
ehmm okay

edit: damn and I'm not gonna be funny until you start using another gif. This is some kind of never-ending circle
kiri motherfucker i completed fucking prince of persia on my old mac OS dont mess with the king those traps were fucking hard but im best
wow thanks, once again you prove that you're stupid. You were spamming your gif 3 times, whilst he did it once. why do I even bother -_-
You really thought I reported him.... was just trying to show that if I were to be reported 90% of all the comments in this thread should be reported as well.

And it was only 2 times :(

and of course 1 in the other thread.....
am I the only niggah who played aladdin n mogli on windows 95 yo? now that shit was intense

Only niggah? Maybe. But you're not the only person, I can vouch for that. I did it prior to 95 though as well. MS DOS, Aladdin, Hercules - etc. Baws times.
There are so many different topics (?) in this thread that it's hard for me to decide anything about the reports of "off-topic" posts. >_<

I'm going to lock this, and if anyone can think of a valid reason why this thread should remain open, explain it to me in a PM, alright? :)

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