Achievement points!

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Rantcasey said:
Rantcasey broke the 3k mark =D. I was bored so i was fishing for a darkwood pole in the wetlands, when Deathwing came and i got Stood in the fire!

Grats man, 2nd in the US over 3k!
thats awesome :) whats your friend's character name?

Edit: oh NVM did a lil detective work and found him in your guild :) updated

Welcome to the top 30 Daviddraiman!
Anybody know the max number of Dungeon Quests there are? Cause im at 18 was. I pretty sure i hit all of them.
Grody1 said:
Might not have updated yet but: Feenin @ Korgath - Game - World of Warcraft

1700 achi points :D

Welcome to the US top 30.

Just to reiterate, the only way I have to add some1 to the list is reply to this thread or if I happen to notice someone by some other means. There's no armory filter or way to sort by achievement points.

There is a spreadsheet that can sort by points but it works just for those players that are on Ruin - US(for the most part). So just reply to this thread with the player's name & armory and I'll verify and update the list periodically.
lol, almost hittin' the 1k mark <: D will be bitin' yer ancles anyday now :b
Celebrated breaking 3000 on Vandaloo (Bleeding Hollow, US) with My Sack is "Gigantique" :)

Anyone have any ideas for Needy and Greedy? Lotta respect if u have those. My reading there were just a couple of mobs outside instances that droped ilevel 187+ in WOLK. I guess its a little easier with cata, but that's gotta be the hardest in my target list.
vindaloo said:
Celebrated breaking 3000 on Vandaloo (Bleeding Hollow, US) with My Sack is "Gigantique" :)

Anyone have any ideas for Needy and Greedy? Lotta respect if u have those. My reading there were just a couple of mobs outside instances that droped ilevel 187+ in WOLK. I guess its a little easier with cata, but that's gotta be the hardest in my target list.

Well, they ARE possible. Xâar has the Needy one.
vindaloo said:
Celebrated breaking 3000 on Vandaloo (Bleeding Hollow, US) with My Sack is "Gigantique" :)

Anyone have any ideas for Needy and Greedy? Lotta respect if u have those. My reading there were just a couple of mobs outside instances that droped ilevel 187+ in WOLK. I guess its a little easier with cata, but that's gotta be the hardest in my target list.

All of the new Cata rare elites drop blues that you can roll on for needy/greedy.


Also you 19's better get working, I'm almost in your world top 30 :p
I'm at like 1915 or somthing? after holiday event and when my damn main discovers the damn alchemy mount (i have like 950 NE and 600 fossil frags - gotten all the rares from those two also) i will finish explorer and so some of the "glutton for ..." achievs. i should be around 2500 :)
Riv & I were the 1st people to get the needy & greedy achievements. I wouldn't even bother looking for cata rare spawns as all of the cata greens are well over the 187 item level. Just go to where there are a high concentration of mobs and farm away. If I needed those still I would go to the platforms in the northeast area of Deepholm that have a bunch of troggs and just kill like crazy. The respawn is really fast, I bear tank them every morning to get verlok pouch for the Therazene daily.

Grats on getting over 3k Vandaloo!

looks like you're gonna be on the fast track Tonks :)

to everyone going for the Limnologist, hope you enjoy it as much as I did lol
Secclusion said:
I wouldn't even bother looking for cata rare spawns as all of the cata greens are well over the 187 item level.

Needy said:
Win a need roll on a superior or better item above level 185 by rolling 100.

You need to roll on blues, you could farm them from random mobs but it would probably be a similar time commitment to hunting rare spawns.

Also its probably worth noting Dirkee is much easier to get now due to Northrend being empty.
Furby said:
You need to roll on blues, you could farm them from random mobs but it would probably be a similar time commitment to hunting rare spawns.

Also its probably worth noting Dirkee is much easier to get now due to Northrend being empty.

Ahh yes I overlooked that detail. I'm wondering if anyone has tried it with greens, but I suspect that you are right and will not work. Also the only item that Dirkee drops that is over 185 is the mace. I've killed him 4 times and he didn't drop it :(.

I agree that hunting the cata rare spawns is probably your best chance at these achievements now. The 346 BOEs still sell well on the AHs too.
[E'ko Madness] I would like some information about how 2 do this achievment cause ive been trying for hours i dont understand
I believe you need to get the killing blow on them, and even then sometimes it doesnt work. Havent done this one myself, but thats what ive read was hard about it. good luck
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