any 2/2 sun-lutes?

I love the fact that everybody automatically assumes that because you twink you have to PvP with it.

If you guys love PvP so much, why don't you play at cap like the big boys and girls.
I love the fact that everybody automatically assumes that because you twink you have to PvP with it.

If you guys love PvP so much, why don't you play at cap like the big boys and girls.
this is a twink site "big boy"
the way i define twinking is not what you do with it but the fact that you do not lvl to max and get crasy good gear on that toon, i have a free rift acount with a cupple of stupid good geared toons on and its similar the same as wow f2p,
what about challenge mode?? you can set dungeon difficulty to challenge and just walk in them right?? so whats stopping you from doing that aelo??
I love the fact that everybody automatically assumes that because you twink you have to PvP with it.

If you guys love PvP so much, why don't you play at cap like the big boys and girls.

I love the fact how you can actually take twink pve seriously.

If you love pve so much, why don't you raid at cap like the big boys and girls.

The unbalance between twinks isn't that great if your fighting each other with equal gear.
Though fighting "level appropriate" content with a digustingly overpowered twink, only shows you know how to equip gear.
I love the fact how you can actually take twink pve seriously.

If you love pve so much, why don't you raid at cap like the big boys and girls.

The unbalance between twinks isn't that great if your fighting each other with equal gear.
Though fighting "level appropriate" content with a digustingly overpowered twink, only shows you know how to equip gear.

Legacy & Co. vs Spine (heroic) on level 80s - YouTube

The PvP argument is way better than the PvE one. MoP brought discusting imbalance in PvP, because twinked healers are extremely unkillable and hybrids rule the bracket. Stop pretending they don't, honestly (because hpaladin + spriest is invincible, it doesn't count as a reason that you're good).
Aylax said:
I love the fact how you can actually take twink pve seriously.

I don't, ask anyone in my guild how much I jump about, over aggro, pull extra mobs and do genuinely non-serious things in our raids (because I can).

Aylax said:
If you love pve so much, why don't you raid at cap like the big boys and girls.

Unfortunately if I didn't have to work for a living I would. If I were a student or 14 years old I would probably be in Scrub Busters on my realm.

Aylax said:
The unbalance between twinks isn't that great if your fighting each other with equal gear.

Very true, apart from the fact that in most cases it's the first person to hit the other that wins.

Aylax said:
Though fighting "level appropriate" content with a digustingly overpowered twink, only shows you know how to equip gear.

I do know how to equip gear, and thanks to Splosion you can see we don't just faceroll ICC every week. For months we've been trying to find challenging PvE content. Thus the reason we done 85 HC content...

So my previous opinion of you stands, you're a cunt. Apparently a stupid one at that.
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Legacy & Co. vs Spine (heroic) on level 80s - YouTube

The PvP argument is way better than the PvE one. MoP brought discusting imbalance in PvP, because twinked healers are extremely unkillable and hybrids rule the bracket. Stop pretending they don't, honestly (because hpaladin + spriest is invincible, it doesn't count as a reason that you're good).

I don't really think you've pvp'ed above level 80. Please do me a favor, make a healer at 85 and play some arena's (with or without a hybrid). Healers are only extremely unkillable at 60/70/80 at this point. Hybrids ruling the bracket? Have you ever had a 150k eviscerate on you with 65% resil? Have you seen how much burst a warrior can put out at 85?

Please don't judge on 85 untill you've actually played it, or any form of serious pvp at any bracket.
I don't, ask anyone in my guild how much I jump about, over aggro, pull extra mobs and do genuinely non-serious things in our raids (because I can).

Unfortunately if I didn't have to work for a living I would. If I were a student or 14 years old I would probably be in Scrub Busters on my realm.

Very true, apart from the fact that in most cases it's the first person to hit the other that wins.

I do know how to equip gear, and thanks to Splosion you can see we don't just faceroll ICC every week. For months we've been trying to find challenging PvE content. Thus the reason we done 85 HC content...

So my previous opinion of you stands, you're a cunt. Apparently a stupid one at that.

First person to hit the other wins? Either you've never pvp'ed besides bg's, or you've only played at 80. It's not really a big thing to equip MoP gear which scales ridiculously good and take on higher content. Dragon soul is chewed up content and every sucker could do it blindfolded by now. You've only traded in hp for secondary stats, gg.

I realise you have your fist up Splosion's ass so deep, you have no choice but to support him, so I won't take it seriously. Furthermore I don't care much for a random twinkinfo troll with shit for brains. I realise that quoting your post and turning it back on you made you feel butthurt, and you feel the need to defend yourself, but don't bother.
Am i right that it is possible to upgrade the axe within 3 weeks just with raids? (for lvl 85)

Mogushan = 6 = 240
HoF = 6 = 240
Terrace = 4 = 160

(without 50% more valor)
Am i right that it is possible to upgrade the axe within 3 weeks just with raids? (for lvl 85)

Mogushan = 6 = 240
HoF = 6 = 240
Terrace = 4 = 160

(without 50% more valor)

i havent done the math so i achually dont know, but i wuld suggest that you hurry and get the 50% plus and get mogushan and HoF done cus that wuld take two weeks
i dont know if the 50% works xrealm, if it did it wuld help i guess..
not shure if you can get a grp to boost you in the terrace...
Aylax said:
I don't really think you've pvp'ed above level 80. Please do me a favor, make a healer at 85 and play some arena's (with or without a hybrid). Healers are only extremely unkillable at 60/70/80 at this point. Hybrids ruling the bracket? Have you ever had a 150k eviscerate on you with 65% resil? Have you seen how much burst a warrior can put out at 85?

Please don't judge on 85 untill you've actually played it, or any form of serious pvp at any bracket.

Wait, so your argument that twink PvP isn't a colossal waste of time is because you can kill healers at 85? And in your head that makes it fair and balanced? Yes, that's an assumption. You can argue your point when you see the post, as you most likely will.

I will mention that in my original post I stated that if you love PvP so much, why don't you play at cap like big boys and girls. Yes it was offensive and yes it drew attention to the post itself. The reason I done that is to get idiots like you to reply to me.

Answer me this, WHY if you want fair and balanced PvP combat don't you go to the only level range that is constantly rebalanced every patch with PvP and PvE in mind, you know... Level 90. AT CAP?

Healers are not invincible and DPS can't one shot you with an Eviscerate. There isn't people running around with 50% more HP and 200% more damage than they're supposed to have.

Aylax said:
First person to hit the other wins? Either you've never pvp'ed besides bg's, or you've only played at 80. It's not really a big thing to equip MoP gear which scales ridiculously good and take on higher content. Dragon soul is chewed up content and every sucker could do it blindfolded by now. You've only traded in hp for secondary stats, gg.

I realise you have your fist up Splosion's ass so deep, you have no choice but to support him, so I won't take it seriously.

I didn't realise you were just talking about level 85 PvP, as for the statement on doing Dragon Soul HC with level 80's. Even in 409 MoP gear...

I bet you're the sort of person that looks at world first kills and just laughs because it looks so easy because it's a scripted PvE fight.

The only thing we had going for us was that we knew the fights. Well most of us did, only about half the raid had done DS HC in Cataclysm.

Your comment on trading HP for secondary stats is a load of crap too. Do it and you'll see how hard it can be, just about every mechanic that can be completely ignored at level 85 would one shot us.

Our stats were NOT super inflated because we all needed MUCH higher amounts of hit and expertise. Especially the casters, who needed between 60 and 70% hit. Making our strongest DPS class at level 80, a fire mage. Much less potent. Base resistances and crit suppression on bosses is much higher too.

Another addendum onto how hard it can be... If our tanks weren't avoidance capped for a level 88 boss they'd get one shot from a crushing blow, like Splosion did quite a few times.

I suppose telling all this to a PvP'er must be a waste of time, but I thought I'd let everyone else know how much harder PvE content is adding 5 more levels.

Since when is me thanking someone for posting a video of us downing high level PvE content suddenly fisting them. If you want I can give you a few videos of of each and try and teach you the difference.

Aylax said:
Furthermore I don't care much for a random twinkinfo troll with shit for brains.

Seriously, I'm a troll? Well, OK. Yes I am. But I should point out that you've pretty much been a complete asshole since you started posting in the 80 - 89 bracket forums. Just about every post I've seen from you has been offensive and you love baiting people into confrontational arguments. I suppose it takes one to know one.

Aylax said:
I realise that quoting your post and turning it back on you made you feel butthurt, and you feel the need to defend yourself, but don't bother.

Too late, I just did. Your turn cunt.

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