else you can do but queue up to a random BG.

But hey, things change :)

Did you play when Skirmish was available Argument? (Btw, I just realised the irony of your name *giggle* :) )
I do good deeds all the time for friends, Ive spent thousands upon thousands of gold fueling my french friends with enchants n gear

That is contributing to the bracket, you are getting new players to it and helping its activity that is what you should focus instead of your evil mini-me

I can go destroy some warsong gulches and still feel righteous

I am flattered that you think that I should be given the title of Destroyer and also the title of Righteous

What you did 2 years ago dont rly mean shit now tho as it goes the total opposite direction u feel me

I feel you should do more of the quote 1 part instead of saying stuff like quote 3 part

Thanks for completly missing the point yet again and provide an answer that involved "old school" bracket, wow It's like im psychic or something

mostly that bla bla banana stuff I want to see go make it happen ty beforehand
Oh yes I certainly did mejt born n breed on Blackout, loved ze skirmishes and my wandspeced priest in wsgs. I would love to have skirmish back and im constantly looking for wargames :), had some yesterday and was great fun, and yeh if ironic you mean providing sensible arguments to counter all the nonsense flying out of TD then yeah for sure bro (giggle :p)

Ah yes, the good old wand spec. Pumping out that damage ;). Good times. Hows the balance in war games these days? I can imagine some combs being retarded - but I haven't actually entered any so my knowledge is quite limited.

And nah, I just see certain people argue a lot on this site no matter which direction I'm looking (metaphorically speaking) :)
Balance is what you make it but I honestly feel that it's all about having people who understand basic stuff and you can have a blast with competitive games. Ofc there are some OP combos that, if played with the top players would destroy most teams, those op combos in average player hands are def beatable by a variety of "weaker" comps.

Ah I see. What would these combs be? If you could give an example. And please define what you mean by 'top players'.
i will give any horde player the macro trialclown uses. you too can have "bad internet"
If we talking 3s we could mention feral, prot pala, healer for example, real strong, anything feral prot pala is off the chains. And top player? Guys who consistently makes the difference in bgs and arenas, an example is Vianco who can play 3-4 classes at a top ability and who have a constantly winning record in arenas by a high percentile, a player who can beat the same OP comps he can run and be undefeated in , im sure you know someone like that =)
Ah ye, something like that I was thinking of. Really bursty and tanky comps kind of displays the current state of 19. I was personally more into the positional, timing and conserving twinking. Currently it reminds me too much of 85 RBGs from Cata.

This Vianco is a druid? What's his main twink? I'm not really impressed by people playing druids well in the current state (I don't mean to be offensive, but I'm sure you agree it's not exactly fair odds ^^).

i will give any horde player the macro trialclown uses. you too can have "bad internet"
Sure, let them cheat. I hate that trialdruid keeps using that macro. He's a fucking moron, he keeps using it in Stormwind city so we miss queues. Faggot disconnecting random at random times without any logic to it. If he was a true pro, he'd use it to fake jump people off roof and not use it to lose the flag and lose us the game.

Guy is a moron.

(See what I did there? ;) )

This Vianco is a druid? What's his main twink? I'm not really impressed by people playing druids well in the current state (I don't mean to be offensive, but I'm sure you agree it's not exactly fair odds ^^).

His main twink is actually an arcane mage, but he also plays druid and lock.
Trialdruid, the reason I have some "attitude" towards you lies solely on the fact that you are clearly aware of your immense lag, but you still choose to FC. Your ways of "justifying" your means is nothing other than utter nonsense. I'd say I have very few "enemies" or people I strongly despise for some reason, but I can honestly say that you certainly fit in that category. Why? Because your lag ruins the game when you intentionally pick up the flag, and I have no way of catching you, at least not before 4 stacks. I can't even begin to count how many times your lag has been gamebreaking for the outcome of a game, when we would otherwise have killed you.

You might claim that your way of playing is based on your lag, and is adapted thereby, so in essence if you didnt have your lag you be wouldnt playing the way you do, which is of course evident. You wouldn't be running around alone, with a small group of at least 2-4 players running desperately after you, if you werent carried by lag. And often I see people in your group more fitting to FC than you, but of course you still choose to FC, because you have your lag, which is nothing other than a gamebreaking factor to any game. Yes, therefore you choose to FC, but that still does not justify your actions, and it doesnt make you any less of a dick.
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wouldn't be running around alone, with a small group of at least 2-4 players running desperately after you . Yes, therefore you choose to FC, but that still does not justify your actions, and it doesnt make you any less of a dick.

Someone having bad internet and FC'ing doesn't make him a dick or douche it makes him selfish for wanting to play the game he is paying for, for the same reason I am not qq'ing about what you play and what emotes you spam at ppl that play vs you or how you choose to play since you are paying for the game, I can't stop people from following me, I can just tell them go 9O which I most games say when I FC but I don't control their actions if someone wants to follow me and doesn't get the point when I keep running away from him it is his fault not mine or my lags all this being said it is needless to say that I am most definetely not running with anyone when FC'ing
punctuation pls its like i forget what i read while im reading it cause your sentences never end
Horde is following you, not Alliance. Why would Ally bother? They can send everyone O while you go around doing your thing. And of course you have no reason to complain, why would you? I play the game fair and square, nothing to complain about there. And let it be known, I very rarely use any kinds of "/spits" against other players, if I ever do, but you are an exception, and deservingly so. And who are you to determine what makes you a dick or not, others decide, not you. If you ruin the game for others by abusing your terribly lag, then yes, the term dick/douche is in that sense appropriate, at least in my view.
punctuation pls its like i forget what i read while im reading it cause your sentences never end

most of the last pages have been massive walls of text, tldr :D
someone needs to explain to me what a dick douche is. Kind of sounds like colonic irrigation but for your urethra
I agree TDs lag sucks. But he likes twinking and he honestly isn't a bad lad. I'm not sure as to what exactly is wrong with your ethernet card or i-net - but you really should try and fix it.

His lag doesn't help/hinder more in one way or another. Yes, he's hard to hit and target. But he also disconnects randomly, don't know where enemy is, when he lags everyone is lagging out for him as well. He randomly dies (when he is on skype he'll be like 'Fuck he was 100 yards away and I just died...')

Anyone that at any given time have actually used a lag macro (guilty as charged) would know how and when to use it - and it's fucking obvious when someone does it. I used it to fuck around with when FCing - Haven't done so for a year or so, so I don't know if it's the same macro - and not two fucks were given what you think about me having done that.

They would also know how it looks when someone is actually using it - because they'd have the knowledge to make the distinction between actual lag - and abusing a lag macro.

All these kids saying he's doing it on purpose with a lag macro blatantly have no idea of what is going on right before their eyes.

People need to show some understanding and stop complaining about it on a forum where it'll make squad all difference. It shows more about you than it does of him, honestly.

This is the only thing I'll ever write on the matter - because I know how the forums are now. So hit me with your best shot, it won't matter: I've been flamed too much on random shit through my time in the 15-19 bracket (which is quite sad, it shouldn't have to be this way :) ) for it to make any noticable difference.

He isn't using a macro. It sucks that he lags, for everyone. TD you should fix that shit bro. Stop QQing about it on forums, won't make a difference.

Best regards,

Let's hope the flaming and trashing doesn't ruin the bracket ;). Whether I'm in it or not it will always have a 'special place in my heart' so to say. A passions a passion ;).
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