4-Man PuG VS. 5 Man Holy Crit Premade


Featuring Farstriders Elite's very own Shyheals as FC.
Conq as Heals.
Xhel as DPS
and Raskolnikov as DPS.

If you want to play with Shyheals and the rest of Farstriders Elite apply here

Good game, Holy Crit, can't wait to face you guys in some 10v10s.

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Terrible music, bad & boring gameplay, not worth the watch.

The music was not supposed to be good.
The gameplay of this whole bracket is boring and bad, but who the hell are you to judge their play anyways?
You're just an annoying, troll-mod, leave this thread.
The music was not supposed to be good.
The gameplay of this whole bracket is boring and bad, but who the hell are you to judge their play anyways?
You're just an annoying, troll-mod, leave this thread.

I was more judging your gameplay than anyone elses. Playing and twinking for years and years gives me the ability to judge people's gameplay.

Just because someone gives his or her opinion or criticises, doesn't make them a troll. People seem to overuse and misuse the word troll these days.
I find the notion that premaders would be less skilled than pugs depressing. =(
I was more judging your gameplay than anyone elses. Playing and twinking for years and years gives me the ability to judge people's gameplay.

Just because someone gives his or her opinion or criticises, doesn't make them a troll. People seem to overuse and misuse the word troll these days.

Well as someone who has been twinking longer than you (10 years actually) my ability tells me that shyheals flag carying in that match, and in general, is superb. He's even taught me a few things and I'm suppose to know everything.
I was more judging your gameplay than anyone elses. Playing and twinking for years and years gives me the ability to judge people's gameplay.

Just because someone gives his or her opinion or criticises, doesn't make them a troll. People seem to overuse and misuse the word troll these days.

I've been playing since 2005, I know a troll post when I see one. Your post was insulting, trolling, and completely inappropriate coming from a Moderator.
I've been playing since 2005, I know a troll post when I see one. Your post was insulting, trolling, and completely inappropriate coming from a Moderator.

It was neither trolling, insulting (maybe it was but only if the OP chooses to take it as an insult, which is not a choice Whatgoesup can make) or inappropriate. It was his opinion about the video, believe it or not, even moderators have a right to have an opinion & criticize stuff!

Also, if you truly think it was trolling, why did you even respond to the post? The basic rule of how to counter trolling is to ignore it.
It was neither trolling, insulting (maybe it was but only if the OP chooses to take it as an insult, which is not a choice Whatgoesup can make) or inappropriate. It was his opinion about the video, believe it or not, even moderators have a right to have an opinion & criticize stuff!

Also, if you truly think it was trolling, why did you even respond to the post? The basic rule of how to counter trolling is to ignore it.

Regardless of trolling or not, anyone who is willing to maintain a modicum of objectivity in judging the FCs ability should easily be able to tell that it is nothing to be scoffed at. Too say otherwise would demonstrate a lack of observational prowess in skill judging ability. Granted 24s don't take skill, but those few with it do stick out to those who know what to look for.
It was neither trolling, insulting (maybe it was but only if the OP chooses to take it as an insult, which is not a choice Whatgoesup can make) or inappropriate. It was his opinion about the video, believe it or not, even moderators have a right to have an opinion & criticize stuff!

Also, if you truly think it was trolling, why did you even respond to the post? The basic rule of how to counter trolling is to ignore it.

Probably because it was a mod. I would guess that Shaket's problem might be better described as expecting a mod to act as a good role model by demonstrating how to post constructively.

On top, however, I found the video to be a little boring too. That seems to be more the fault of the situation than anything you could edit in. You only got attacked 3 times in 13 minutes, twice by a single rogue while you had support. That's not an especially interesting fight. It's hard to demonstrate much skill at all in that situation. It's more a comment on your teammate's skill and the opposition's lack of skill I suppose.

Oh, and I would recommend that if you're going to overlay music on the video, remove the other sound from the recording. It was a bit weird to vaguely hear your voice chat through the music from time to time.
The intent of the video wasn't for enjoyment or even to demonstrate skill. The point was to encourage competition and show those who are hesitant to compete that the seemingly insurmountable mountain that some precieve holy crit to be may not actually be that impossible of a challenge to overcome
It kind of makes sense... If you can't compete pugging as a 24, you need to premade with other 24s ;)

That's because there aren't enough other premades to play against. At it's peak, Bloodlust battlegroup would have 4-5 5-man or larger premades queuing every day during primetime, looking to go up against each other. Whenever we got in a game against only pugs, we'd /wave at the twink pugs and quickly 3-cap so we could requeue and hopefully get matched up against another premade.

I've been trying to figure out if that's what HC and FE are hoping to do more of in the future, but as I'm not actually playing there, it's kinda hard to tell.
The intent of the video wasn't for enjoyment or even to demonstrate skill. The point was to encourage competition and show those who are hesitant to compete that the seemingly insurmountable mountain that some precieve holy crit to be may not actually be that impossible of a challenge to overcome

As in, "stop complaining and join in the fun of premading?" I applaud you, and hope you have success, even if it doesn't seem like anyone here is interested in actually forming and running premades. Is that a relic from the times when 19s avoided full 10v10s because they were afraid of losing?
As in, "stop complaining and join in the fun of premading?" I applaud you, and hope you have success, even if it doesn't seem like anyone here is interested in actually forming and running premades. Is that a relic from the times when 19s avoided full 10v10s because they were afraid of losing?

Oh I remember those times all too well, I've got a theory that when a twimk guild because too powerful it kills the bracket. Back in TBC in ruin battle group NM was so good that people would leave their guilds to have a spot in ours, it ended up killing off all competition besides one guild who just premaded us for fun with no expectation of success
The intent of the video wasn't for enjoyment or even to demonstrate skill. The point was to encourage competition and show those who are hesitant to compete that the seemingly insurmountable mountain that some precieve holy crit to be may not actually be that impossible of a challenge to overcome

You honestly didn't need to post a somewhat boring video to make this point. You faced a random HC premade and beat them with your 24 premade meaning you beat some random 24s with your group of 24s. Almost like you had the premade and they were a pug. Duo will still be duo and that won't change anytime soon however it is clear his skill or atleast his ability to know the map and work with his group of 24s to faceroll have increased lately so make a video when you face one of the "A team" HC premades and I'm sure it'll be more competitive.

Mods are certainly entitled to an opinion, but they should be held to a higher standard.

Have you not seen the mods around here lately? I wouldn't hold your breathe for them since broken is about the only mod around anymore and he can't clean up this site by himself
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It was neither trolling, insulting (maybe it was but only if the OP chooses to take it as an insult, which is not a choice Whatgoesup can make) or inappropriate. It was his opinion about the video, believe it or not, even moderators have a right to have an opinion & criticize stuff!

Also, if you truly think it was trolling, why did you even respond to the post? The basic rule of how to counter trolling is to ignore it.

Mods are certainly entitled to an opinion, but they should be held to a higher standard. Inflammatory posts like that are pretty unacceptable.

[MENTION=16713]Whatgoesup[/MENTION] pretty much posted "you're bad and your video sucks". That isn't reasonable criticism or reserving your right to express an opinion. It's being a dick. I expect more from a moderator.
Oh I remember those times all too well, I've got a theory that when a twimk guild because too powerful it kills the bracket. Back in TBC in ruin battle group NM was so good that people would leave their guilds to have a spot in ours, it ended up killing off all competition besides one guild who just premaded us for fun with no expectation of success

Yeah, that happened to me at 39 when we first got <Cyclone> to join and play against us.

I think the key is having a couple guilds that don't mind losing, and then also a guild or two that is resilient enough to take a loss. That's tough to build, though, and takes time and a lot of effort. And the way WoW is nowadays seems to encourage players even more to take the easiest route, which in this case would be joining the best guild rather than creating a rival guild.

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