Bendandcough's Gear Scaling Guide / Index

I think your formatting is fine. I was able to follow yours alot easier then sally's but she also had quite a bit of gear in just 2 posts so maybe that's why. You shouldn't need to say the previous stats with something this big since a link should suffice. Think it would be helpful just to save some room if you made the name the link like

Lucky Fishing Hat
92 armor
17 stam

so that way the links are the item. Would be easier I think if you made the slots like shoulders or head bolded/centered/bigger then make a color for the cloth leather or mail categories to follow slightly easier. That's just formatting ideas.. I will list items once I see your whole list so I don't list something you already know about. I'm kinda happy you beat me to making this list lol
sorry if any of these already listed:

seecloud buckler - 6int, 4spirit 809armor
cavedweller bracs - 5str, 5stam 74armor
gorka's band - unchanged
shield of talrendis - 4stam, 4int, 4crit 781armor
darkwater talwar - 5str 28-53dmg
hulking leggs - 10str, 4agi(not useful) 171armor

bone fishing pole - 6shadow resist (up ONE!)
haunting blade 11str, 7hit. 64-96/21.08
reef axe 12str, 8stam, 68-103/23.85
In the future with describing changes in weapon stats, it would be helpful to list the damage range, and not just it's listed dps, as the damage range directly affects weapon damage, which affects various other spells.

That is, weapon damage, unlike DPS, directly affects the kinds of numbers one's abilities dishes out, with cat druids being the exception.

One example comparison on some gear scalings and their implications:
Naga Heartpiercer, with 48-90 WD, and 16 agi in battlegrounds, shares the same weapon damage (and speed) as what's BiS for level 24 hunters, with the difference only being 4 agi vs 8 crit.

crested scepter - 18.47/28-53 4stam, 5int
black malice - 21.18/55-84 8str
watcher's cape of int 38armor, 6int
bling cane 6/6/6crit
belt of the vision 8int/4haste/2stam
gargoyle's bite - 28armor, 21.81/50-76 12 str
feyscale cloak 5int/5stam (forgot armor, sry)
rakzur club 21.15/43-66, 5str/10stam/6hit
girdle of nobility - 4stam/9int/4crit

blackfang has 1more shadow resist

ugh/lol, in bgs i've been not only ultra-laggy, but more interested in noting scaling than fighting.

did gargoyle's always have armor? i only payed attn to it for mog.
Not gonna lie.. I lol'd when I saw that while checking my stats. I moused over it and noticed it had 6 instead of 5 and giggled ^-^

yeah, one of the many things i can't bring myself to get rid of...

". . . it could be useful, somehow, somewhere, sometime . . "
Brightscale Girdle has 7 Str, 7 Stam, 133 armor

i think that makes it best for str mail wearers. ally side at least.
Shield against the evil presence: 7/7 999 armor
Savage trodders: 7/7
Boots of the hero: 6/6/6
Foreman's leggings: 9/9
Earthbound girdle of the soldier: 6/6/6
Earthbound girdle of stamina: 12
Tumultuous cloak of the soldier: 4/4/4 (no change)

Just a few changes I can remember off the top of my head, will try to add armor values later
Looks like I actually have a reason to go full out on Foreman's pants instead of 1 hour a week haha.

Also going to be a pain to get Thorb's gauntlets. ._.
I have a lot of cloth gear on my mage, will check 1 by 1,
so far,
Cloth Bracelet
Ivycloth Bracelets of the Eagle
item level 25 (29)
34armor +3stam, +3int
for wowhead, just armor +4; going to check this again later on.

Cloth Leg
Godfrey's Britches
item level 25 (29)
66armor, +9stam, +6int, +6crit

Cloth Belt
Enumerated Belt

Of the Sorcerer
Item level 21 (25)
48armor, +6stam, +6int, +6haste

Of the Vision
Item level 21 (25)
48armor, +2stam, +8int, +4haste
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