At what point in your life did you made an Xpoff/TI account?

u gon leave us hanging like that?
Ah, Elitist Jerks, they of the theorycrafting, spreadsheets and graphs...

It was around halfway through Burning Crusade. I'd just been kicked out of an excessively fancy all-the-server-firsts type of raiding guild (I wasn't fancy enough) and was at a loose end, well geared and free to my own devices. I don't raid anymore so I don't know if it's like this now, but if you recall, back in the early years of WoW there was a whole ton of "received wisdom" going around - as in everyone just parroted stuff (like how you had to spec) without actual 1st-hand knowledge, and if you didn't do things in the 'accepted' way you were considered an idiot. E.g. throughout Vanilla shadow priests weren't allowed into raids because "Shadow Priests Bring No Additional Functionality To The Raid Group".

Anyway, finding myself free, I made a bizarro hybrid spec just for the hell of it. Looked something like this:
The key talent was Surge of Light, halfway up the Holy tree. That combined with with Holy Specialization, Searing Light and Spritual Guidance; and Improved Divine Spirit and Force of Will in the disc tree to make an INSANELY powerful damage and healing smite-spec. It was basically non-stop mana-free, instant-cast smites.

The first place I took it was Heroic Black Morass with some ex-guildies from the fancy guild, and they stood back and gawped while my bizarro spec soloed it. Then I took the spec into Alterac Valley and not only did we win but I came out top of both damage and healing (over the other 79 players, not just on my side). That was unheard of back then.

Then I thought, I wonder if Elitist Jerks are talking about this. So I ambled over to see what they were saying. Sure enough, a user had posted a "hey this looks like it might be worth a try" thread about it. Followed by about 20 replies saying what a retard he was for suggesting it, it obviously wouldn't work, even if it did work it wasn't worth sacrificing 51-pt talents for, what a fucking moronic idea, you clueless nitwit, you obviously don't understand theorycrafting, etc etc etc. Man, I felt sorry for that OP getting bludgeoned half to death, cos he was in fact right. I didn't have an account so I didn't say anything, just ambled away again, and Tsar Bomba-ed wherever I went.

But after that I never could bring myself to take EJ seriously again.
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Ah, Elitist Jerks, they of the theorycrafting, spreadsheets and graphs...

It was around halfway through Burning Crusade. I'd just been kicked out of an excessively fancy all-the-server-firsts type of raiding guild (I wasn't fancy enough) and was at a loose end, well geared and free to my own devices. I don't raid anymore so I don't know if it's like this now, but if you recall, back in the early years of WoW there was a whole ton of "received wisdom" going around - as in everyone just parroted stuff (like how you had to spec) without actual 1st-hand knowledge, and if you didn't do things in the 'accepted' way you were considered an idiot. E.g. throughout Vanilla shadow priests weren't allowed into raids because "Shadow Priests Bring No Additional Functionality To The Raid Group".

Anyway, finding myself free, I made a bizarro hybrid spec just for the hell of it. Looked something like this:
The key talent was Surge of Light, halfway up the Holy tree. That combined with with Holy Specialization, Searing Light and Spritual Guidance; and Improved Divine Spirit and Force of Will in the disc tree to make an INSANELY powerful damage and healing smite-spec. It was basically non-stop mana-free, instant-cast smites.

The first place I took it was Heroic Black Morass with some ex-guildies from the fancy guild, and they stood back and gawped while my bizarro spec soloed it. Then I took the spec into Alterac Valley and not only did we win but I came out top of both damage and healing (over the other 79 players, not just on my side). That was unheard of back then.

Then I thought, I wonder if Elitist Jerks are talking about this. So I ambled over to see what they were saying. Sure enough, a user had posted a "hey this looks like it might be worth a try" thread about it. Followed by about 20 replies saying what a retard he was for suggesting it, it obviously wouldn't work, even if it did work it wasn't worth sacrificing 51-pt talents for, what a fucking moronic idea, you clueless nitwit, you obviously don't understand theorycrafting, etc etc etc. Man, I felt sorry for that OP getting bludgeoned half to death, cos he was in fact right. I didn't have an account so I didn't say anything, just ambled away again, and Tsar Bomba-ed wherever I went.

But after that I never could bring myself to take EJ seriously again.

I remember being in a super fancy hardcore raiding guild and being told not to stack armor pierce. Raid leader sent me some EJ article that was all theory and zero application. But I did it anyway and low and behold! All of a sudden, better bring Chops if we wanna do ZA bear runs.

Shame they nerfed (then eliminated) pierce. what a fun stat. Shame that hunter is gathering dust at 74, too.

Anyway, the average twink on this forum knows more about game mechanics than the vast majority of vanilla/BC raid leaders did. I'd take a @necroaqua or @Kirise deep dive over any of the shit that got passed around via word of mouth back then.
Guess I joined in 2012, sworn it was earlier but w/e. I got laid off from a job of 6 years and decided to dive back into twinks, prior acct was complicated so started a new one. Been back and forth through the years, not really making a foot print in the community but enough people know me to make me resub occasionally.
Mostly came to this site to sell twink gear or trade items/gold, never really got into the heated topics because it would take far to long to keep up with the drama.
19 bracket is where I started and ended, dabbled in 10/39/49/60/70/80/99/101 also but never stuck at them.
Currently not subbed, too much irl to have fun with wow.
I'd been twinking for maybe a year when I joined TI. I had hesitated to join initially because I was shy and also worried about trolls bothering me (at the time, there were 2-3 trolls who would follow me from server to server to pester me in-game). I guess eventually there must have been a post I wanted to comment on, and my account was made!

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