5.0.4 - Basic PvP and Class Analysis


Guild Master
This is going to be a short and sweet rundown of how the classes fare given the newest patch and set of skills.

General -
Welcome to balanced twink PvP with 40% less burst! Yeah baby, the time has come to NOT get one-shot by everything that moves.
- Everyone has 40% baseline resilience, so expect very long battles that can be tons of fun.
- In addition, health has been increased across the board.
- Healers do not run out of mana, ever. No one does, really. Spirit is currently useless. Continue stacking Int as previously done.
- Healers don't die. Hybrid classes are immensely powerful right now.
- The bracket's abilities have been dumbed down or reduced. Blizzard seems to want more progression as you level.

Class Balance and Abilities in PvP
Druid -
- Huge buffs to survivability. Very hard to kill solo.
- 1% faster than level 20 mounts with the Feline Swiftness talent. Flag carrying is even better now.
- Wild Charge is a unique ability with use in premades for charging forward or towards an ally. Works with ledges/hills.
Hunter -
- Damage nearly nonexistant. This is now considered a pure CC class.
- First tier talents Posthaste and Narrow Escape very useful potentially, in premade situations.
- NO LONGER A DPS CLASS! Make use of Scatter, Monkey Scatter, Concus, Web, and other abilities to help out your team!
Mage -
- Consistant damage, now much more mobile than before. Very viable first tier talents.
- Possibly the least affected class. No major nerfs, only buffs.
Paladin -
- Huge buffs to survivability. Very hard to kill solo.
- Holy Paladins are currently unkillable and do major damage. The new hunters, critting for upwards of your full health at 20.
- Finally have gap closers with any of the first tier talents. Kiting is very nice.
- Other specs decent but no contest to Holy's damage.
Priest -
- Huge buffs to survivability. Very hard to kill solo.
- Amazing first tier talent; Psyfiend
- 45 second cool down personal "fearbot" that will fear everything for 10 seconds.
- Disc gets a no CD PW:S.
- Renew gone.
Rogue -
- No longer a major utility class.
- Terrible mobility. Sprint and Shadowstep GONE.
- Taking Subterfuge allows for 2 ambushes before you're essentially an interrupter and slower.
- Kick the only real utility spell left.
Shaman -

- Huge buffs to survivability. Very hard to kill solo.
- Instant Ghost Wolf. Makes for a decent Flag Carrier with Nature's Garden or Astral Shift talent (maybe even Stone Bulwark in some situations).
- Very nice first tier talents for several different situations.
- Wind Shear CD now 12 seconds.
- No more Earth shield. Water Shield currently useless as mana classes do not OOM at the moment. Only use Lightning shield.
- Most totems removed. Fire is left.
Warlock -

- Better survivability with new talents.
- One DoT, two with Destro.
- Demonology very good for damage.
- Affliction seem very weak right now in comparison.
Warrior -

- Nice damage. Overall well rounded.
- Finally have the mobility boost they needed! In combat charge, with great first tier talents. Double Time seems to be the winner so far.

Final Thoughts:
F2P is about to get a whole lot better. Survivability is great across the board, requiring major skill and teamwork to get something done now. There are a few issues that still exist or were created that need to be addressed;
- Rogues are almost completely an "all in" class right now with one chance to open hard and kick heals/slow. They need more mobility and ability in general.
- Mana users, and Healers especially, simply cannot OOM. Increase mana costs or greatly reduce regeneration. Or both.
- Survivability for healers is too much. PvP Resilience started at 30% in the beta, and is 40% on Live. Nerf it to 30% like it should have been.
- Make heals weaker.
- Buff Warriors. Period.

Welcome to the new Free to Play bracket! From the looks of things, every class is viable!
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How is it a whole lot better when it's impossible to kill healers and Hpalls oneshot people? Don't even get me started on Guardian Fcs. I really prefered Cata over MOP.
Was this meant to be tongue in cheek?
no. The bracket still has issues, especially with healers, but every class can bring some sort of utility to a match now, although some are weaker than others, do have their purpose (Kick Rogues).
How is it a whole lot better when it's impossible to kill healers and Hpalls oneshot people? Don't even get me started on Guardian Fcs. I really prefered Cata over MOP.
The tuning now is nearly flawless. It takes real teamwork to take down an FC, not a single Rogue opening hard. I've had no troubles taking down a good FC in PuGs/premades with 4-5 people coordinated. Reduce the resilience by 10%, nerf heals a bit and mana a bit. Then it's GG. At the moment it requires slightly TOO much DPS to down an FC.
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While I've even expressed my frustrations on the subject, everyone including me needs to take a deep breath and chill a little when it comes to the subject of Holy Paladins and Druids. It's 5.0.4 ground zero. Things are going to change and the bracket will flesh out, better than before. It actually wouldn't even be as bad as it is if a lot of the players hadn't swarmed to the neo-faceroll classes like they did, so players take a huge part of the blame. Instead of exploring the new strengths of the buffed classes everyone went easy mode and that's a major problem.

Things will get better in the coming weeks and this bracket will be very worth while. The first few games after the patch finished today were amazing and that's what we have to look forward to once blizzard works out the kinks. It's not like the issues with the hunters we had before because hunters were manageable and it didn't ruin the bracket. The influx of god-mode holy paladins is ruining this bracket and that's why I know they will get on top of it, because it's not just effecting us.

Sit tight and look forward to the future of F2P because it's a bright one.
While I've even expressed my frustrations on the subject, everyone including me needs to take a deep breath and chill a little when it comes to the subject of Holy Paladins and Druids. It's 5.0.4 ground zero. Things are going to change and the bracket will flesh out, better than before. It actually wouldn't even be as bad as it is if a lot of the players hadn't swarmed to the neo-faceroll classes like they did, so players take a huge part of the blame. Instead of exploring the new strengths of the buffed classes everyone went easy mode and that's a major problem.

Things will get better in the coming weeks and this bracket will be very worth while. The first few games after the patch finished today were amazing and that's what we have to look forward to once blizzard works out the kinks. It's not like the issues with the hunters we had before because hunters were manageable and it didn't ruin the bracket. The influx of god-mode holy paladins is ruining this bracket and that's why I know they will get on top of it, because it's not just effecting us.
no. The bracket still has issues, especially with healers, but every class can bring some sort of utility to a match now, although some are weaker than others, do have their purpose (Kick Rogues).

Fair points. I guess I'm mostly upset because I feel as if my favorite class was gutted; I have about half as many spells as I did a day ago... While low level pvp certainly didnt require the utmost skill, it's about to require a whole lot less :p

We'll see - I'm being all doom and gloom about this and yet I always eventually return to WoW.
Having a blast playing hunter, you didn't mention they also can get roar of sacrifice+bullheaded

However, I disagree with psyfiend being an amazing talent for priests. It has a very annoying tendency to fear pets instead of players, not to mention it shares a dr with psychic scream. Roots is better for bgs imo, though i would take dominate mind for arenas.

EDIT: also pretty sure rogues still have crip
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I've seen Combat rogues eat like, several people in a row, solo. Rogues are fine, people just want mobility. Rogues were fine in vanilla without all the "fun stuff".
However, I disagree with psyfiend being an amazing talent for priests. It has a very annoying tendency to fear pets instead of players, not to mention it shares a dr with psychic scream. Roots is better for bgs imo, though i would take dominate mind for arenas.
Dominate Mind is OP in WSG aswell. MC'ing a healer off a ledge after a Fear etc. Its not like melee is currently a real issue.
While you guys were all focused on the druids/boomkins, i was wondering why no one is commenting about the new SHOCKADIN! Guess no one really bothered to test them, or no one is really a holy paladin...
More like too many people are holy paladins and they're the most overpowered, ridiculously retarded spec right now.
More like too many people are holy paladins and they're the most overpowered, ridiculously retarded spec right now.
Two BGs ago I had Seven Paladins on Horde and Eight on Alliance, it was pretty pitiful.

Warlock -

- Better survivability with new talents.
What talent are you talking about? If you are referring Harvest Life I would LOL hard ;-/ The damage and heal are utterly negligible.

- One DoT, two with Destro.
- Affliction seem very weak right now in comparison.
Afflic has only 2 DoTs now, both very wetnoodleish. For a spec that is all about DoTs, it is gg qq.
I would guess he's talking about dark regeneration
30% regen, 2 minute CD. I would rather use a healing potion :-/ Compared to what other classes can do, lol.

I thought demo did bad damage and destro was the only spec that did decent single target damage?
I would argue that in Cata afflic is better than destro for single target damage, if you hard cast soulfire *and* instant soulfire when BoD ticks. Afflic > Demo when it came to burst. Soulfire, BoD and BoA, which were the 3 keys afflic spells, are all gone in MoP. The remaining 2 DoTs and the only direct damage spell (shadowbolt) are not buffed.

MoP is a huge nerf for afflic, which is really the DoT centric spec and sadly the only spec that I enjoyed.
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I played a couple games and honestly i can say i really hate MoP pvp already more than Cata as its even more kite work and everybody just play cat and mouse games. Ugh...
I played a couple games and honestly i can say i really hate MoP pvp already more than Cata as its even more kite work and everybody just play cat and mouse games. Ugh...
You were always complaining about healers in cata, look at them now :p
Update: Prot > Fury > Arms.

Shield Slam and rediculous reduction prot grants simply outclasses Mortal Strike and Slam together, Fury does decent damage with its abilities and doesn't have rediculous rage issues like Arms has.
Arms unperformance stems from the general slow weapon speed of 2h's and how Battle Stance generates rage.
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