5.0.4 - Basic PvP and Class Analysis

Love the analysis. Remember that the balance at 20 may not be the same balance at 90, so Bliss may not care. HPally's may rule the world at 20, but may still just be good healers at 90 so nobody is going to be nerfed.

Playing my priest has been crazy. I never run out of mana. EVER. My flash heals are critting for 1700 and my shields are 900 without a CD. Penance heals/damages for 350x3. I fear no single player.

Haven't gotten to my rogue yet, but we'll see. Druids and HPally's seem to be the new FOTM.
This is a joke right? I'm unkillable at 19, 20 and 85..
How can demo have good dmg??
last time on ptr, i was hitting less<100 shadowbolts with resil(low SP)
Shockadins/healers are the reason i am going to play less on ally, til arena's start up again
Update: Prot > Fury > Arms.

Shield Slam and rediculous reduction prot grants simply outclasses Mortal Strike and Slam together, Fury does decent damage with its abilities and doesn't have rediculous rage issues like Arms has.
Arms unperformance stems from the general slow weapon speed of 2h's and how Battle Stance generates rage.

you must be serious..... you couldn't be trolling by the looks of it. So I dueled mindy while she was ele spec, and you know how much shield slam hit her for? about 200. Most of that was absorbed by the Stone Bulwark Totem, so it was even less damage. if you think outlasting your opponent is the way to go thats you, but I haven't had a problem with arms and the damage is better than either Fury or Prot.
I was hoping after seeing the news of live yesterday that I would come on today seeing a msg by blizz saying sry about yesterday we played a joke on you, we can't possibly be that bad at balancing lower lv brackets but instead I come back to a installer thats at 15% after 13 HOURS and seemingly more healers then there was last night.

F2p pvp is broken atm unless you like 0-0 games where healers are top 15 dmg in the bg and PvE is broken as achievements are now account wide and anything a trial like myself worked to get is pointless now compared to all the trials with merged lv 85 accounts.

Wish I regularly subbed my P2P so i could say I'm not giving blizz anymore of my money..
I played this patch on warrior, mage, and rogue. It was broken. I liked warrior, but I couldn't kill mindy even when I had a rogue with me. Mage damage is too low to kill hpals and druid. Rogue is ok, but they can't really do much. At least you can keep Snd up now. The 3 seconds of continued stealth is quite useful.

Overall it's broken.

But look, they fixed it.
I'm sure things will change over the span of the next couple weeks (up until the actual release of MoP). But things look to be good!
Well when I can walk in I'm a 24 enhancement sham and 20 prot pali and have them team up to take me down as resto druid ... yeah lil broken
Priest was boring. Played one game on it, my team had 8 healers. My renew and mind blast buttons didnt do anything, MCed a pally for a few seconds, rofled at my PW:S absorbs and AFKed after 2 mins. At least on a resto druid you can run around a lot spamming instants/hots to have some fun.

The base resilience/longer battles are great, but its disappointing that this change comes along with most classes losing multiple abilities.
My mage was critting for 1/2 of what i used to, basically every bg out of 5 i did had at least 3 holy paladins. At 85 it was just a huge clusterfuck
Love the analysis. Remember that the balance at 20 may not be the same balance at 90, so Bliss may not care. HPally's may rule the world at 20, but may still just be good healers at 90 so nobody is going to be nerfed.

As little faith as I have in Blizz to do intelligent things I still can't believe they'll leave hpals as is. Having the healspec of a class be consistent top damage makes 0 sense, and will confuse the heck out of new players making their spec selection.

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