50 Raiding Europe. Roster & Information

thinkin of makin 5O t00 s3ems l0ts of fun eu
Well done tonight guys (think I've said this a mil times ;p)

If the group we have here can get steady - I believe with swapping cortillion out with his rogue (when it's rdy) and me with my tank (if needed) we'd be set for PTR with the us guys - granted they can produce an equally reliant and steady core group. 40 man in AQ40/BWL - how epic would this be? :D

Updated main thread with pictures (first down) and map updates.

The hitcap is 17% right?
If I get the guild cloak, I'm gonna be under that. So I might have to get hit from somewhere else :(
Well there is a belt thats gives 11sta, 11agi and 11 hit. But again that would make you loose 11 expertise which I reccon is quite important at 50 :/

For the AQ10 movie I need footage of AS MANY 50s THAT WERE THERE AS POSSIBLE. If you wish to be in this, contact me throughout the 1st of January - Starting at approximately 16:00 (4pm).

Contact people that don't read this, and tell them to contact me!

Thank you, and happy new year!

I might have slightly changed my mind in the meanwhile.

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Flashlight for the win :) or one boa dagger with pyrium

I already have the BoA dagger with pyrium :)
If I replace one of my trinkets, I would end up losing more stats than I would gain by switching out my cloak.
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Guys tell everyone that there's a raid thursday. There's no invite limit.

Anyone that shows up gets an invite.

We're going Molten Core.

i cant make any raids on thursdays :/ only weekday or wednsdays atm so i cant make the next raid :(

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