The best "General Chat" settings if you want to be usefull in BGs.
It removes the pathetic spam and orders from nubs - "what to do - where to go".
Just play your game, dont listen to the nabs.
Just play to enjoy your time, it might win the game easier that way, dont listen to the pathethic annoying "must-win" kids / jerkoffs.
I really want to puke my guts out when I hear some pathetic cunts in 20-29 bracket... They play to win? Win what? Win why? There is no point when you are F2P... Only retards want to win "because of the game". If you are F2P, you are playing for stats , not for enjoying the game and win... If you want to win and if the "win" is so important to you, you should sub and play end-game (120 level PvP).