4-Man PuG VS. 5 Man Holy Crit Premade

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If even the video maker himself agrees that the music was shit, the whole bracket is boring and bad (which everyone in the video is aswell, thus the video aswell being boring and bad), does that not make Whatgoesups comment more like a neutral statement about the video than an insult, even if not worded in the most polite way possible?

By the way if you're still upset about Knor's post, you should probably report the post and take contact to Shane (administrator of the forums). Will probably have more effect on things than whining about moderators in a random thread.
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The thing is, I'm not a Moderator. My behavior on these forums shouldn't be taken as a template, or role-model, for the behavior expected on the forums, MY behavior, unlike that, say, of a MODERATOR. No moderator should be coming into threads and flat-out insulting to posters. I don't even know who the OP is, I likely haven't even been in a bg with him if he's a 20-24 tink. I do, however, recognize a plain and clear insult when I see one, and I do not see that behavior as appropriate for a representative of a website purporting to have a goal of decent 'welcoming' forum discussion.

I'm suggesting that by posting here, you represent the website. Not only that, but if you care about the community, then you should act the way you want others to act, regardless of your position. That's all.

Thread wasn't constructive to begin with. Therein lies your problem.

No, but we worked to make it a little constructive for a little while. Got some good points in there at least.
Partial implies partial premade, as in queuing with less than ten people.

Oh alright.
Yeah I mean, whatever I personally think a 10v10 would be more entertaining. I didn't post this to show off, Shyheals just asked me to because he said he can't post videos to TI for some reason, plus he has no account.
If even the video maker himself agrees that the music was shit, the whole bracket is boring and bad (which everyone in the video is aswell, thus the video aswell being boring and bad), does that not make Whatgoesups comment more like a neutral statement about the video than an insult, even if not worded in the most polite way possible?

Who are you to judge who is bad and who is good? Have you ever faced Shyheals or Conq in WSG? I think they did a great job for a 4v5 with no voicechat and no past games together.
Who are you to judge who is bad and who is good? Have you ever faced Shyheals or Conq in WSG? I think they did a great job for a 4v5 with no voicechat and no past games together.

You said yourself that the whole bracket is boring and bad, and since everyone in the video is a part of the bracket, does that not make them boring and bad aswell? :p
Wow 24's drama, gotta love words as competition, skill, premade on this topic.

Keep it up, it's entertaining ;)

Ps: even so, you gotta respect OP's wasted time for filming this. At least... but for some it's too much, nothing new, so... 19 and 24'ish ;)

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You seem to be under the assumption that the people in this thread think 24s require skill too play, that is not the case, yet that in no way means that no 24s have skill, twinks of true premade quality tend to be skilled players or they tend not to make the cut, great twinks such as Deathstone, Pizza, Pwntage, Zaxie, Mythos, Gauz, Ajax or any of the other twink legends didn't just rely on playing the best classes and having the best gear, in fact, some of the best twinks i’ve met played classes that are generally considered inferior, but they played them well, so they dominated BGs. Sure gear and class will always be a huge help but i've seen two BIS 19 rogues duel for an hour straight, one was skilled, movement impeccable, the other was good but not great, at the end of that hour, it was clear why the person who won, won, it came down to skill.

Competition? I'm not sure what's wrong with that word, since it is the essence of PvP, regardless of bracket, to separate pvp from competition would simply be a logical falsehood.

Also I don't get what's wrong with the term "premade" in regards to any bracket. When doing a full 10v10 skill IS required if you want to win, which you should not expect too if you don’t have any 10v10 XP. Its no longer just about gear and class, strategy becomes an absolute necessity. Premades, more than anything, are a learning process. The thing is if your gunna do twink premades it takes PRACTICE to get good, I really dislike the culture of drama, trash talking, and bullying that goes on here because it discourages people from really getting into twinking, and as a result ends up hurting the bracket in a serious way. The idea of friendly competition seems lost too most.

To be completely honest people shouldn't even be focusing on making a premade to beat HC, they should be focusing on making a premade team, and then worrying about who they go against. Forget the competition, forget the chances of losing, If you want to be a "top twink" it requires loss, and the ability to learn from such.

Dead on Arrival back in BC was a great example of this. We would run premade after premade after premade against them for months, absolute slaughter 95% of them time, yet they kept playing and kept queuing, they kept adjusting their strategies, they learned more about how they play, their strengths, their weaknesses, and how to function as a team, but that was because we weren't douchebags about kicking their asses, eventually, when they honed their skills enough they were able to eventually beat NM.

If you really want to prove yourself as a twink and develop your skills you need to do 10v10s, the rest of twinking is childs play. Premades really do make you a better player. It is the height of the twinking experience.

Also you're entitled to think that the video was a waste of time but recording it didn't actually take any extra time, since it was frapsed.

What exactly is too much for some people?

How is it that people keep getting these special titles and jobs on TI and consistently offer nothing constructive to a conversation?

Conq and Jadyn, you guys should be best friends, what with your shared penchant for mentioning the good old days in every post you make.
Mind you i'm not saying HC is bad or unskilled, I haven't been in this bracket long enough to come to a conclusion in that regard.

I have and that's what I am saying. Sorry but this was just a group of random 24s who probably rerolled in the guild because they like to premade and gy farm f2ps. They will more than likely leave after a few months.

The "top" (if there truly are any) 24 guilds have a core group of people that everyone knows is that guilds "A team" That HC premade was simply not the A team and probably not even a D team just a group under the same Gtag that really don't know what they're doing. Beating a group of random 24s with a group of random/premaded 24s isn't anything thread worthy imo unless it's a very close and exciting bg in which this really wasn't. People who have been here long enough know about HC and the skill involved around their guild premades/Rid premades and know they are easily beatable so if the reason for this thread was to prove that then you simply reassured everyone what they already knew.
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Conq and Jadyn, you guys should be best friends, what with your shared penchant for mentioning the good old days in every post you make.

Excuse me for using my past experiences as a source of knowledge. I should stop doing that =P
if the reason for this thread was to prove that then you simply reassured everyone what they already knew.

I've been doing 24s for about two weeks now, and every single time besides this once that i've seen more than 3 people from AM in a match the entire alliance side gives up, I shit you not, they stop trying, they say things like "it's HC, we've lost" or "just let them cap ASAP" before the match has even started, so I really don't think people are aware of the true state of competition, if they were they probably wouldn't give up so easily.

It's more or less living in the past. Most of us have grown beyond those days ;p

There is nothing wrong with a little bit of nostalgia, especially when it serves a purpose, valuable lessons are strewn throughout history (even twink history). You can grow beyond something and still look back fondly at memories. There's no harm in such comments.
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You said yourself that the whole bracket is boring and bad, and since everyone in the video is a part of the bracket, does that not make them boring and bad aswell? :p

That's just the elitist inside me coming out.
MOST of the bracket it like that, my bad.
It's more or less living in the past. Most of us have grown beyond those days ;p

Well, it could be that. Or it could be us trying to get people to move towards improving the community. I'm getting pretty close to 10v10 all 39-twink matches in my little project on Molten, what with daily WSGs and 3v3s and 5v5s happening now. Point is, it's hardly living in the past if you're making it happen in the present.
I've been doing 24s for about two weeks now, and every single time besides this once that i've seen more than 3 people from AM in a match the entire alliance side gives up, I shit you not, they stop trying, they say things like "it's HC, we've lost" or "just let them cap ASAP" before the match has even started, so I really don't think people are aware of the true state of competition, if they were they probably wouldn't give up so easily.

There is nothing wrong with a little bit of nostalgia, especially when it serves a purpose, valuable lessons are strewn throughout history (even twink history). You can grow beyond something and still look back fondly at memories. There's no harm in such comments.

Wow, seriously? That's pretty lame. It's one thing to run into a 10-man premade, but 3? I guess I really don't understand any more. =/
I've been doing 24s for about two weeks now, and every single time besides this once that i've seen more than 3 people from AM in a match the entire alliance side gives up, I shit you not, they stop trying, they say things like "it's HC, we've lost" or "just let them cap ASAP" before the match has even started, so I really don't think people are aware of the true state of competition, if they were they probably wouldn't give up so easily.

I(t's the fact that very few people care. They win and duo and his gang afks just to req and attempt to faceroll the nxt bg. They lose and duo and his gang gy farms and attempts to faceroll the nxt bg. The simple fact is that a group of 10 good f2ps can easily (and have before) beat any 10 man duo can field but there simply aren't enough people skilled enough to beat their group down every single time into submission. This goes for anyone really who frequently intentionally has easy bgs and continues to do so.. The only way to stop facerolls in this bracket are from the facerollers to get bored because there is nothing that will stop them from facerolling.

If you've been in this bracket long enough you'd not care either however you are fresh and still are attempting to make competition when competition isn't cared about. Duo is duo, his premades are gy farmers who for the most part lack the skill to win in any kind of equal match. No1 honestly cares anymore about what HC does so when people say "let them cap" or "we've lost" it's simply for the fact that they don't care whether the game is a win or loss because the outcome isn't what matters to HC

If you've been in this bracket long enough you'd not care either however you are fresh and still are attempting to make competition when competition isn't cared about. Duo is duo, his premades are gy farmers who for the most part lack the skill to win in any kind of equal match. No1 honestly cares anymore about what HC does so when people say "let them cap" or "we've lost" it's simply for the fact that they don't care whether the game is a win or loss because the outcome isn't what matters to HC

That issue isn't unique to the 24s bracket and I am no stranger to it, I don't know where you've been but I know of 3 different groups who are attempting to set up a 10 man to go against HC at this moment. I chose this bracket in part because it is growing just because people aren't as competitive as they could be doesn't mean they don't care, or that they wouldn't seize on the opportunity to be competitive if it were presented too them. Talk like that is for people who don't naturally have a competitive drive (nothing wrong with that) and too be 100% honest it's not really about competition so much as making the twinking experience more enjoyable. Anyone who has played high end PvP before RBGs came out where thrilled at the prospect of such a thing, and PvP at high end has gained a prominence it never had before, even during the release of arenas. The same thing can happen to any bracket with the proper activity, ratings/titles/mounts are cool and all but ultimately unnecessary to engage in competitive PvP. Twinking is so much cooler when it's not just an endless stream of WSG PuGs with the occasional AB, that gets boring after a while. Twinking took a serious hit when they took skirmishes away from us but it looks like we are on track to getting those back, now is a perfect time to encourage a friendly and competitive environment within the bracket.
The intent of the video wasn't for enjoyment or even to demonstrate skill. The point was to encourage competition and show those who are hesitant to compete that the seemingly insurmountable mountain that some precieve holy crit to be may not actually be that impossible of a challenge to overcome

how can you encourage competition if the video you provide doesnt show "skill" , thats counter productive buddy.

and yes a boring as fuck video.
how can you encourage competition if the video you provide doesnt show "skill" , thats counter productive buddy.

and yes a boring as fuck video.

Since when is demonstrating skill (which the video does do in some regards) a requirement for encouraging competition? That notion is just silly, and frankly, a half-assed attempt to invalidate the motivation behind the video being posted, for what reason someone would want to do that, i'm not entirely sure. Competition can arise from a countless number of reasons. Some times a few annoying songs is all that is needed too provoke people too get involved in something. The way some of the people talk in this thread one might think that they don't want 10v10s in this bracket, or are overly obsessed with playing devils advocate, even if it means counter-productive mindlessness that only serves to work against themselves.
Since when is demonstrating skill (which the video does do in some regards) a requirement for encouraging competition? That notion is just silly, and frankly, a half-assed attempt to invalidate the motivation behind the video being posted, for what reason someone would want to do that, i'm not entirely sure. Competition can arise from a countless number of reasons. Some times a few annoying songs is all that is needed too provoke people too get involved in something. The way some of the people talk in this thread one might think that they don't want 10v10s in this bracket, or are overly obsessed with playing devils advocate, even if it means counter-productive mindlessness that only serves to work against themselves.

why would anyone wana play vs people that cant show there skill in 1 video and said video is trying to provoke "competition".

honestly made im dyslexic half the shit you said went in one ear and out the other, sorry if i could not reply fully to your post.

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