any 2/2 sun-lutes?

It's not really a big thing to equip MoP gear which scales ridiculously good and take on higher content. Dragon soul is chewed up content and every sucker could do it blindfolded by now. You've only traded in hp for secondary stats, gg.

I look forward to seeing your DS 10H progress.
Im not going to bother reading past the 90 pvp section, I'm playing at 2.4k mmr on 90's though :)

Oh and aelo, I cleared DS hc during cata on my prot pala :)

But, it's true I was a bit off on the 80 vs DS situation, it's probably a lot harder with the hit/exp required, so forget I said that.
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i havent done the math so i achually dont know, but i wuld suggest that you hurry and get the 50% plus and get mogushan and HoF done cus that wuld take two weeks
i dont know if the 50% works xrealm, if it did it wuld help i guess..
not shure if you can get a grp to boost you in the terrace...

I could only get this buff in 2 weeks... ^^ so it is quite... wayne
Im not going to bother reading past the 90 pvp section, I'm playing at 2.4k mmr on 90's though

Oh and aelo, I cleared DS hc during cata on my prot pala

But, it's true I was a bit off on the 80 vs DS situation, it's probably a lot harder with the hit/exp required, so forget I said that.

So my original post is completely justified by your own admission. If you want to play proper PvP, you should play at cap. And you do.

So either you're remotely decent at PvP or you play a bullshit class/spec that's FoTM.

I'll expand on what my problem is with Twink PvP. The first thing that anyone does on these forums is automatically think you have to PvP with your twink. Then you get the people that post "I'm rank one level <insert level here>". I just don't see the point in it. If you want to PvP and you like it so much, why not play at cap where it's fairer and more balanced. Saying your number one level 70 PvP'er in the world is like saying you're the smartest person with down syndrome in the world. You might be the best, but you're still a retard.

Originally my big boys and girls post was in reference to someone taking a dig at a guildies gear because he was in full PvE gear. They ASSUMED that he had to have been PvP'ing with this gear.

I'll leave it at that. I still don't like you but I'm happy this is concluded.
So my original post is completely justified by your own admission. If you want to play proper PvP, you should play at cap. And you do.

So either you're remotely decent at PvP or you play a bullshit class/spec that's FoTM.

I'll expand on what my problem is with Twink PvP. The first thing that anyone does on these forums is automatically think you have to PvP with your twink. Then you get the people that post "I'm rank one level <insert level here>". I just don't see the point in it. If you want to PvP and you like it so much, why not play at cap where it's fairer and more balanced. Saying your number one level 70 PvP'er in the world is like saying you're the smartest person with down syndrome in the world. You might be the best, but you're still a retard.

Originally my big boys and girls post was in reference to someone taking a dig at a guildies gear because he was in full PvE gear. They ASSUMED that he had to have been PvP'ing with this gear.

I'll leave it at that. I still don't like you but I'm happy this is concluded.

oh i guess that was to me then... well if you read the post i said IF you want to pvp........
it wasn't an assumpion it was a mere suggestion.
Though I don't agree entirely, I see where you're coming from as I played 70 as a healer myself which was pretty retarded.
Have to say though, 85 is a different story. It's probably the most balanced bracket out there :)
Though I don't agree entirely, I see where you're coming from as I played 70 as a healer myself which was pretty retarded.
Have to say though, 85 is a different story. It's probably the most balanced bracket out there :)

If you're going on 70s healers being retarded, you clearly didn't do any serious PvP in cataclysm. Healers weren't invincible in cataclysm, not even close. 80s was full of PvE mages who could kill someone with a shatter'd frost bolt, and 70s wasn't much different.

I don't know why you're attempting to argue this point, honestly. You make far too many assumptions about the people on here (without doing any prior research), and then decide to fight back with some extremely arguments whose accuracy is extremely questionable.

I don't agree with Zmirnoff much (We've had plenty big forum arguments before), but he actually got the point bang on.

As for clearing ds10HC in cataclysm, I pugged it on two 397 geared alts months before 5.X hit. So what was your point in saying that?
Well, a dwarf healer with leatherworking in cata was unkillable. Mages were the only "problem" and a big chunk of frost resistance and resillience was enough to fix it.
You clearly never did any proper research into 70 cata twinking I see? ;)

It's not so much about arguing as it is about who I'm arguing with. I can take criticism from Zmirnoff as he seems to know what he's talking about. Though you've clearly depicted your twink knowledge by what you said about cata 70's.

And the point about DS hc was not aimed at you, but at the other guy.
Aylax @ Silvermoon - Community - World of Warcraft

you're sat in a team with 60% w/l at exactly 2.2k rating which you achieved for the first time this season, playing a BM hunter and you're posting on this forum like you're the fucking authority on pvp, get a grip pal

Greetings random TI troll,

I'd happily inform you this is not my only account, as I have 3, and my hunter was never my main focus. I'd also be happy to inform you this 2,2k rating was achieved after the stampede hotfix and in 1 evening with 2 random guys. Please, just don't bother, you're not worth replying to beyond this single time, enjoy it!

All love, hugs and kisses,

Well, since you've convinced you're self that I'm uninformed (without any research either), I'll use this as an opportunity to take my leave. There isn't any point in arguing with someone who won't ever see any other side of the conversation.

Nothing to do with "research" since you've just shown me you don't know too much about the cata 70 scene.

Please don't leave, we're just getting to the interesting part where you show you don't have any proper pvp twink experience/knowledge! Though I have to point out, you're being a hypocrit, as you have a hard time seeing the other side of a discussion aswell, which revealed itself in the other thread about BiS gear vs casters.
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I'm really interested if there's anyone with a 2/2 lute around.
I've done some valor point grinding myself, but I reconsidered as a 200k weapon is a bit too expensive for an offspec.

Do you have a lute Freshprince?
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Stop insulting each other please, of if you mutually enjoy it, take it to PMs. :)

Or else.
do you like my little pony
No. I only learned what that even is a few weeks ago and when I watched a clip on youtube I thought it was horrible. >_>

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