Definitely objective focussed if his objective is throwing his toys out the pram..
Alphasky, our definitions of skill/objective focus are very different it seems. I have a screeny of you leaving AB one time, which caused us to lose with 1590.
I believe 'objective focus' really does say a lot about a players skill... So where's the skill when you simply quit, and lose the game for everyone else?
Oh i'm sry, am i suppose to defend Sfritz or myself now seing i leave 1/500 games? see i'm a bit confused because :
First of all each and everyone of us ( this includes you two ) has left the game on ocation, some more/some less
That AB you speak of,it was lost due to bad play ,not cause 1 out of 15 ppl left-BUT BECAUSE 15 ppl weren't giving their best and it wasn't some close call due to balanced teams,rather then half of the team sucked and were playing like retards ( as usual ) should know this.........
Also leaving a BG has nothing to do with one's skill.........those are two diff things
Because leaving when you put so much effort and the majority ins't, speaks for itself.
''Lose the game for everyone else ''...really ? so the others were doing what exactly ?
And a big LOL to your pointing any fingers by having one screen shot of me or someone else leaving a !..excuse me a bit, am lmao right now...
But seriously now,how many thousands of honor points we have made for so many scrubs/idiots/famers with our efforts alone,
who is any of you to be calling out my name when the ppl that play with/against me know how much effort i put into the game ?
Another thing....
who are you Kilda especially to be calling me out with words like skill/objective play/focus ?...i suggest you first do your homework and take a glance at my stats before you end up bullshiting me !
One more thing,do tell how do you know if i really did leave/had a DC/had to go in RL..... or rage quitted ?