340 ilvl epics for 110-119?

That's a lot of unobtainable stuff in one expansion in only several hours :p

Blizzard messed up a bunch! Are items being nerfed afterwards or get requirement levels?

Strictly don’t drop anymore. This was likely because it was easier to take the drops away from us rather than changing how the loot scales/putting lvl req. on it
I saw a fury with 3 peices of that gear, took a ss of his Amory. I was inspecting him in a game and he saw me so he ignored me. Not gonna report him cus I ain't no bitch plus he got 8th place in dps so he was a trash can. Fuck you shitt warrior but snitches get stitches.
Lol goes from "no" to "link his armory" to "im going to report!"

No wonder I didnt post a full armory link.
Acting childish is always good in situations like these.

I posted that this topic shouldn't be talked about publicly. I made a thread talking about how to keep exploits out of public eyes. I feel I've been productive in the matter. What have you done? reported my thread for not breaking any rules? Don't talk to me about being childish. I get it you dislike people who break the game. Don't call people cheaters without evidence. Don't assume they are cheaters for being part of a thread that has to do with an exploit. You're on a twinking website it's kind of part of the territory that exploits will be discussed and people would reach out wanting to learn more about them.
I HIGHLY suspect this method still works and was being kept very underwraps. You'd be foolish not to go get the gear while you can now that its public and likely being reported. Not nearly as game breaking as the 19s with 180 gear even. Not sure why we're always finding morals on a twinking website
i think players need to think in the line that this is NOT exploit .. and focus your mind on how to get it .. it is always the same thing in the past when new expacs launches .. these are not exploits, when few knows how to do it, and many dont, the many will always say its exploit .. put your energy in finding out how to get it, as it has been proven that it can be done, and has been gotten by players here already
I think I know how it is done. I haven't done it, but I can only guess it involved a warlock....

I am on US horde if anyone knows an um lock who can summon and can get into the place with the rares :)
those who already gotten it, will not be removed .. same for those lvl19 who are using 3/4 pieces of ilvl180 .. i still see them in bg .. blizzard will never remove it from these players .. its the way how blizzard works thing out
Aside from the obvious hypocrisy, i honestly am willing to try and get them, let the reports come.
Now if someone could either pm it or post it here, i'd deeply appreciate it, i need to know how to do it, and which slots can be filled with such a method.
I got an invite from a 120 who was in Arathi but the moment I got there I was in the old version and the NPC Zidormi offers no option to change the timezone. Can someone give me some hints please?

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