4.1 BiS rogue?

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Metalworking Gloves aren't better than Gloves of the Fang. Don't neglect that 3 armor difference + set bonuses.
Reaper said:
It's also arguable that humans are not the best race for rogues, even though they have a racial trinket, some rogues don't need the extra 12 stamina, because they can also get 6 resil PLUS the ability PLUS your race's abilities. Imo, goblins have the best racials because their rocket hits for 185 dmg unavoidable, and when you're FCing, a big jump boost which I find extremely helpful when going from the Alliance ramp or the GY with the flag.

it's not about the 12 stam. it is about the 3 minutes off the trinket.
trespasser wrote a very good post about this a while ago. He listed all the stat value for each attribute, basically ranking how much dps they will give you. I think he said hit rating was worth quite a bit more then any other stat, closely followed by haste. But to me hit is much more bursty then haste, so it has more relative value.

If you see each missed white attack as a possible Proc, then you quickly figure out how much better it is then a few more agility points. Its like having fire enchant times 2 on each weapon when your hard capped, even more so when you add in instant poison.

Personally I would try to hit 40% crit so my ambush always crits, then stack as much hit as I can.

Expertise is seen as having double value to hit rating up to cap, but if you are good enough to always stay behind your target it is worthless beyond gouge.
Opinion said:
In the end it's always preference. There will always be that one kid who wants to hit a bit harder but less frequently.

Offtopic, Curley where did you get that bamf signature, that has to be something done in Photoshop or something.

From awesome!
pilgrim said:
trespasser wrote a very good post about this a while ago. He listed all the stat value for each attribute, basically ranking how much dps they will give you. I think he said hit rating was worth quite a bit more then any other stat, closely followed by haste. But to me hit is much more bursty then haste, so it has more relative value.

If you see each missed white attack as a possible Proc, then you quickly figure out how much better it is then a few more agility points. Its like having fire enchant times 2 on each weapon when your hard capped, even more so when you add in instant poison.

Personally I would try to hit 40% crit so my ambush always crits, then stack as much hit as I can.

Expertise is seen as having double value to hit rating up to cap, but if you are good enough to always stay behind your target it is worthless beyond gouge.

not true, server lag is a bitch.
Oh I agree 100%, I have expertise, I like gouging, and it makes more since to use it because it counts for the best stat gains. But for people who dont understand maths so well, it might be the only half decent argument they can use.

I rock formans, but I dont use the fang set because the stat loss is too high. I still think 40% crit is the most you should stack, then grab as much hit as you can.
Keep in mind... with the buff to recuperate... a 2k HP rogue may be quite viable come 4.1
get your burst low dps gear peeps. will sure help you at all fights, like vs a tank or a healer


get that crap and youll kill nobody who can heal. ye you will be like POWPOWPOW 200hp *heals* *fullhp* and?

and dont tell me youll kill him, most classes can cc you for a bit, and the others wouldnt go to 200hp.

exept if you ppl still attack ppl with low health to show them how pro you are.

curley tho, is not so new and knows what hit means, but mostly ppl arent supposed to understand that rogues main dmg source is from it.
Yeah, you tell him. Honestly, just get everything. Find your comfort zone. BiS or Gear Lists are only meant for those who can't afford shelling out extra dough.
Diiesel said:
Yup, cause there is no skill involved in duels.

Attacking from behind to resist dodge, back strafe (sadly is a rare skill todays players don't even know of), pots, gouges, bandages, throwing to keep in combat, losing, jumping, bombs, escaping combat to re-stealth, popping your cds in a smart manner etc... oh wait, you guys are both sub... never mind you're right: Stealth, Shadowstep, Sap, Ambush, Repeat. No skill needed.

However, Curley is very smart when it comes to counting on white hits, (since they make up by far your top damage slot in almost all cases) and therefore he = win.
pilgrim said:
trespasser wrote a very good post about this a while ago. He listed all the stat value for each attribute, basically ranking how much dps they will give you. I think he said hit rating was worth quite a bit more then any other stat, closely followed by haste. But to me hit is much more bursty then haste, so it has more relative value.

If you see each missed white attack as a possible Proc, then you quickly figure out how much better it is then a few more agility points. Its like having fire enchant times 2 on each weapon when your hard capped, even more so when you add in instant poison.

Personally I would try to hit 40% crit so my ambush always crits, then stack as much hit as I can.

Expertise is seen as having double value to hit rating up to cap, but if you are good enough to always stay behind your target it is worthless beyond gouge.

Actually he showed haste being 5x as good as expertise, 10x as good as hit. That's in a PvE scenario though, in PvP burst is king. After you hit 40% crit and 7% hit as a sub rogue you should be stacking AP as much as you can. Not to say that other stats are bad, they're just really not optimal for a sub playstyle.
Mochabad said:
Attacking from behind to resist dodge, back strafe (sadly is a rare skill todays players don't even know of), pots, gouges, bandages, throwing to keep in combat, losing, jumping, bombs, escaping combat to re-stealth, popping your cds in a smart manner etc... oh wait, you guys are both sub... never mind you're right: Stealth, Shadowstep, Sap, Ambush, Repeat. No skill needed.

However, Curley is very smart when it comes to counting on white hits, (since they make up by far your top damage slot in almost all cases) and therefore he = win.

ITT, bad rogue calling bad rogue good and good rogue bad.
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