Achievement points - level 10 - 14

nah im fine with 1k-1.5k lol, waitin til i get to like 900-1000 for the xploration ones.
Back in the really early day of Wotlk, I remember how happy I was with my 1500 Pts on Bank haha.

Things change I guess
don't count me out just cause i haven't gotten any achieves in a few weeks, i'm farming cenarion rep right now whn i have time but 2 full time jobs are keeping me from doing much.
You know what is annoying.....people who only talk to you when they want something (help with achievements for example)....then they are bitches about are friendly and help em out anyways.....then they ignore least until they want something again.

You know who you are -.-

Just sayin. Had 3 guildies/friends in that group....I had to talk them out of dropping. A little tact goes a long way when everyone in the raid is doing you a favor.
well yes but when people don't know the concept of kiting and running from a mob thats hit for 200k, its kind of funny
You know what is annoying.....people who only talk to you when they want something (help with achievements for example)....then they are bitches about are friendly and help em out anyways.....then they ignore least until they want something again.

You know who you are -.-

Gosh I hate people like that. They always need Runs, Golds, Rep farming. Then once you ask them to get a lift to STV they show you the finger.
Not sure if this is taboo or against forums rules to ask but hell.

I know people talk about a macro (or something) that allows you to que exp on to get lvl 10 achievements. Can someone please explain this to me? Or you can PM it. I don't intend to use it to farm lvlers or anything.

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