60s and 69s in Wrath

Anyone have a fire mage talent guide? cant seem to find one
Is what I used to do on my 60 mage. However, this was heavily built for AV and Living Bomb spams.


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Update. The 60 pally is still super strong. Unless they are 69 DK twink, I have an actual shot of soloing them. If it’s a group of like 2-3 lvl 63-65s, I can 1v3 them. To the above post, 60 mage sounds nuts if you get gem gear and crit stack for fire
Update. The 60 pally is still super strong. Unless they are 69 DK twink, I have an actual shot of soloing them. If it’s a group of like 2-3 lvl 63-65s, I can 1v3 them. To the above post, 60 mage sounds nuts if you get gem gear and crit stack for fire
If you have 2 60 Paladins with no gear that would like to run as a duo would you recommend them staying at 60 & gearing or going to 69 & gearing at 69?

Our primary focus would be AV & WSG.

Can you share your recommended gear/specs?
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If you have 2 60 Paladins with no gear that would like to run as a duo would you recommend them staying at 60 & gearing or going to 69 & gearing at 69?

Our primary focus would be AV & WSG.

Can you share your recommended gear/specs?

I run a pure ret spec, focused around art of war procs. So your best stat to stack will be crit. More crits, more are of war procs, more those free insta flash heals and exorcisms will crit. Aka better survival or dps. So focus your gems around crit and get as much gem gear as you can
For professions I recommend engineering and herbalism. Eng is great for 2 stam trinkets, the harm prevention belt, and rocket boots. Herbalism is like a 4500 HOT at skill level 450 and when combined with Draenei racial, they nearly full heal you to full

Keep alot of herbalism consumable shield items that you gather from herbalism, as well as healing pots as they don’t share a cooldown.

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