Just check out the BiS thread, all my gear is the same
Oh cool. I wasnt sure.
Is your main a lock by the name of Haunted on Incendius by chance?
Just check out the BiS thread, all my gear is the same
So what your saying is, Focus DotiLocks are pretty fun to play, not fun to play against people like Hauntz who knows his stuff! Playing glass cannon or more stam / int based can work, but are situational and depend on your play style. Same with your pet, all have some pros and cons. The best locks will stay at max range as much as possible, dot and back up, repeat. I play anywhere from 210 to 260 sp. At max sp those 3 dots kill most without a heal or dispel. At 225 sp my 3 dots did around 2k damage. That is nuts, but it takes 30 seconds to cycle. So if you can dot up 5 players and run (or die which I do all the time), that's 10k damage in 15 global cool downs. And that's why I get nasty messages from random level 1s who are probably horde. You'll see my lock Doti run into a group of horde and dot em all up, die, rez and run back to them if they are eating to get topped off. I can keep a group locked down (pun intended) sometimes while my team works the flag.
But as Hauntz said, cc'ing the healer will change the game. Lock em down with a fear, seduce, curse of tongue, dots, and / or spell lock.
Fel hunters do pretty good damage, dispel buffs on players like crazy (armor, shields, etc), as well as bad spells off you.
Succubus saves you when melee get hold of you which is all the time, or she seduces people forever (15/10/5 seconds I believe). Opening up with seduce is great, get close, fear then dot up. However seduce counts as a fear and will diminish it. She smacks pretty hard but gets destroyed by melee and hunters quick. I also use seduce to kite. It'll stop them for a second or two as your dots tick which is helpful when you are ham stringed, poisoned, frost shocked, or just being beat to a pulp.
Void Walker has the nice bubble for you (700ish shield), hits decent, and is hard to kill.
Imp has a nasty firebolt but gets 1 or 2 shotted. The stam buff is better for the team, but once he attacks he can be attacked, and is otherwise untouchable, but can be banished I think only once he starts attacking.
You'll see Hauntz and me banish pets asap. If you see any pet but an imp, banish em, unless it's a crappy lock. I only use the Fel Hunter and Succy now depending on if there is more casters or melee.
Also curse of exhaustion is a great opener on melee (EFCs too). Poor warriors with a 25 yd charge range are outdone by our 36 yard (talent improved) COE. With COE you can double dot and kite them all day. There is little they can do. Works great on shamans with their annoying frost shock which has a 20yd range.
I go through health pots like crazy, almost every fight. Ya I know I suck, but it helps me outlive many fights as it's a war of attrition. Yesterday I had 3 melee on me and somehow managed to kill them all. The pot and health stone did the trick. Arcane elixir is a nice bonus to sp if you need more.
And engineering is super helpful. I use the net all the time, but I'd be careful if you are not a gnome as you get stuck too sometimes.
Curses are dispellable by priests and druids and Fel Hunters. Use Amplify Curse often for bonus effect. COA does the most damage for the least mana because it takes the longest. I am still playing around with the rotation. Some use siphon life first for the healing effect, but I use corruption first for the max quick damage. After the 3 dots you can life tap and the siphon will almost top me off again, but I tend to forget and over heal like crazy, until I am out of mana. Then I tap a 2-3 times and am way down on hp. 3 siphons will yield 1200 hp for me, and one life tap -400 hp. A siphon and COW on a hunter pet is helpful too, but if you don't have agro on the pet it sometimes triggers it.
Looking at the rotation - 3 dots = 495 mana, 1 life tap will do, then 2 sets of 3 dots. Siphon takes 30 seconds so 1 more tap should suffice in order to maximize hp and mana. Done right, assuming you are free casting, you can stay topped off on both bars and drain the life out of the enemy. I'll have to try this out as I have only theorized it.
dot dot dot tap, dot dot dot dot dot dot tap...
One more thing, the damage buff huts! My corruption was ticking for 142 yesterday on that. I hit the speed buff at the start, got the damage buff, dotted up 4 players and they died very quick. Spent the rest of the game near the hut, then dotting. 3 dots was around 3k+ wearing more sp gear. 3k damage over time applied in 3 seconds, hmmm...
View attachment 14418
As you can see my team was outmatched, but Doti did some damage. Seeing the enemy run at the sight of you even though you are alone and they have friends, good times...
Locks are pretty fun to play, not fun to play against people like Hauntz who knows his stuff! Playing glass cannon or more stam / int based can work, but are situational and depend on your play style. Same with your pet, all have some pros and cons. The best locks will stay at max range as much as possible, dot and back up, repeat. I play anywhere from 210 to 260 sp. At max sp those 3 dots kill most without a heal or dispel. At 225 sp my 3 dots did around 2k damage. That is nuts, but it takes 30 seconds to cycle. So if you can dot up 5 players and run (or die which I do all the time), that's 10k damage in 15 global cool downs. And that's why I get nasty messages from random level 1s who are probably horde. You'll see my lock Doti run into a group of horde and dot em all up, die, rez and run back to them if they are eating to get topped off. I can keep a group locked down (pun intended) sometimes while my team works the flag.
But as Hauntz said, cc'ing the healer will change the game. Lock em down with a fear, seduce, curse of tongue, dots, and / or spell lock.
Fel hunters do pretty good damage, dispel buffs on players like crazy (armor, shields, etc), as well as bad spells off you.
Succubus saves you when melee get hold of you which is all the time, or she seduces people forever (15/10/5 seconds I believe). Opening up with seduce is great, get close, fear then dot up. However seduce counts as a fear and will diminish it. She smacks pretty hard but gets destroyed by melee and hunters quick. I also use seduce to kite. It'll stop them for a second or two as your dots tick which is helpful when you are ham stringed, poisoned, frost shocked, or just being beat to a pulp.
Void Walker has the nice bubble for you (700ish shield), hits decent, and is hard to kill.
Imp has a nasty firebolt but gets 1 or 2 shotted. The stam buff is better for the team, but once he attacks he can be attacked, and is otherwise untouchable, but can be banished I think only once he starts attacking.
You'll see Hauntz and me banish pets asap. If you see any pet but an imp, banish em, unless it's a crappy lock. I only use the Fel Hunter and Succy now depending on if there is more casters or melee.
Also curse of exhaustion is a great opener on melee (EFCs too). Poor warriors with a 25 yd charge range are outdone by our 36 yard (talent improved) COE. With COE you can double dot and kite them all day. There is little they can do. Works great on shamans with their annoying frost shock which has a 20yd range.
I go through health pots like crazy, almost every fight. Ya I know I suck, but it helps me outlive many fights as it's a war of attrition. Yesterday I had 3 melee on me and somehow managed to kill them all. The pot and health stone did the trick. Arcane elixir is a nice bonus to sp if you need more.
And engineering is super helpful. I use the net all the time, but I'd be careful if you are not a gnome as you get stuck too sometimes.
Curses are dispellable by priests and druids and Fel Hunters. Use Amplify Curse often for bonus effect. COA does the most damage for the least mana because it takes the longest. I am still playing around with the rotation. Some use siphon life first for the healing effect, but I use corruption first for the max quick damage. After the 3 dots you can life tap and the siphon will almost top me off again, but I tend to forget and over heal like crazy, until I am out of mana. Then I tap a 2-3 times and am way down on hp. 3 siphons will yield 1200 hp for me, and one life tap -400 hp. A siphon and COW on a hunter pet is helpful too, but if you don't have agro on the pet it sometimes triggers it.
Looking at the rotation - 3 dots = 495 mana, 1 life tap will do, then 2 sets of 3 dots. Siphon takes 30 seconds so 1 more tap should suffice in order to maximize hp and mana. Done right, assuming you are free casting, you can stay topped off on both bars and drain the life out of the enemy. I'll have to try this out as I have only theorized it.
dot dot dot tap, dot dot dot dot dot dot tap...
One more thing, the damage buff huts! My corruption was ticking for 142 yesterday on that. I hit the speed buff at the start, got the damage buff, dotted up 4 players and they died very quick. Spent the rest of the game near the hut, then dotting. 3 dots was around 3k+ wearing more sp gear. 3k damage over time applied in 3 seconds, hmmm...
View attachment 14418
As you can see my team was outmatched, but Doti did some damage. Seeing the enemy run at the sight of you even though you are alone and they have friends, good times...
Phenomenal response for sure! I'd like to add a couple pointsSuper thorough response! One other reason you're right to drop Corruption first is to maximize Shadowtrance procs. GGs always.
Did something kinda cool and weird the other day. Was tapped out of hp and mana, and out of combat. I had just enough mana for fear, and as soon as it was cast on a druid healer I was able to immediately eat a warning ration which was cool. Just watched em run around for 15 sec as I filled up again.
same kinda thing happens with a warr charging a hunter, since the shot and the charge are batched to go off at the same time you can still get charge in while the shot is in mid air stillSo Fear didn't land you back in combat?
I was thinking about that route before I went to full ruin. I feel like improved shadowbolt isn't worth it since you won't be see many crits with it anyway, sure the casting time is less but as affliction you're throwing up more dots than you are casting shadowbolt. In that spec you're giving up your only kiting tool CoE and siphon life for improved shadowbolt and shadowburn, I dont believe thats worth it. That 5% crit makes a huge difference and ruin lets you nuke like a ele shaman.when someone who has a main gives me gold i might try nf sb