Tom Ganks
For some reason I can remember the details of the day I made my account on TI. It's not really a huge deal but it has stuck with me for some reason. I made my account when I took a trip to South Texas, near the border. I was probably a sophomore in HS at the time, and I was at a neighbor's ranch that they owned separate from their main home. They had oil money so they were pretty well off. It was probably below freezing outside, and even inside it was super cold and I was wearing a pretty thick jacket that i still have to this day. I played a few games of horseshoe outside, then came in and (being the unsocial nerd I was) went online and looked up wow free-to-play stuff. I came across TI and then made my account. Following that, I probably made some cringe-worthy posts that would illustrate how much of a noob I was.