<Against All Odds> vs <Tough Love>

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from what i saw stubs was running flags tho while sputnick did nothing but heal mid

also id be interesting in a recording with aao pov is this going to happen?
I'm currently working on this, will be from mw point of view tho and without skype. Thought I recorded it but sadly not. There was one more recording in our team so it might pop up another video too.
Closing this thread down since it's nothing but bad news..
People who are involved with the matter can continue over skype or through PMs..

Have a nice day. :)
I'm opening this thread again..

This thread is about the premade, and you can talk about who did well etc etc..

This thread is not about:
-Sputnick paying gold
-US's current activity in the 19 bracket
-Calling people names

Keep it clean and keep it on topic and I don't see a reason to return :)
this is actually premade related since the 2 guild leaders had agreed that the winner would get 100k gold from the loser, and sputnick appears to be unwilling to pay up

this is actually premade related since the 2 guild leaders had agreed that the winner would get 100k gold from the loser, and sputnick appears to be unwilling to pay up

And the parties involved will take this to private messaging or skype..

Now please keep this on topic.
im not sure if theres a language barrier but i just told u that a discussion about said gold is on topic

Well, some of the ppl in the premade didn't even know there was a bet placed, including me. I agree that it somehow got connections to the topic but it really destroys the fun in having a premade and discussing it later so let the ppl who were betting talk it out in private and the others who wanna talk about the actual premade do it here without getting their mood destroyed. I agree with Oliks, keep it to who did what and what they did good etc. I'd like to keep this thread open.
There's nothing to discuss here. I have more than what I bet, but there were no terms discussed, so I'll pay with pennies everyday.

I will pay 18g88s89c everyday. Debt will be paid in 20 years, assuming that WoW is still running.
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Well, some of the ppl in the premade didn't even know there was a bet placed, including me. I agree that it somehow got connections to the topic but it really destroys the fun in having a premade and discussing it later so let the ppl who were betting talk it out in private and the others who wanna talk about the actual premade do it here without getting their mood destroyed. I agree with Oliks, keep it to who did what and what they did good etc. I'd like to keep this thread open.

iirc it was discussed in the group chat where both teams were able to see it.
There's nothing to discuss here. I have more than what I bet, but there were no terms discussed, so I'll pay with pennies everyday.

I will pay 18g88s89c everyday. Debt will be paid in 20 years, assuming that WoW is still running.

Don't expect us to ever accept another challenge off you again then.

I guess you'll be happy to remain second best for eternity.
And he just told you that it's not.

edit: can mods stick to threads they or their guilds r not involved in if they cant moderate objectively otherwise

also sputnick im sure tl will love to waste their time on ur realid team in the future if u act like this
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There's nothing to discuss here. I have more than what I bet, but there were no terms discussed, so I'll pay with pennies everyday.

I will pay 18g88s89c everyday. Debt will be paid in 20 years, assuming that WoW is still running.

thats really pathetic..

say if you somehow miraculously would have won the series you would have asked TL to pay up immediately.

grow up.
Why make such a big fuss about those money... That wasn't the idea with this match. TL won, and now everyone can see that you're #1 EU, that should be enough.
Why make such a big fuss about those money... That wasn't the idea with this match. TL won, and now everyone can see that you're #1 EU, that should be enough.

how about u let the people who r actually involved decide if the gold is important or not

tl already was the top guild in europe. they had nothing to gain from this premade other than 100k gold
edit: can mods stick to threads they or their guilds r not involved in if they cant moderate objectively otherwise

I'd like to assure you that my edit had nothing to do with me being in this premade. I edited your post because you were, as I wrote, insulting others. I could have perhaps edited your post differently, preserving most of it and conveying your message in a more friendly way. This is a mistake on my part, my apologies. However, do not insult others, and I won't have to edit your posts. Your passive-aggresiveness isn't so delightful either.
I'd like to assure you that my edit had nothing to do with me being in this premade. I edited your post because you were, as I wrote, insulting others. I could have perhaps edited your post differently, preserving most of it and conveying your message in a more friendly way. This is a mistake on my part, my apologies. However, do not insult others, and I won't have to edit your posts. Your passive-aggresiveness isn't so delightful either.

would u edit ur entire post to "No." too if i reported u for calling me passive aggressive? i consider that as an insult.
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