An Honest Question

Are you worried?

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f2ps are so coordinated sometimes, its nice to see in a pug. That is something they are good at, probably as a result of having to coordinate due to lesser stats, so in a way it balances itself out I suppose, to a degree.
it shouldnt be that big of a deal, you haven't had to pay money and you still got the enjoyment from playing f2ps in the past
f2ps are so coordinated sometimes, its nice to see in a pug. That is something they are good at, probably as a result of having to coordinate due to lesser stats, so in a way it balances itself out I suppose, to a degree.

Doesn't really work that way.

Come one you can do better that. But you just did confirm my earlier post. Thank you for the proof.
Here is some additional reading I would recommend. Book of Etiquette and Manners - Nimeran Sahukar & Prem P.Bhalla - Google Books
Have a wonderful day.

Come on*
I sure can but I felt that was enough to drive the point home, how wrong I was.
I don't really feel you deserve any respect from me thus you won't get any, jackass.
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Doesn't really work that way.

Come on*
I sure can but I felt that was enough to drive the point home, how wrong I was.
I don't really feel you deserve any respect from me thus you won't get any, jackass.
Why do always lower yourself to name calling and personal attacking people? Has anyone here harmed you? Have I harmed you in any way what so ever? What is your problem/obsession with me?
You really should try that book I recommended, it would do you some good. I can find another on Amazon if you prefer to buy it online. I am sure there are even plenty of free to read articles out there, but they would not offer the kind or detail a purchased reader would offer.
Have a pleasant day...

And to answer the OP's question. "Worried" would not be a word that I would use to describe for me about anything in a video game. I am a little bit too "seasoned", if you will, to be worried about anything that isn't real. Although, I have spent quite a bit of time on my toons by myself and with my family. But if, for whatever reason, Blizzard pulled the plug, I would not lose any sleep over it. I only play about 3-6 hours a week max any more. Less during the Summer.

Why do always lower yourself to name calling and personal attacking people? Has anyone here harmed you? Have I harmed you in any way what so ever? What is your problem/obsession with me?
You really should try that book I recommended, it would do you some good. I can find another on Amazon if you prefer to buy it online. I am sure there are even plenty of free to read articles out there, but they would not offer the kind or detail a purchased reader would offer.
Have a pleasant day...

And to answer the OP's question. "Worried" would not be a word that I would use to describe for me about anything in a video game. I am a little bit too "seasoned", if you will, to be worried about anything that isn't real. Although, I have spent quite a bit of time on my toons by myself and with my family. But if, for whatever reason, Blizzard pulled the plug, I would not lose any sleep over it. I only play about 3-6 hours a week max any more. Less during the Summer.


You annoy me. I have personally attacked you once, relax lol.

I will take an old school wooden crutch, for my Rshaman as well.
In one thread the trials bitch and complain about five man premades while creating another thread how to make premades of their own. Talk about hypocrisy.

You're joking, right?
24s claim they play to avoid the spam fest of hunters and rogues and whatever, but they log and oneshot everything in the bracket, including the mage playing objectively and trying his best to win, like that's really any better. Talk about hypocrisy.

There's 2 faces to everything. If you so much shut your eyes for the good f2players, we can shut our eyes for the "cool" 24s.

Or do you guys really think you're the only ones who have to deal with hunters and rogues?

Dasha is a Shaman, a F2P one in a bracket filled with rogues and hunters. I played Eleshammy and Armswarrior f2p on the same bracket.

While we fight with what we have against the "evil forces of shadow and arrow", you guys took the easy path and proceeded to screw the bracket even more. Ever played a Firemage or Enhan shammy as F2P?

We don't play p2p cuz we have no money. We don't play p2p cuz we CHOOSE to be gimped and see a "balanced-ish" bracket.

Also, about the "you don't even rent the servers."

Complain all you want, but at the moment Blizz allowed their servers to be filled with F2P, they also allowed us to play without any harassment from those who pay. I'm not a lesser player or human being cuz i'm free.

Try harder.
The most fun I've ever had with this game was taking my twink into the gulch and beating a team full of the other factions twinks. Even more fun when it was my guild against another guild. No amount of beating on noobs will replicate that without 10v10s happening. If they took away my f2p tomorrow, I'd just uninstall and never look back. The friends I made and the good times I had with this game are likely over anyway.
I don't like free to play hunters, I don't like free to play rogues that only open when your at 25%, I don't like premades. Get this sorted out with your friends and I'll delete my P2Ps. Do with have a deal?
Just delete yourself ingame and move to something else, your p2ps are useless anyways because you're awful bad at this game.

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Just delete yourself ingame and move to something else, your p2ps are useless anyways because you're awful bad at this game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

rofl, coming from a rogue........... oh right, a rogue with a degree that is, roflmao
rofl, coming from a rogue........... oh right, a rogue with a degree that is, roflmao

Delete myself in game... wouldn't you think a psychologist could construct a sentence?
Don't think english is his native tongue.

I'd still expect a psychologist to be able to put a better point across than him.
I don't like free to play hunters, I don't like free to play rogues that only open when your at 25%, I don't like premades. Get this sorted out with your friends and I'll delete my P2Ps. Do with have a deal?

Deal with hunters and rogues. Premades are just people playing together.

I will apologize for my peers playing the op crap. I'm not apologizing for people's lack of social skills.

Also, again: Everything you go through with your 24, i go through with my f2p shammy. So...
Deal with hunters and rogues. Premades are just people playing together.

I will apologize for my peers playing the op crap. I'm not apologizing for people's lack of social skills.

Also, again: Everything you go through with your 24, i go through with my f2p shammy. So...

Why so many hate to rogues? Yes most of them are handicaping the team but still palas,shamans,druids even warrs,mages,locks beat them sometimes(if well played) there are so many classes better then rogues.
Just cuz normally there isnt 3x locks,palas,shaman doesnt makes it any less annoying when it happens.
Why so many hate to rogues? Yes most of them are handicaping the team but still palas,shamans,druids even warrs,mages,locks beat them sometimes(if well played) there are so many classes better then rogues.
Just cuz normally there isnt 3x locks,palas,shaman doesnt makes it any less annoying when it happens.

I don't hate rogues or hunters. Hunters are my favourite class and rogues are awesome. But you can't deny the effectiveness of good rogues. Also, an average rogue wreacks havoc, while a average mage/lock only do so much.

The problem aren't rogues or hunters. The problem is the state of the bracket with them NOW. They're broken, we know it.

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