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Lastly, has much changed in 5.4.3? Has it been a good, or a bad patch for us so far? Just let me know ASAP, any info to help me get up to date would be great.
Thanks :)
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2) What brackets are currently (still) quiet active? Which are dwindling? Which are tanked?

3) How is class balance ATM? Any OP classes? If so, what class is best at counter-balancing them?

I'm new to twinking. Been aware of it for several years, but never took it serious for some reason. I've mostly played my Main, a 90 Pally, since 2009. He was my only high level toon until this year when I got an Arms Warrior to 90 as well. I've lately been leveling a Rogue and he's at 65 now, but in the back of my mind is always the need to be "capping" my 90's to keep their gear at the top. I'm pretty much 100% PvP in regard to BG's/Arena versus Raiding/Dungeons. I've hardly been in any dungeons the past few years and the only Raids I run are solo'd for Gold or Mog gear.

Been having fun with a Monk yesterday, currently at 14. Seeing that my favorite BG's are Warsong and Arathi anyways, I'm thinking why don't I just start twinking some low-levels, and having my 90's as benefactors, and maybe not so worried about their keeping-up-with-the-Joneses all the time.

So THE REASON I'M HERE is because I wanna have buttloads of fun on the BGs that I love, and wanna find out which brackets seem the best for which classes. Is there info here regarding these questions? I would imagine so.

I've ran enough BG's to know that having top damage on the boards does NOT necessarily mean anything. Top KB's? Same... What matters is being a TEAM PLAYER and working toward the goals of the BG overall.

Yesterday, with my 14 WW Monk I ran a few Warsongs. Granted I'm new to Monk anyways, and not fully heirloomed yet... I was maybe 5th or 6th in overall damage on the boards, with 8000+ but there was a LEVEL 12 Survival Hunter who had 50000+ damage, at the top of the boards. Wow! Makes me wonder what he'll be doing at 14! My guess is he's been playing Hunter a long time, and is a seasoned PvP'er. Who is to say whether his damage truly contributed to our win, or was he just out farming hk's?

Anyways, my main interest in the game is melee classes, both tanking (love Prot Pally) and DPS. I'm not a healer, never have been, but maybe I'd try healing as a twink (not so many abilities as to overwhelm my brain...), and I have buttloads of heirlooms, especially the plate, and Rogue leather

My questions, then, are (assuming equal skill, fully loomed/chanted, levels 19 & 24):

1. What is the most OP melee DPS class?
2. What is the best FC?
3. What is best node Defender?
4. What is best healer?

I've written a volume! Geez. So that's enough questions for now. Mebbe someone will see fit to answer whilst I do some RL chores...

See you on the Battleground
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To add to my confusion, I have a pretty full set of CLOTH/caster heirlooms, minus the legs.

Because I'm mainly a melee guy, which one of the clothies can hang on his own the longest, without just dying everytime a melee class gets close?

Which has the most mobility?

I've liked Shadow Priest in the past, and had a (now deleted) warlock who was only up to 20... I remember enjoying the priest, maybe not so much the lock, but its been awhile...
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Well, because I have the Leather looms, 1H swords and daggers galore, and have been very recently enjoying leveling my Rogue, I decided to go ahead and roll another Rogue, to keep either 19 or 24 I believe. I'll have to see what I think of the difference in abilities. And I suppose it also depends on how long the dang Queue's are... I've never turned off my XP before...
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Which also leads me to this: is there certain realms where many twinks are hanging out? I'm on Gnomeregan, which is now a connected realm with Moonrunner
Hi, since i couldn't log into my old account i made a new account with adding a . (point) after my old name. however everytime i now clikc on my name (left side of the post or behind the welcome in top right post) it redirects me to my previous account on wihch i can't log in anymore.

So i was wondering is there anyway to change my account name or an other option to fix this problem.
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Which also leads me to this: is there certain realms where many twinks are hanging out? I'm on Gnomeregan, which is now a connected realm with Moonrunner

Eu-Draenor has quite some lvl 19 twink(guilds)
Anyone on Stormscale EU that can make a Hard Khorium Band, whisper me in-game. "Duncz" 70 Rogue. My mats.
Hey everyone , found out about this server from an quite old youtube video
And trying to test the server out , problem is to find any kind of info on this is like banging to a brick wall.
At this point i dont eve know if the server is onlin or not.You guys should try to imagine you are a new guy and visit your site.
Theres no mention on the realm name , i found out about that from an google search , you should place an guide for new comers and such.
Anyway , i changed realmlist to , made an acc here , but cant log , maybe some1 can give me a hand , thanks.

*EDIT* It just hit me that this aint the actually website of that server , and more of a portal for twinks , sorry about the rant lol.
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What does F2P mean?? I'm fairly sure I know it already but my brain has decided to offload.
Re: Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 10 posts!

What does F2P mean?? I'm fairly sure I know it already but my brain has decided to offload.

The exact abbreviation is "Free to play". In case of WoW, it's generally used to refer to Lvl. 20 twinks of trial accounts, since those trial accounts are free.

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