30-39 Achievement Points!

Does account wide achievements include feats and titles?

I have no idea what they have in store atm. Hopefully there will still be a way of distinguishing the individual achievements for each character.

We have to learn to adapt to whatever they throw at us I guess. I just hope it isn't totally integrated as this makes achievements for each char pretty redundant.

What I find strange is, this will actually result in people not having to farm achievments on multiple chars and thus there need to spend so much time ingame. Not that this is a bad thing for gamers, unless the time is spent just doing other stuff instead. But people actually don't bother to resub accounts because they complain there is not enough for them to do. Making less achievement grinding, seems counter-productive to this.

Guess we will see in time.

ALSO: Updated list and tidied up the fonts so it looks clean again. More to come soon!
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i have ready of the alliance title if they do that with titles as well and can easily get bmaster and justicar as well :D
Oh well don't wet your skinny pants over this either, it's called "account wide achievements, account wide pets, account wide mounts", it's all wide, but not this wide either. Obviously doesn't include titles, is Barak Obama called Scarab Lord Barak Obama ? You could argue achievs are just achievs, but in the grand scheme of things, I think they want account achiev for all their games, wow sc2 diablo, like you have XBOX achievs etc. So you would have a total score for all their blizzard games. Now I'm not saying they won't do titles, because they do stupid things, I'm trying to think smart here. How do you get inside the head of someone crazy, you just can't.
MMF & Secclusion get F-ed without rubber, that's how I see it. You should sue them... But they don't care.
Actually MMF to correct you, it virtually increase people playing, because they want people to play 50 toons ok, one at 10:30 one at 11:00 one at 11:30, and roll that on 24/7. Oh don't worry they didn't invent it, some people are doing that alrdy. All they implement favor crazy people with 50 characters. Take for example love rocket grind ? who wins ? the one who got 50 chars, coz you just make the daily 50 times, then you get the rocket, and once they WIDE the hole, gg.
I'm actually surprised they don't issue a ban wave to people playing only one character.
Oh well don't wet your skinny pants over this either, it's called "account wide achievements, account wide pets, account wide mounts", it's all wide, but not this wide either. Obviously doesn't include titles, is Barak Obama called Scarab Lord Barak Obama ? You could argue achievs are just achievs, but in the grand scheme of things, I think they want account achiev for all their games, wow sc2 diablo, like you have XBOX achievs etc. So you would have a total score for all their blizzard games. Now I'm not saying they won't do titles, because they do stupid things, I'm trying to think smart here. How do you get inside the head of someone crazy, you just can't.
MMF & Secclusion get F-ed without rubber, that's how I see it. You should sue them... But they don't care.
Actually MMF to correct you, it virtually increase people playing, because they want people to play 50 toons ok, one at 10:30 one at 11:00 one at 11:30, and roll that on 24/7. Oh don't worry they didn't invent it, some people are doing that alrdy. All they implement favor crazy people with 50 characters. Take for example love rocket grind ? who wins ? the one who got 50 chars, coz you just make the daily 50 times, then you get the rocket, and once they WIDE the hole, gg.
I'm actually surprised they don't issue a ban wave to people playing only one character.

I can only partially agree with this. Let's say I am doing achieves on multiple chars (which I am, MMF is not my only achieve char) I am spending time on each char, a certain time each day to obtain them.

If they make them all encompassing, what is the point in doing them on more than one char? I do them all on one char and my whole account has them all. This will result in me only having to do them for a third or a quarter of the time.

Take as another example, buying TCG items. Let us say I have 2-3 chars I collect vanity pets or mounts on. If they become account-wide I now only need to buy them once instead of multiple times. Great for me, not the best for sales of the items...

They will definitely be impacting the sales of those for sure. It does not make financial sense to me at all.
Gz Thadie on guild exalted. That has to be a 39 world first!

Let's hope this can be revived come MoP!
List updated.

Shazral of Draenor EU has levelled on and has been removed. Which means Alibi of Stonemaul US has regained 30th place.

With achievements becoming account wide and depending on whether each chars' achievements becomes distinguishable, will determine how this thread continues.

It may be a case of making a list of rep/mounts/pets/titles if that is still distinguishable per character. Time will tell.
Sweet if I lvl up my 14 rogue I'd be instantly #8 lol
Mymain, how many keys does it take for a human to go from zero rep to exalted?

If I remember correctly it took us just over 4000 keys to get all the possible TBC reps to exalted. However it only took us just under 2500 to get exalted with Cenarion Expedition from what I remember.

It is largely down to luck but I am pretty sure there is a slightly higher spawn rate for CE than the others as witnessed by the huge disparity in numbers overall (bearing in mind how many fewer it took, it was not all luck). A part of this would have been getting to friendly first by grinding the Naga in Zangarmarsh.

If you are only after CE for the title, and get to Friendly first, it will prob take less than 3k keys. If you want all to max Exalted count more on 4k or thereabouts.

I am going for the rep, so I need 4kish. I did some reading a few years back about doing quests prior to obtaining the keys. Any advice on how I should go about doing this?
I am going for the rep, so I need 4kish. I did some reading a few years back about doing quests prior to obtaining the keys. Any advice on how I should go about doing this?

I do not fully remember how far each individual rep had gone before I started the key hand-ins. I am pretty sure you can get some a little of the way, but there are some that are not really possible.

If you are going for all max exalted then you will have to start from scratch with some, so you will still have to turn in enough to get you all the way. So you will get them all done in the process anyway. No real need to worry about boosting it from the start in this scenario, you will still need around 4k+ keys to get there depending on luck.

Strongly suggest linking up with a number of others to get it done. Unless you have a steady supply of them, or stash from collecting off the AH, your sanity is going to suffer. ;)

Nice one. I always suspected there was other high point achievers out there that we just never knew about. There are probably even more as well.

Does China still get locked xp games at the moment?

Where did you get these from? Are they just people you are aware of or is there a Chinese achievement list kept somewhere? ;)

Please list any more you can find too, even lower point ones to help make the list more complete. At this rate I think most of the list will probably end up Chinese, lol.
I think you should make a us, eu and ch list if this would be the case. Because I'm fond of my position although it's still a bit low.

Still unsure as to how the list will end up. There appears to be an option on Beta where you can show character-only achievements and it will also appear that way on the armory. We will have to see how this works upon release before making any final decisions.

This may mean the list will only include characters that have this option enabled, and therefore less complete. We will have to wait and see. There is clearly not enough activity and amount of people to make seperate lists at the moment.

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