24's Represent

mrcer you should be shot for posting that gif regardless of who you were posting it at.
Nothing wrong with 24's. The only problem is the bragging about pwning semi twinks 4 levels lower. Just play with them and have a blast but don't come here and talk yourself up on it. Even though I rolled a 24 pally myself I respect and understand the 20 community. No one has to obide by the rules the community has set but life is a whole lot easier when everyone is on the same page.
leotseddap said:
Still waiting for you to roll a 20 with f2p restrictions like you said and show me how to play for like 2/3 months now ><

He's put infinitely more work into his 24 than you have into your 20. If I were him I'd never play another character in the 20-24 bracket if I had put in the amount of effort he has.
He's put infinitely more work into his 24 than you have into your 20. If I were him I'd never play another character in the 20-24 bracket if I had put in the amount of effort he has.

What are you talking about? You don't even have a clue what i'm talking about.

He challenged me, i didn't challenge him.

I killed him in a battleground in a 1v2 situation; 20 rogue vs 20 druid and 24 rogue, he wants revenge or something to set his faillure straight for his feeling or ego w/e and telling me i dodged his challenge on hamcacke land (not up to date) or with a 24 (wich im not able to get as an EU player). So he was going to make a f2p/p2p 20 and i was looking forward to this and see him perform. But now the only person here who is dodgeing atm is Saxxon #1 (lol) 19 rogue US himself. But w/e idc anymore.
What are you talking about? You don't even have a clue what i'm talking about.

He challenged me, i didn't challenge him.

I killed him in a battleground in a 1v2 situation; 20 rogue vs 20 druid and 24 rogue, he wants revenge or something to set his faillure straight for his feeling or ego and telling me i dodged his challenge. The only person here who is dodgeing atm is Saxxon #1 (lol) 19 rogue US himself. But w/e idc anymore.

That's pretty sad. I thought you were challenging him to make a 20 F2P-geared twink so that it would be a "fair" 1v1. All I was saying is that his toon is pretty fuckin amazing, and if I were him I wouldnt ever play a different one after putting in that much time lol.
Sorry edited after your quote, it felt incomplete

But yeah, it was kinda about making the 1v1 more fair, i looked forward to this.

Anyways, explain what you mean with putting in that much time? i mean f2p has to do everything on their own. It's not like sending looms to your character from your main or play the sugar daddy to gear up.. i dont understand you with this point :s
Sorry edited after your quote, it felt incomplete

But yeah, it was kinda about making the 1v1 more fair, i looked forward to this.

Anyways, explain what you mean with putting in that much time? i mean f2p has to do everything on their own. It's not like sending looms to your character from your main or play the sugar daddy to gear up.. i dont understand you with this point :s

You've clearly never done gnomer runs for charged gears or emissary cuffs lol. Double agi rings either makes him one hardcore SOB or one lucky SOB.
I won't trade 7 agil more for 13 stam. 13 stam is gold in this bracket. So no, i don't agree those double rings with agil are worth at all.

Actually you're trading a little over 10 agility for 13 stam because of the Sub tree. And regardless, those rings are impressive even if you think they're impractical.

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