Achievement points!

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Secclusion said:
sweet I believe this is the player jericho was referring to. I did it that way too dual boxing my friend's horde toon and did city defender & gnerd rage at the same time. Takes some patience for sure :)

Yep thats him, the stinker transfered without saying good bye =). Is he in a Kiwi battle group or something?
Found him, but he has almost 400 more points than that at 2655. Only 20 points separate 2nd through 5th place.

Also I just added WORLD top 30 list.
Hi Secclusion,

gratz for your last achivement! I doubt i can get it this year. Still 3 masks missing:-(.

For those of you, looking forward to do the Ogri'la rep - it is bugged because of the 4.x patch! The bug is known by blizzard, but i doubt it will be fixed during the next weeks/months. Till then there is no way to get rep for Ogri'la!

Fiery greatings,

Raax (xâar on Tichondrius)
Wow you've been busy! Grats on Bloodsail, DMF, 100k HKs, & Frostbitten. I guess if it weren't for that bug you would have bee 1st to 25 exalted reps for sure & that other one ;). Good to see you again.
Hi, hi,

yes, actually the bug prevents me from getting 3 more achievements - 25 tabards, 25 exalted rep and the Ogri'la achievement itself...

I just started with the rep and then patch 4.x hit the ground:-(.

Fiery regards,

Hi Raax nice to see you again ,GG for your achievements :) .

I hope for you the bug is "nerf" nearly because bloodsail(the reputation) isn't availaible to Cataclysme .
N1 Raax, keep going :)
Two twinks seemingly came out of nowhere. I Added them to the World top 30 list.

Booyah 2725 & Cervix 3005.

Now the top 4 from EU are all above 3k points. nice name lol


as for all of you achievment hunters, i am currently working on it.

i will update this and hope to get some help.

sorry for this information beeing allience only.


westfall, spawns directly on the way from the flight master to the tower (you see it when you land)


redridge, land at flight master, get over towards the inn. they will be on the wooden platform that

you can use for fishing.


EDIT2: so here we go. Move your arse to dead field in silverpine forest. once there move to the north towards the shore.

there is a hill that you cannot climb right to the north when you are the "outhouse" of the farm thing. Elementals spawn round there.

in the not so packed area where there are only a few bears.


EDIT: darkshore just move aobut half a minute by feet from the flight master towards zag. strand.

elementals spawned after 50 minutes of waiting.

dont waste your time on loch modan, i ran around two hours and didnt see any.

cheers caice

Character link (see feat of strength tab)

The World of Warcraft Armory - Caice @ Burning Blade - Profile

edit3: doesnt show up yet, but should be there soon
caice said:


EDIT2: so here we go. Move your arse to dead field in silverpine forest. once there move to the north towards the shore.

there is a hill that you cannot climb right to the north when you are the "outhouse" of the farm thing. Elementals spawn round there.

in the not so packed area where there are only a few bears.

The first 2 I could find due to your discription. Thanks for those. Now I am trying this 3rd one and I don't understand your discritption. Is it to the north of Dead Fields or to the Shore? The shore is to the west. Is it near the Dead Fields or at the shore? Can you be more specific please.

<edit> found it, west of Dead Fields looking from the north most house (hard to discribe indeed).
You can update me, 1635 Achiev Pts.
Nvm sry I saw tha you already updated it sry :(
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