is only giving me the 6ap too. As shown in tool tip.
This is for feral spec and using Deja character stats, not sure if this may be bugged and causing the discrepancies
Also wondering if the "mark of" neck enchants are better then the "gift" neck enchants?
The leg enchant did change recently. I must have skipped over it too quickly in my latest testing.
The mark of vs gift neck enchants are... They're in debate. I personally prefer the mark enchants, other people personally prefer the gift enchants. Which one is exactly better? It's hard to tell. It depends from class to class too. For an arms warrior, you're better of getting the mark. It's a strange one. I think it works like this:
If you cap your stats high enough before getting a neck enchant, it might be better because it has synergies with crit and haste both. Though if you're not at your optimal stats and focused more onto gemming your primary stat, you're better of enchanting an off-stat instead. This is, however, my take on it.
I always sim higher with the Mark enchants on every spec/class, but there could be issues with the simming, as frost mage apparently reaches a better dps with the gift enchants in practice.
It's a debate, and sadly not one that can be disclosed immediately. You can check the dps gain from using the mark quite easily, but comparing it to an off-stat's dps gain is hard, since the off-stat doesn't show its individual dps gain. And because there's always high and lows in damage done. You never do the exact same dps. Sometimes you do 11.900, other times 12.100 etc etc. honestly I think the difference isn't significant enough to call one better than the other without million iterations. Which simming would do. If it was reliable.