
he was around when you wasnt old enough for a computer, no wonder cata kids doesnt know who he is
I can't believe old adults (25-30yr+) would play this video game... no offence to any1 just a thought, even though drama and arkant told me to stop thinking :( :( :(
But could you please tell me then, I'm really curious :)
His comma was correct, as don't=do not, do is the verb and therefore he should jeep the comma

I meant in the post that I quoted but honestly I really don't care, was just playing :p

and I agree with you, the other sentence was beautifully constructed ^^
And that indicates that he is from EU? Or that he is making fun of eu?

Not that his sig would give you the answer....

But hey you could still think that he is making fun of eu. Fake sig you know? Maybe we are all US hm?
he could be making fun, a US citizen is the lord of europe... but nvm he's from eu, case closed :) :) :)
I can't believe old adults (25-30yr+) would play this video game...

Why not? You are talking about one of the first generations who started to play video games while everyone told those people they were computer nerds... now everyone does it haha btw im 35 yo ^^

25-30 aint really old adults tho but young adults, i guess you are like 16 or something to come up with that haha no offense though :)
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Why not? You are talking about one of the first generations who started to play video games while everyone told those people they were computer nerds... now everyone does it haha btw im 35 yo ^^

25-30 aint really old adults tho but young adults, i guess you are like 16 or something to come up with that haha no offense though :)
Well I am 17, and I find video games entertaining, but mostly cause I like to kinda 'put my brain on standby' after a long day at school. And I just thought that when you become an adult, you have different interests and find different things entertaining than when you're a teenager. But I guess it's individual :)

and inb4 troll TL posts about no brain, brain is always on standby, yo little kid etc
every person i know at my age (29 monday) still plays computer games in some way or another

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