best class total damage and total heal?

You should know not to argue goesid.. Everyone here is so anti hunter only the smart ones will even think about the fact that they aren't top damage and only the ones whos actually seen a great hunter/bdruid try to outdmg each other would know bdruid can do quite a bit more

no, i'm smart enough to not let boomkins cast on me.

on paper druids and shaman can do more damage than an hunter, but it depends on getting those long casts off. if long hard hitting ability's were so great, we'de see more MM hunters, and ele's and boomkins would be represented in the same numbers as hunters.

but like you say, it's pointless arguing with someone who is so bias. so you're right, my opinion is invalid. please forgive my ignorance.
The issue with hunters is they have a low skill cap to play but a high skill cap to play well. Where as hybrids have a medium to high skill cap to play and a high skill cap ceiling to play decently. That is why you see so few balance Druids and any spec of Shaman.

Sweetsidney ....
The issue with hunters is they have a low skill cap to play but a high skill cap to play well. Where as hybrids have a medium to high skill cap to play and a high skill cap ceiling to play decently. That is why you see so few balance Druids and any spec of Shaman.

Sweetsidney ....

This is known as a skill floor and skill ceiling. Hunters have the lowest skill floor as well as the arguably highest skill ceiling. Warlocks on the other hand have a relatively high skill floor but a relatively low skill ceiling.
This is known as a skill floor and skill ceiling. Hunters have the lowest skill floor as well as the arguably highest skill ceiling. Warlocks on the other hand have a relatively high skill floor but a relatively low skill ceiling.

I'm not so sure I'd say that warlocks have a low skill ceiling relative to other classes. I'm not sure who I'd say has the lowest skill ceiling, but any class that has to keep track of chaining cc and positioning to reapply while also dealing damage has at least a decent skill ceiling.

Warrior probably has the lowest skill ceiling, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot to be done as a warrior...
Warrior probably has the lowest skill ceiling, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot to be done as a warrior...

charge can be problematic i s'pose..
A good warlock definitely gives me lots of trouble on my resto shaman. Where as a mediocre hunter I can just run circles around them and whittle them down. Many of the warlocks are pretty good. Many of the hunters are sub par.

Sweetsidney ...
Druids - get bored of healing, just change spec...
Alright my numbers are probably a lil off but let's just reason this out a hunters serpent sting does more damage than a single moonfire but just about 100 less then moonfire plus sunfire Druid has to spend 3 seconds total to put that out due to 1.5 sec gcd hunt spends 1 sec for one sting in Theory the max number of people you can have your dots on is 5 and as soon as you get that you are going to have to refresh that a hunter on the other hand solely spreading serpent sting can have his dot on conservatively 9 ppl giving him time to use steady shot for the remaining 6 seconds in the 15 second span he also has a pet that can put out damage while he does all this and if the hunter is BM spec crit and haste stacking with a 1.7 speed bow for horde the pet will be getting focus left and right while his master is spreading the herpies and the hunter will out damage a balance Druid by like double .

You aren't taking in consideration the fact that herpes string can be dodged, and you go out of focus a lot faster than a boomking goes out of mana :p

edit: nevermind, you did mention steady shot there. Makes sense, but the first point still stands true. HF applying stings when ~70% of the bracket have 20-40% dodge :D
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I'm not so sure I'd say that warlocks have a low skill ceiling relative to other classes. I'm not sure who I'd say has the lowest skill ceiling, but any class that has to keep track of chaining cc and positioning to reapply while also dealing damage has at least a decent skill ceiling.

Warrior probably has the lowest skill ceiling, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot to be done as a warrior...

Anything that relies on positioning has nothing to do with the individual classes' respective skill floor or ceiling. In other words, positioning matters for everyone. My ability to positioning well to get two charges off to interrupt heals has nothing to do with the warrior class but actually using those charges in that manner does.
Anything that relies on positioning has nothing to do with the individual classes' respective skill floor or ceiling. In other words, positioning matters for everyone. My ability to positioning well to get two charges off to interrupt heals has nothing to do with the warrior class but actually using those charges in that manner does.

Going to cover random stuff on the thread and riff...

I don't think hpallies have the highest healing potential, I think druids do. Druids have a much easier time sniping and do not go OOM at nearly the same rate as holy paladin. If you put two of those in a game that was played 19s style, I think you'd find the holy paladin will be asked to focus more on dispels and the druid would probably do the vast majority of the healing with the hpal filling in the interim drops in health.


I think Boomkins have the second highest potential of damage at F2P but I think an equally skilled hunter will always beat them. Simply put, hunters can nearly AFK the vast majority of their damage whereas a boomkin does actually have to cast to keep up. In anecdotal evidence I would say Mindy (Derpfire) is probably the best US boomkin in the F2P part of the bracket and I've beaten her on damage anytime we've been in the same BG (she's the only F2P who routinely puts up 100k+ games on a boomkin that I've seen). She also does Boomkin nearly flawlessly (haste + DoT's application, refresh and surge).

The other problem is that as a hunter, I routinely kill the stuff Mindy needs to have DoT's ticking on to get damage before anything even ticks.

@Skill Floor/Ceiling people

Please keep in mind that floor/ceiling have nothing to do with the player but the class itself. The best mage in the world is probably going to an extremely good lock because the positioning require to cast a fear and a sheep are basically the same (and really thanks to Blizzard they might as well be the same class with barely different mechanics of damage). That doesn't have anything to do with the class itself. Using fear to interrupt a heal (or poly), using sheep to heal or stop a MC"d teammate from getting thrown off a cliff or keeping your pet on the healer while DPSing something else are all ceiling/floor mechanics.
hunter druid are the bast classes US and most skilled by far at 20

a wise man once said "hitting one button doesn't require the whole face, just one finger."

and then explosive shot/rejuvenation was born
Going to cover random stuff on the thread and riff...

I don't think hpallies have the highest healing potential, I think druids do. Druids have a much easier time sniping and do not go OOM at nearly the same rate as holy paladin. If you put two of those in a game that was played 19s style, I think you'd find the holy paladin will be asked to focus more on dispels and the druid would probably do the vast majority of the healing with the hpal filling in the interim drops in health.


I think Boomkins have the second highest potential of damage at F2P but I think an equally skilled hunter will always beat them. Simply put, hunters can nearly AFK the vast majority of their damage whereas a boomkin does actually have to cast to keep up. In anecdotal evidence I would say Mindy (Derpfire) is probably the best US boomkin in the F2P part of the bracket and I've beaten her on damage anytime we've been in the same BG (she's the only F2P who routinely puts up 100k+ games on a boomkin that I've seen). She also does Boomkin nearly flawlessly (haste + DoT's application, refresh and surge).

The other problem is that as a hunter, I routinely kill the stuff Mindy needs to have DoT's ticking on to get damage before anything even ticks.

@Skill Floor/Ceiling people

Please keep in mind that floor/ceiling have nothing to do with the player but the class itself. The best mage in the world is probably going to an extremely good lock because the positioning require to cast a fear and a sheep are basically the same (and really thanks to Blizzard they might as well be the same class with barely different mechanics of damage). That doesn't have anything to do with the class itself. Using fear to interrupt a heal (or poly), using sheep to heal or stop a MC"d teammate from getting thrown off a cliff or keeping your pet on the healer while DPSing something else are all ceiling/floor mechanics.


a few screenshots, not all went all the way (timers) but still, the only F2P hunter that has ever beaten my damage is Yelim @ Spinebreaker - Community - World of Warcraft

a few screenshots, not all went all the way (timers) but still, the only F2P hunter that has ever beaten my damage is Yelim @ Spinebreaker - Community - World of Warcraft

Duffmanwin is a 24 I take it?

As for your screenshots.. (which by the way mean absolutely nothing, I have screenshots of me wrecking well known players on disc priest, holy paladin, fire mage etc.)


1. Idk any of these players but it looks like Dancingroot healbotted you and the hunter died 4 times so I'm assuming he wasn't healbotted but was occasionally in the general vicinity. I'm only guessing on his deaths relative to everyone else's that he's not particularly good or at the least was not going for damage (spreading SS etc.).

2. Your competition is 0-11.... and 7-6 in a losing game. I'm assuming from your very limited amount of kills (meaning your team, not you) that you were the only one spreading DoT's and LoSing etc.

3. I don't even get the point here.. 6-3 disc priest is in second.. is this proving balance can do damage? I already know that, I have done equivalent damage (remember my point was that Derpfire was the only one who ROUTINELY on THE US who put up 100k+). I'm guessing from the fact that we have two here that you have to agree that it's a rarer phenomenon (whereas I hit 100k+ on a hunter on any close game with healers just playing and not going for multi-dotting).

4. Is that hunter ... 24? Or is that another hunter that beat you?

It's hard to test. I'd like for us to be able to test this out with each other but I get 150 MS on EU and I'm assuming you get the same here. I also don't think I've ever lost a straight up damage race (meaning I was going for damage) so it's also very anecdotal. I just don't get how the math works out for boomkins to be ahead of hunters, if they were they'd be stronger than hunters and whereas the ceiling for doing the damage you're doing is high, the floor is not that low that they (bads) wouldn't still hit very good numbers on a class that can heal itself.
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Duffmanwin is a 24 I take it?

As for your screenshots.. (which by the way mean absolutely nothing, I have screenshots of me wrecking well known players on disc priest, holy paladin, fire mage etc.)


1. Idk any of these players but it looks like Dancingroot healbotted you and the hunter died 4 times so I'm assuming he wasn't healbotted but was occasionally in the general vicinity. I'm only guessing on his deaths relative to everyone else's that he's not particularly good or at the least was not going for damage (spreading SS etc.).

2. Your competition is 0-11.... and 7-6 in a losing game. I'm assuming from your very limited amount of kills (meaning your team, not you) that you were the only one spreading DoT's and LoSing etc.

3. I don't even get the point here.. 6-3 disc priest is in second.. is this proving balance can do damage? I already know that, I have done equivalent damage (remember my point was that Derpfire was the only one who ROUTINELY on THE US who put up 100k+). I'm guessing from the fact that we have two here that you have to agree that it's a rarer phenomenon (whereas I hit 100k+ on a hunter on any close game with healers just playing and not going for multi-dotting).

4. Is that hunter ... 24? Or is that another hunter that beat you?

It's hard to test. I'd like for us to be able to test this out with each other but I get 150 MS on EU and I'm assuming you get the same here. I also don't think I've ever lost a straight up damage race (meaning I was going for damage) so it's also very anecdotal. I just don't get how the math works out for boomkins to be ahead of hunters, if they were they'd be stronger than hunters and whereas the ceiling for doing the damage you're doing is high, the floor is not that low that they (bads) wouldn't still hit very good numbers on a class that can heal itself.

1. He heals everybody. possible.
2. We got GY farmed that game.
3. Soft is 24.
4. Duffman is 24.

Mainly posted them for fun, just saying that hunters doesn't have to come out on top. Hunters have energy and dodge to deal with, boomies doesn't really have this problem making up for a bit of it.
Depressingly, I forget every time I delete WoW I delete all my SS's so I lost most of my sexy SS's with fire mage and shit (I am really sad :( ). I do have some from this AB weekend though - but give me a month and I'll have more for everything xD....

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1st: Disc Priest beating 24 hunter 24 hunter etc.
2nd: Beating a well known 24 boomkin
3rd: I started to DPS when we got 4 capped so in that short bit of time I topped all these idiots
4th: Rogue out damaging everyone

I'd have more but to describe it: Fire Mage 3rd in damage in a full premade (with 2 hunters 1 spriest etc.) lots of hpal topping damage meters... lots of priest topping damage meters, got one resto druid topping etc.

Long story short, anecdotes are really hard to measure. No would say disc/rogue are top damage specs but they can be given circumstance.


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Depressingly, I forget every time I delete WoW I delete all my SS's so I lost most of my sexy SS's with fire mage and shit (I am really sad :( ). I do have some from this AB weekend though - but give me a month and I'll have more for everything xD....

View attachment 3986 View attachment 3987View attachment 3988View attachment 3989


1st: Disc Priest beating 24 hunter 24 hunter etc.
2nd: Beating a well known 24 boomkin
3rd: I started to DPS when we got 4 capped so in that short bit of time I topped all these idiots
4th: Rogue out damaging everyone

I'd have more but to describe it: Fire Mage 3rd in damage in a full premade (with 2 hunters 1 spriest etc.) lots of hpal topping damage meters... lots of priest topping damage meters, got one resto druid topping etc.

Long story short, anecdotes are really hard to measure. No would say disc/rogue are top damage specs but they can be given circumstance.

Disc does have nice damage but they have other duties to attend.
Sorry bout your screenshots.
How do you get the epeens to fit on your screens from stroking them so much?
I had to zoom out to get them to fit.


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