Apexix Shards

Painaid said:
rofl yes!!!! cuz crusade played d that game for some odd reason

Edit: the video might even teach him how to step up his game. what better way to learn than from the best? :D

OH yes a very powerful learning tool indeed. I only hopy he still have it.... I tried to use the old link, but it was down :(.

EDIT: He played D cuz he wouldn't stop buggin to do so and you know this was a good game for it seeing that it wasn't a threat! BAAAAAAZING
lol, we pugged in so many people in that game. It was only like...6 or 7 real prod members. Like 4 different servers total or somethin. not to mention our toons were undergeared as hell rofl
Painaid said:
lol, we pugged in so many people in that game. It was only like...6 or 7 real prod members. Like 4 different servers total or somethin

hehe yarr, it was because of the double pally I remember this is one of the games we had recorded CUZ we never do that and from the guild comments about deadshot I can't wait to watch it again myself.
Painaid said:
yep sure are

rofl, o boy, a threat. that's classy. sure that makes you feel big and bad.

Not a threat, I'm just saying..

I like bone and crusade, and I like playing with them

but If I have to eliminate them from the a-team simply so you'll stop saying we're dojjing then I will do so

@ shortngurly-cool story o_O

Please post the video, And you'll see the amazing o priest we had, on top of the amazing gear everyone had. and you, doing wut you do.(if crusade was even caught up to you half the time)

@ deshbad, lebron does infact have a toon in your guild from what I can tell

and I'm pretty sure he's above the standards of any of your other fail hunters
Reflexes said:
Not a threat, I'm just saying..

I like bone and crusade, and I like playing with them

but If I have to eliminate them from the a-team simply so you'll stop saying we're dojjing then I will do so

Make no mistake: ull still b doj'n
Why are people still posting in this thread? It's blatantly obvious Painaid didn't use any shards because he hasn't discovered any of the zones in Blade's Edge Mountains and there is Armory proof to back him up.

Reflexes bro, you're lying.
Duckhunt said:
Why are people still posting in this thread? It's blatantly obvious Painaid didn't use any shards because he hasn't discovered any of the zones in Blade's Edge Mountains and there is Armory proof to back him up.

Reflexes bro, you're lying.

Not at all, l2read
Duckhunt said:
Why are people still posting in this thread? It's blatantly obvious Painaid didn't use any shards because he hasn't discovered any of the zones in Blade's Edge Mountains and there is Armory proof to back him up.

Reflexes bro, you're lying.

That's a nice sig u got there.
DesH said:
LOL the person who claims he 1v2 me and deadshot is as delusional as you are sir. Try this, rather than make excuses like this that we cheated an that is why you lost, look at the real reason you lost and work on it and get better. But yeah maybe I am bad, I mean really what did I ever do other than LEAD the BEST 19 premade guild of all time...... lol you are a joke. Not a single lose on my premade record over 3 guilds and many years, damn I must be awful.


Desh I love you and all but best? No. Good? Yes. Very good? Yes.. but not best.
Almightycv said:
Why haven't you commited suicide yet? Like irl.

Because, I'm a buff model, I screw 20 chicks a day, I'm better at wow than everyone you know, I have a REALLY big penis, I'm pretty good w/ photoshopz, and I have 4 million friends on myspace...
Reflexes said:
Because, I'm a buff model, I screw 20 chicks a day, I'm better at wow than everyone you know, I have a REALLY big penis, I'm pretty good w/ photoshopz, and I have 4 million friends on myspace...

that story

so cool
Reflexes said:
Because, I'm a buff model, I screw 20 chicks a day, I'm better at wow than everyone you know, I have a REALLY big penis, I'm pretty good w/ photoshopz, and I have 4 million friends on myspace...

The above was lovingly typed with fat, pimply, virgin fingers that have permanently acquired an everlasting, delicious booger flavor.

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