I'm all for the first option, running an inclusive armory (with strict standards) and noting GF'd gear next to their armory entries. Five reasons why:
1) It creates the least amount of work for
@CigNus for what is already a labor-intensive practice on a regular basis. Curating an armory is a
lot of work. Months ago, I briefly considered doing an armory thread for 39s, and decided I didn't want to take that on, and that bracket didn't even get games. Making a twink gets personal in a hurry, and managing an armory requires considerable emotional labor to balance an applicant's desire to be in an armory against telling them that no, your twink doesn't qualify because I'm not going to degrade the work of others by putting your twink's pajamas next to them. Alright, it's not that extreme, but the point stands. That's a big deal, because...
2) ...As
@Ivo said, part of the function of the armory has always been to show off our build work. That involves ego and pride (definitely both), which build camaraderie in the community. Our characters get shared, judged, envied, questioned, and leveraged to build the next wave of twinks. The more armories show up, the more interest they spawn. For a significant number of people here, building twinks takes priority over actually playing them, and the armory is where we share our passion with the community. Which is why I love...
3) ...The idea of GF tags. Not only do they warn researchers who are figuring out how they want to do a new build, but the tags also act as a de facto badge for people who got the GF'd gear. Yes, that too involves some ego because daggone, do twinks love themselves some grandfathered gear. But regardless of how difficult or how trivial it was to obtain that gear, GF'd items serve as the most accessible way to demonstrate our time here. I have an SL 19 with one of the greatest grandfathered enchantments in twinking history that ultimately provides only a 1% throughput boost over current options, and I'm excited to finish that build and put it in my sig. That bracket won't see the light of day or get into an armory, and I'm still gonna do it. If that's how I feel about an old twink in a dead bracket, I get how people love showing off their grandfathered items in arguably the most active bracket in the game.
4) Lack of clarity in the armory is a feature, not a bug. For most people, figuring out what to wear and why is not a fun part of twinking. They just want answers about what to go grind and where to grind it, so they compare armories and then (apparently) annoy people in discord with questions about what's best when armory comparisons don't provide a clear answer. But asking questions engages people with the community, and also serves to show which people are doing their homework before bringing questions (or giving answers). Props to
@Andre for bringing that facet to my attention.
5) Armories offer a place to catch interesting alternatives. Yes, people can log out in meme sets and other crap gear, but it's also possible to catch a twink using an
Ember of Nullification, follow the WoWhead link, and discover that while the trinket only drops for tanks, the twink in the armory didn't have a tank spec. The fluidity of armories can prompt more questions than they answer, for all the right reasons. And maybe you'd have more fun putting together a meme set than you might have thought?
As a side note, I'm seeing a couple of people throw around the idea of "just put up more guides". Dismissing for a moment the degree to which those guides actually get used, it takes a
ton of time and effort to make a guide. My resto shaman guide clocked in at easily over 50 hours, and that's from someone who brings extended experience with shamans and with writing guides. To be sure, I loved writing that guide, but how big of a coinciding space do you think we'll find in the Venn diagram of twinks and writers? There aren't enough nutcases to go around filling that need.
TL;DR: Keep doing what you were doing before with the Armory, Cig, and add GF tags that point out specific GF'd gear. That will make it easiest on you, and be more fun for the community.