Thats not bringing it to the masses. Who the <flowers and sunshine> even wants to watch such a guy on a stream. Never seen you stream or even have seen a link to a stream with you in it here on XPOff. You think really high of yourself dont you, get of your horse kid.
On top of that you are 2 faced like hell. Begging me to help you out on the Alpha with your wargames. I was there for you, wanting to help and you just left me there without saying anything and just look how you react here all big boyish on the forums. I also remember you licking my behind for not wanting to sell gf'd items to you which I actually did which I shouldnt have done... I even made a friendly special price for you. God you are 2 faced scum man.
But keep on going brother, you will soon notice that some things will not go like you want them to go. Just like running flags with 1,9k hp which was the only thing you could think of at that time, you are not that smart big boy wonder.